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View Full Version : AP newbie questions

October 3rd, 2003, 06:22 PM
Ive been lurking around here now and then trying to learn all I can from reading through hours of posts etc. Am interested in making a small amount of AP. I have read many posts regarding the matter and have studied different recipes. I also have made sense of the reaction in my head and understand the different acids that can be used etc. Im planning on using 30% H2O2, 100% pure acetone and I guess 30% HCL. The reason Im guessing on the HCL is because I have never bought the stuff so I dont know how it is to find here in Canuckle land.

Here are my questions:

1. Is AP safe enuff to make crackers with. Maybe M80 sized? (I dont want to blow a nut off with a couple in my pocket.

2. Does AP need to be tamped or can it be loose like flash in a cracker.

Please keep in mind Im a complete rookie, that has no access to aluminum powder, or I would use that. Also I have seen some very intelligent ppl in this forum that are no doubt highly educated. Im not a scientist, or a chemist. But I have taken grade 12 chem and did just fine so Im not retarded with regard to this stuff, just a bit apprehensive and always careful.

Im planning on using these crackers this halloween, and would like to get started asap.
Thank you very much for any information you may impart to a lowly sparkler country resident.
(I think sparklers are still legal in Canada arent they?........Probably not...lol

October 3rd, 2003, 07:02 PM
I dont want to blow a nut off with a couple in my pocket.

Word of advice; NEVER put anything discussed on this forum in your pocket. If the explosive is safe enough to do this with it, it’s not worth making. :D

If I take to long writing this, the thread will be deleted by the time I post. But better you get your questions answered than blow your fingers off screwing it up because nobody would help the NOOOOOB. I make my AP with the same concentrations you do, 35% H2O2, 100% acetone and 35% HCl, so I know what will happen.


Mix two of the chems in a small bowl, put that bowl in a larger bowl filed with crushed ice/water Add the third chemical SLOWLY, in short bursts, pour it down the side of the bowl, don’t pour it in like your putting milk on your cereal; HCl will blind you with ease, and H2O2 is not nice either.
If you burn your self when you light a match, you may want to wear gloves, HCl leaves your skin white and bubbly
I cover my solution while it reacts, to prevent animals drinking from it or some other such garbage.
Come back in an a few hours and pour the solution through a coffee filter or some high mesh fabric
Wash, neutralize, wash , neutralize... I just dip the coffee filter with the AP in it into two bowls of baking soda solution and distilled water repeatedly.
Spread out the white paste and let it air dry. Don’t use a hair dryer no matter how impatient you are.
When it’s about the consistency of wet flower, take a knife point of it and light it, it should pop and send a small fireball out, this confirms you didn’t screw it up, and its fun.
My first cracker was a .223 cartage filled, not packed, with AP, I rigged it to my timer and bam. AP is good fun but I never really liked working with it.

Im planning on using these crackers this halloween

NO. you can't store it for one, and it would kill/maim the children. so just no.
I assume nobody else will respond to this post, save to insult/ban you. but Canadians have to help each other in this unfriendly land..

Al Nobel
October 3rd, 2003, 07:08 PM
First post + new topic = bad mistake.

If you want to make crackers use flash powder or BP.It`s not that difficult to find Al-Powder.
Learn how to handle BP and flash never start with AP.

October 3rd, 2003, 07:18 PM
Yes, by "Complete Rookie" I assumed you ment "I have been working with black/flash powder I took from roman candles for a while and think that I am ready to make to move to more advanced explosives" if you really have NO experiance then go buy some candles/fountians/other cheep fireworks and a bag of plaster paris. this is how I started.

October 3rd, 2003, 10:24 PM
I admit the questions were not the brightest, but if you see that he has been registered since April this year and has not posted, that means he has read around a bit. Hang-man you act as if you were an older member talking about him getting out of here and he's a complete n00b. Remeber your still new, accually he has been registered longer than you.

Is it just me or are the newbies thinking that after 5 posts they are above everyone and can tell them to go read rules and that they'll be banned? I am seeing it a lot here which is getting annoying. So newbies take a step back and look at yourself, your taking every opportunity to tell people they are going to get banned. Like in this thread, I wouldn't ban him if I were a mod because he has read around a bit. The older members tend to 'help' the newbies out or tell them if they are going to get banned because we know what is a good HED applicant.

But back on topic...
I would never make AP crackers uless I was bored and used the cracker as soon as I made it just ot throw around the yard. BP crackers are easy to make as long as you have the right confinement. I made a BP poluma (sp?) whoch was pretty impressive. And you say you have no aluminium powder. Search for a thread entitled "Easy Aluminium powder, honest"

October 3rd, 2003, 11:29 PM
Thank you for all the help. I have done quite a few experiments with Flash powders, and I really like the stuff. I just have a hard time getting the ingredients. Namely the Al Ox. I have read the "Easy Aluminum powder" thread. Seems like a fine idea. Ill definatly give it a try. I appologize if I posted incorrectly or asked the wrong questions. I most definately respect the professionalism of this board and its members. Im a hobby banger.... I love things that go boom. Ill try to keep my posts proper and respect all the rules.

Thanks again, Ill likely remain a 10 fingered newb thanks to the good folks here. Im not the irresponsible type, and Bloody stump Noob, just doesnt have the right ring.... I like 10Fingered Noob better.


October 4th, 2003, 12:29 AM
I wouldn't ban him if I were a mod because he has read around a bit.

Are you kidding! you guys have torn apart far better questions! "Hi, I want to make some crackers out of AP, carry them in my pocket, and throw them around on Halloween" No. this post should not exist. At the very least it should be a water cooler post.

I know I'm new, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know anything, especially compared to someone who lists "grade 12 chemistry" as a credential.

October 4th, 2003, 12:47 AM
I would not ban him for the sole reason that he has lurked and read a lot of stuff. I would probably give him a warning.
This is getting off topic and I think the questions have been answered so there is no reason to reply or continue this bickering!

October 4th, 2003, 01:19 AM
Look at this way. I will never ask a question in here again. Im officially a lurker. I thought you were here to help ppl keep their hands on. I know it was an irresponsible scenario I was projecting with my questions. I was just lead to believe AP was reasonably safe by way of reading many posts about it. It just seemed to me that it might be a viable option for making some mean crackers. Obviously I was wrong.
As for my education level.... well Hangman you dont know a fucking thing about me... Just because I didnt major in chemistry, I still sport a degree or 2.
The only reason I mentioned chem 12 was to give everyone an idea of my level of knowldege with regard to chemistry. I at least know a EM flask from a mortar and pestal.

I dont really care what you think of me anyway. You sound like an errogant prick....81 Booooyyy

Everyone else ....peace and thank you for not ripping my head off, I realize the mistake I made with this post and it wont happen again.

October 4th, 2003, 01:20 AM
At least it was in the "Other explosives" section, which is where AP goes. :rolleyes:

Water cooler for sure, and closed since the question has been answered.

Ask another stupid question and you're gone.