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View Full Version : glossary?

September 29th, 2003, 04:44 PM
I was thinking of making a "glossary" of sorts posting it in the water cooler, I mean, it took me a while to figure out what 'dragon eggs' were. If we built a database of basic chems and simple explosives we would have less questions to answer. I'll start making one if you guys think its worth doing.

September 29th, 2003, 06:45 PM
Semi good idea, though most people REALLY should be able to use a search engine, or text book, or ask specifically about... I dont think anyone would complain about their being a glossary, especially not our newer members. But if you start including thinks like "AP" then we have a problem... ANYONE in our field had better know what AP stands for or they have a much larger problem than trying to figure out.....

September 30th, 2003, 01:09 AM
Go for it if you want to.

Just make sure you get them right.

To start with:

AP = Acetone Peroxide, Ammonium Perchlorate, or Armor Piercing depending on context. If a person can't figure out which is which from the rest of the thread, they should seek professional help for terminal stupidity. ;)

October 2nd, 2003, 11:26 PM
As part of an old website, I made a fairly long list of acronyms, though I focused more on military than explosives / chemicals. I'll try to dig it out later, it might give you a good start point.

The main reason I'm posting, I may not get back on the net for a week or more, I'm on a library computer, my home computer has crashed, and I've fixed the initial problem, (had to replace the RAM) but now my modem is fucked and I can't stay logged onto the internet more than 15 seconds before it cuts out. Sorry.... :( I'm trying to get enough cash together for a first payment on a new computer.