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View Full Version : Fruit of Death?

September 26th, 2003, 12:01 AM
I opened up a bag of oranges that appeared in the fridge today, and lo and behold, im holding inmy hand what looks exactly like a grenade, with the pin bar and everything (south african minneola oranges).

Basically, if one were to make a type of large claymore that would be round, and perfectly fit into an orange or another fruit (oranges work best, but I'll get to that later), would it not be relatively easy to get them past borders? Assuming you are coming from the US into Canada with a tructload of Oranges, and there are about a dozen of these claymore oranges hidden in the thousands that you have, there is absolutely no chance that they would be noticed. This would work for smuggling any type of explosives I'm guessing, provided that they are vacuum sealed. The huge amount of citrus would throw off any sniffing dog if the badass oranges are placed deep inside the truck.

The reason I say an orange works best is that its skin (the way they lok when they have thick juicy skin) is relatively easily replicable using a coat of latex with an undercoating of orange. Add some dimples, and you're done.

Too small? Try grapefruits... I think the possibilities are endless. Maybe only once guards notice that everyone seems to be really loving oranges and seem ot be bringing a shitload in from one country into another AND BACK, they may get suspicious.

I was wondering why no one has come up with something similar to this yet. All my searches here turned up how to blast fruit, but definitely not use them as the actualy bomb.

September 26th, 2003, 01:21 AM
I think it has been talked about before, just not as fruit. Disgusing explosives in a massive quantity of things like that *might* work, but from what I know, those dogs have EXTREMLY sensitive noses, and are able to detect even the SLIGHTEST presence of explosives, drugs, etc. If you go through that sort of trouble to mask the sent, Im sure there are other much easier ways to do so. Also, only transporting small ammounts of explosives would be pointless. You would be totally unable to transport any significant ammount of them in the way youve descrived, so little that it would be almost pointless to do so, unless you were taking them into another country for a specific purpose, but if you were planning on selling them, you'd be much better off just selling the fruit:D

September 26th, 2003, 02:51 AM
If it was possible to fool snifferdogs with something as easy as oranges I wouldn't waste it on small amounts of explosivs.... I would smuggle drugs!

And if the metode would work the drugsmugglers would be doing it today!

September 26th, 2003, 09:34 AM
Fruit of Death? come on how much eplosive could you fit in a orange, about enough probably for a grenade, But you couldn't have more than afew in the truck or the smell of the oranges wouldn't be able to mask the smell of the explosive to the dog/devise that in checking you truck. NBK or one of the other mods can you move this to the Water Cooler.

September 26th, 2003, 04:21 PM
Funnily enough, fruit itself often gets confiscated at borders. Risk of foreign insect species, I suppose.

September 26th, 2003, 07:54 PM
if your gunna do something, do it properly.

absolute waste of time getting caught with 10kg of HE, hidden in oranges and going to jail for 20 years
when you could get caught with 100kg of HE, and go to jail for 20 years anyways.