View Full Version : Greatest Disappointments
September 24th, 2003, 09:13 PM
Heres a thread for the things that should have worked, got you all excited but ended in complete Disappointment. What hasnt worked for you? perhaps someone can see the problem or at least not repeat it.
Heres mine -
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A large shaped charge, martini glass liner with a diametre of 115mm. 550ml charge of NM/amine, 2.5ld standoff. Special cap to compress the liquid so there would be no bubbles, all made as clean as possible, even painted because it looked so nice.
Of course the NM fails to detonate, with the detonator spreading 70-80 AUS$ worth of components over the ground, un' bloody believable. Only time ive had NM/amine fail to detonate, though it was a different brand, maybe "watered down" I dont know but ive got bloody 5 litres of it sitting here that I havnt cared to try again with.
December 10th, 2003, 03:20 AM
Heres another one, Plasticine Lined Charges! .
Instead of using a metal liner I formed a solid cone out of plasticine with the hope that it would show at least some sc effect. This would be useful as you could form any shape you wanted, testing for optimising different effects before forming the final liner from metal.
But alas, the charges showed no cutting performance at all. The explosive used was all the scraps and leftovers I had lying around, in order of quantity ETN/NM/AN/LON/PETN/NC mixed to the consistancy of snot and poured into the charge, the explosive performance should have shown any sc effect is any was to be had.
There is a movie here ( but dont expect much.
December 10th, 2003, 04:06 AM
15lbs of AN and a failed det. :(
For a number of stupid reasons I fucked it up and decided to try it anyway, so I pretty much expected it to fail but it was still sad. Here is stuff on it along with more of a recent adventure:
December 10th, 2003, 11:21 AM
I have great disappointments a whole lot, You ever have this you try out a new comp/devise and it works great when your testing it without an anybody but yourself watching but then you get with your pals and go out to reak so havok on some old farm equipment and the like and you light the fuse, start the camera and retreat to safe distance and the fuse burns down and nothing happens or just a little puff of smoke, and then you just feel like a kewl. Hell I just had a real dangerous failure of my AR-7 rifle this just a few days ago.
December 10th, 2003, 09:52 PM
There is nothing worse than a device not working the first time you try to show of to your friends. I remember in my (not so) younger years when I first perfected the salute, I would make hundreds (maybe tens) of these and not one of them failed. The first time I tried to show my friends I only had one left and the crap fuse went out at the top of the salute. It took a long time to redeem myself of that one.
December 11th, 2003, 12:49 AM
I have to agree with the whole 'works well for you but fails when your mates are around', I tested a 500gram charge of ANFO detonated with 3grams of pressed HMTD; it went great lifted a massive pile of dirt and dust and rubble. I did the same process again except the second time my dad was along to see what made the first big bang he has heard in ages. Only I did a bit bigger one 2kg ANFO mix, 6grams of HMTD, the whole thing in a PVC tube and BOOF small cloud of ANFO particles and cracked PVC pipe. Just cos my old man was there I reckon.
December 11th, 2003, 06:30 AM
ANFO has also been the cause of somebody's greatest failure's... Too many to count really, but all up I would say 20+ kg's of fertilizer wasted :(
Mind you half of that was Urea when somebody was sold the wrong fertilizer
Once you master the beast though there is nothing stopping you!
Remember that its only fertlizer and its shit cheap to make so go for overkill!
Eg: Less than 10kg use 500grams of APAN booster & use another 500grams for other 10kg
Whats worse using slightly more of a cheap and relativly safe product or having the whole lot strewn everywhere with dissapointed onlooker's & a shamed blaster!
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