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View Full Version : The Great Google Hunt

September 23rd, 2003, 07:27 PM
We've been slowly growing by word of mouth for the last few years, but recently we've been getting a lot of new members, at a rate much higher than usual.

After some investigation, we've come to find that most of these newbies are coming here from having found us through Google (www.google.com) searches related to E&W. This is possible because we've made our threads searchable to search engines, whereas before (using UBB), that wasn't possible.

So...what I'd like to see is what kind of searches people are finding us through. I've been finding the Forum in searches you wouldn't even expect us to be in and I'd like to see what other topics are finding us by.

Try to be original, try to find something obscure, the fewer results and the higher rated the Forum is in those results, the better. Searches that pull us up on page 5 aren't any good, unless the previous five pages were all .mil pages, or if we are the only site listed that provides details compared to fluff on the more higher rated sites.

Anyone using any staff names/RTPB/roguesci/etc in their searches is automatically disqualified for being too dull to figure out what qualifies as too obvious.

To start you off, here's a google search (http://www.google.com/search?q=%2248+laws+of+power%22+download&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) that returns us being number two. :D

We used to be #2 out of only two returns, #1 being the manufacturer themselves, for the term "shockwave refraction tape", but now that's gone. :confused:

Provide a link if you can, or the precise search string you used.

There's no prize except recognition of being a good searcher. :)

Now get Googling!

September 23rd, 2003, 07:56 PM
I just tried a search for "explosives ebook", it gave us place one and two. Rank six for "explosives download" and rank one for "explosives propellants download". "k3wl bombers" gives us place two :D.

September 23rd, 2003, 09:35 PM
#1- improvised claymore
#2- military napalm
#1- improvised mortar
#5- improvised cruise missile
#3- improvised weapons
#4- improvised automatic weapons
#1- improvised guns automatic
#1- improvised sniper rifle
#4- improvised throwing knives

basically, if you search for improvised + nearly any type of weapon, you will find the forum.

September 23rd, 2003, 10:14 PM
i found the forum from one of the members sites but when searching for pentaerythritol sources
Rouge sci came up :

September 23rd, 2003, 10:39 PM
Putting in (insert chemical here) nitrate explosives brings up the forum every time. How to make PETN also works, the same with det cord. Them chemistry of homemade explosive gets on the first, second and theird pages. And with any search we are usually the top 3 or 4 for any thing improvised.

September 24th, 2003, 06:21 AM
I've done some extensive googling to get a feel for our standing...and I think it's pretty good! :D

We rank very well for CW related matters, especially for preparation/weaponization/precursors. :)

The more specific the search, the better the results for our site.


improvised PDM
#11 of 111

improvised PDM mine
#3 of 22

teflon incendiary
#4 and 5 of 924, with #4 being my CBU bomblet.

incendiary pellets
#6 is my CBU bomblet, with #4 being Janes! Boy, I'm running in high circles now!

sarin "phosphorus trichloride"
#6 and 7 of 680

"mustard gas" synthesis
#16 (by yours truly) out of 1,610

"mustard gas" synthesis thiodiglycol
#16 out of 215

"mustard gas" antifreeze
#19 of 145 (higher than LANL!)

"mustard gas" "ethylene glycol"
#2 and 9 of 1,020, though #2 is a copy of our #9 result on some leeches site. :mad:

organophosphate pesticide convert weapon
#1 of 50 :D

organophosphate pesticide weapon
#19 of 799

convert pesticides to weapons (no quotes)
#1 and 2 of 4,700 Woo Hoo! Though TOTSE is #7..what the fuck?

dusty mustard silica weaponization
#5 of 17

mustard weaponization
#5 of 1,570

dusty mustard weaponization
#6 of 92

dusty agent weaponization
#1 of 112. The cia is #3, RAND #7, and Princeton University #10. Kick ass :p

fentanyls lethal weapon
#19 of 129

synthetic opiates lethal weapon
#9 of 203 (much improved)

synthetic opiates weaponization
#7 of 101

white phosphorus bones
#19 of 20,000

white phosphorus grenade
#2 of 3,130

white phosphorus distilling
#10 of 1,180

distill white phosphorus
#2 of 613

sarin distill
#1 and 2 of 130

DFP weaponize
#3 of 6

"b.c. saunders" sarin
#2 of 5

"b.c. saunders" phosphate
#6 of 17

"b.c. saunders" DFP
#3 of 5

#3 of 359

fluoroacetates weapon
#2 and 3 of 21, just below www.us-israel.org. Hehehehe...I'm right behind you jews!

fluoroacetates weaponize
#2 of 5, between the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Princeton Univeristy.

fluoroacetates fluoride
#3 and 4 of 50, just below the National Institute of Health.

fluoroacetates poison
#5 and 6 of 45

#12 of 282

Fluoroethanol poison
#1 of 9

fluoroacetamide weapon
#3 of 56

PFIB teflon burn
#6 of 27, just below a .mil site.

PFIB teflon synthesis
#5 of 35

PFIB teflon weapon
#10 of 46

chloropicrin weaponization
#1 and 2 of 56

chloropicrin "nitric acid"
#10 of 1,520

chloropicrin nitromethane
#6 of 780

#3 of 1,240

chloropicrin patent
#3 and 4 of 543

chloropicrin weaponization
#2 and 3 of 56

phosgene weaponization
#1 and 2 of 520

phosgene oxime weaponization
#1 and 2 of 92. RAND is #3.

weaponization CW
#11 of 1,470

hydrogen cyanide distill
#9 of 416

hydrogen cyanide weaponize
#12 of 216

zyklon b hydrogen cyanide chloropicrin
#2 of 25

cyanide urea prepare
#5 of 1,200

cyanide cyanuric urea
#12 and 13 of 487

September 24th, 2003, 08:38 AM
Just as the rest of you I have also found links to the forum quite often on google.

And as said it has often popped up while I have been using quite odd searches.

I've found it a couple of times while searching for SCs and EFPs, same thing while searching for calcium nitrate explosives.

And the hits seem to be coming at a more frequent basis than before too. :)

September 24th, 2003, 04:22 PM
The Google spider finds only text that can be accessed by guests of the forum.
These are the posts in the archives and the 2 sections "High Explosives" and "Improvised Weapons".
All other sections (incl. Water cooler) are closed for guests (and spiders).

Is this wanted or is it a mistake?

September 24th, 2003, 06:00 PM
i was researching for the chemical engine sabotage topic last week and i decided to search for some info on gelatinising petrol on google
i entered "+acetone +petrol +gel" found nothing on the first page, so i moved to page 2 and found an interesting looking link, it turned out to head straght back to the forum :(
so much for looking elsewhere

September 24th, 2003, 07:49 PM
The word "megalomania" now has me at #1. I finially beat out all the psychological definitions :)

We still don't rank to high on the most common explosives, RDX, TNT, HMX, and the like. We are there, but not so high. I consider this a good thing, it is best to be found searching for the rare stuff, it's a better target audience.

September 24th, 2003, 10:44 PM
I searched my nick "Flake2m" on Google
there were 9 results.
The link (http://www.google.com.au/search?q=Flake2m&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&meta=) shows what they are.
but Rogue Sci got 1/3 of the results. Myabe I am not devoted enough?

September 25th, 2003, 01:52 AM
I was glad to find 'explosives and weapons forum' brought up the main forum and the archives ok.

Nitric acid manufacture (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=nitric+acid+manufacture&meta=) was terrible, we lost out to totse, and madscience.

NBK, you need a homepage or something, as 'NBK' brings up a list of sad paintball teams and gaming groups.

A search for my member name (http://www.google.com.au/search?q=GibboNet&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&meta=) Was divided between this and another forum I spend a lot of time on, with the first result being my hompage.... I was quite impressed.

I'll think of some more obscure search threads later.

September 25th, 2003, 04:18 AM
Searching for:

efp copper platter

brings up my "Rotational Casting of EFP Platter" at #6 of 98, with LANL at #4. :)

Oh, and my "TIny SC Liner Cone" topic is #12. :D

Oddly enough, there's several listing for "floral displays". :p Which I mentioned using as a cover story for ordering copper cones. ;)

Anyone using any staff names/RTPB/roguesci/etc in their searches is automatically disqualified for being too dull to figure out what qualifies as too obvious.

I should have amended that to include using your own member name since that'd obviously pull up the Forum. :rolleyes:

I'm not concerned if TOTSE gets higher rated on NA. As far as I'm concerned, that's stone-age technology compared to our nano-tech. :p

And, yes, I know that using just NBK pulls up any number of paintball teams, haX0rZ, symphonies, Quake clans, etc. I keep a low profile on the net, just as in life, only popping up to attack k3wlz and lames who defile our Forum on other sites. ;)

September 25th, 2003, 12:57 PM
Um, well, for the record, I looked up my name a week ago. I just wanted to share in my happiness.

October 4th, 2003, 09:29 AM
I came across this site while searching for "Improvised Caltrops", and it seems as though most of my web searches will bring up an archived topic from here. I initially heard of the site while hanging around Bombshock.com, but didn't join here for a few months.

October 5th, 2003, 06:37 AM
Originally posted by nbk2000

To start you off, here's a google search (http://www.google.com/search?q=%2248+laws+of+power%22+download&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) that returns us being number two. :D

After reading the contents of 48 laws of power, I decided to get a copy. I thought, as a gesture of my apprecation for the forum's existance, I could scan it in and make a pdf from it. However, "Scanning books with an improvised planetary camera" under tutorials doesn't appear to have a link. Perhaps it's ctrl-c's ftp, and I don't have access to it. Whatever the case, I have word with OCR installed, acrobat, and a willingness to contribute to the forum.

Piranha: I came upon the site looking for improvised caltrops too, ... and pmjb. (I'd had enough of the Anarchist Crapbook)

October 8th, 2003, 08:59 PM
I was trying to find a list of the most toxic substances, and searched yahoo (I don't use google) for 'most toxic substance'. This brought a page about various things claimed to be the most toxic, including plutonium, ricin, dioxin and botulin.
I searched for 'most toxic substance plutonium ricin dioxin botulin' hoping for some sort of list of toxic substances and got the same website, and the forum at number two as the only two hits.

October 9th, 2003, 07:25 PM
Well we rank 1 of 8330 for "Improvised chemical weapons"... Nice to know where all those naughty terrorists will be going for their info.

October 9th, 2003, 08:36 PM
How many hits a day does this site get?

October 10th, 2003, 04:20 AM
@ Chade,Yahoo is the most hollow search engine especially,the most swallowing Pageeater .I never believe that you can get intelly results .My Sites were also vanished ,but present in the first rows of Goolge.

October 10th, 2003, 01:13 PM
Google is the only true search engine!

Yahoo returns fuck all results, altavista returns nothing but chaff...


Taking the month just gone (september) for example:

We got an average of 6300 hits per hour (15700 max) and an average of 151000 hits per day (185000 max). Total hits for the month was over 4.5 million.

And it's rising month on month...

October 10th, 2003, 01:45 PM
If you want a good metasearchengine try: www.ixquick.com

It's very selective though, it won't turn up many hits.

Wild Catmage
October 13th, 2003, 03:08 PM
What the crap? We lost out to Totse on "Acetone Peroxide". :mad:

October 13th, 2003, 11:57 PM
well ic ant remember how i found the site, but did use google.

I found that tot** site first, but that was a bunch of bullshit, I must say. The general atmosphere here is much more mature and people know what their talking about.

I dont really post much as i cant really offer anything informative that people dont already know, but this site should do much better than any other site i've found just based on the info here.

October 25th, 2003, 10:50 AM
I searched netscape for " ammonium carbonate synthesis" and this was result number 9:

Megalomania's Precursor Section Part 1
... ammonium sesquicarbonate; carbonic acid, ammonium salt; carbonic acid, diammonium salt; crystal ammonia; diammonium carbonate; hartshorn. Synthesis: Coming soon ...

October 25th, 2003, 11:11 AM
also number 54;

# Megalomania's Method of Making Petrin
... There are many different methods concerning the synthesis of Petrin, but ... all of the solvent extracts and neutralize them with ammonium carbonate until neutral ...

October 25th, 2003, 11:12 AM
I always seem to get at least one result for the forum or Mega's site whenever I search for the name of a chemical or the synthesis of a chemical.

We need to sort out this totse problem, we can't have them higher on the list for "Acetone Peroxide" now can we? I am 99% sure that the people at totse have never even looked for the chems for AP, let alone made it. They are happy with just being able to brag to people that "1 K/\/0 \/\/ H0\/\/ 70 /\/\4k3 1337 K3\/\/1 80/\/\z \/\/17h 0r4/\/g3 Ju1(3"

Translation for those of you who don't speak k3\/\/l : "I know how to make elite cool bombs with orange juice"

I actually remember someone (who was promptly banned) saying something along those lines here, I think it was caused by the scene in fight club where Tyler Durden says that you can make napalm from orange juice.

October 26th, 2003, 08:30 PM
Here is something unusual. I found this site while searching "White resistance manual" and roguesci is listed second.Though it's an archive file but I went to the main site and read high explosives section (it's visible without registering).And of course registered.
normally google corrects my spelling mistakes.yet here is the site.
here (http://www.google.co.in/search?q=white+resistance+manual&ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search)

October 27th, 2003, 05:46 AM
There is a chance that it just might help if you told us the site's address...

EDIT: By this site, are you referring to the forum? I was under the impression that you were referring to another site but had not left the address.

Jacks Complete
November 10th, 2003, 08:24 PM
Well, "hydrozinium" gets us 4th out of four, and "hydrozinium azide" gets us third out of three.

Did anyone find out anything more about that stuff?

September 7th, 2004, 06:17 AM
Not in the spirit of the thread but too funny to leave.
"masturbation dementia" gives us #1 of 2. :p

September 7th, 2004, 11:33 AM
Finally I have remembered the way I end up here ( the last time:)). Search the google with ammonium azide...this forum is the hit number 6.

September 9th, 2004, 07:58 PM
We're #1 now for masturbation dementia! :D

#1! #1! #1! :rolleyes:

September 9th, 2004, 08:53 PM
Thrall, that does then beg the question, why were you searching for 'masturbation dementia'?!?!

September 10th, 2004, 12:53 AM
It's there in front page of the forum. It's about previous FTP.
"the poor chap must have had masturbation dementia.......". I didn't get the term exactly so I searched and even I was surprised that "the forum" was #1 in results.

Liam C.
January 20th, 2006, 11:14 AM
I realize this is an old thread, but it seemed the most logical place to put this. If the link works in this post, the article below describes Googles refusal to divulge data to the Feds regarding search requests....

Of course the Feds say it's only to help protect 'the chidren' from online porn...:rolleyes:
