View Full Version : New World Order
September 17th, 2003, 06:38 PM
Alright, I have been blessed with a slightly eccentric, extremely right wing American history teacher(better than all those lefty bleeding heart liberals). Now he has brought up the theory of the "New World Order" the theory he claims is that several societies run the world together, the list is: the illuminati, rosecrucions, hilderbergers, high level masons, tri-lateral commission, council on foreign relations and the skull and bones society.
Do any of you have any opinions, beliefs, evidences on this?
I am skeptical, however I do believe that people are pulling strings and that the governments are more or less puppets, but the question for me is whose are they? Are they merely pawns to corporations? Or are they the puppets of a more sinister master?
September 17th, 2003, 06:54 PM
I have three letters for you, "o", "i", and "l". Oil companies, and saudi-arabian monarch's, run the world(not just because of the current war situation in America, but they always have ever since oil became a "necessity").
September 17th, 2003, 07:46 PM
The Saudi's would rule nothing but goats and sand if they had no oil. Now the western world gives them some pocket change in exchange for the nectar of life our society cannot do without. Because the Saudi's (the family not the nationals) like their way of life too much they will not change this. They are the addicts of western money and definetely not in control of anything except their own private whorehouse.
September 18th, 2003, 06:05 AM
I personally have a hard time beliveing it. I'm just about finishe da book on the american militia movements, ("Gathering Storm - America's militia threat") It tells the story of many militias, and why they fight... the two main reasons so far are religion (white christians trying to 'cleanse' their country) and those that believe that the world is governed my a singular group of people, often seen to be jews.
I can see why people would believe that sort of thing, but I can't believe that there has nevre been anything proven. It sounds to me like some people need a reason to take up weapons, so they pretty much make a lot of it up.
I wouldn't discount it though, in all probability, there is some from of one world govenment on the way, if it's not here already.
September 18th, 2003, 07:05 AM
Don't the TriLat and CFR already run the world?
September 18th, 2003, 09:19 AM
I think your history teacher has been playing too much Deus Ex. While I wouldn't be surprised if there are some "secret societies" do exist such as "MJ-12" and the "Illuminati" most of the time they are just stories made up so that some creative writer can put bread on the table.
As for the New World Order, well the rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer. There will be even less people in developed countries and even more people in under developed countries, so the balance of power will be with fewer people.
September 18th, 2003, 02:53 PM
Go read The Prize ( - It will explain an awful lof of what's happened
in the world for the last century or so. Including a nice history of
how Iraq & Iran ended up the way they currently are.
September 19th, 2003, 02:44 AM
I don't put much stock in the Illuminati, Tri-Lat, Masons, Skull & Bones. Now the United Nations is a whole different story. Given an inch I have no doubt they'ed jump at the chance. At least for the U.S. I think the people pulling strings are the Interntional Bankers and the Federal Reserve which isn't Federal at all it's a Bank.
I'ed take those books with a BIG grain of salt. I've been with/around the Militia for a very long time and the majority aren't as described in those books. Most are just average citizens that DO understand what Citizenship means and it's responsibility. Are there nut cases in the Militia? YUP there sure are. But then the average joe type Militia member doesn't rate Books and "News" reports about them. Can't sell books and news papers about the average Militia member because they'er just boring, regular people.
Isn't it funny that the Militia is spoken of in our Bill of Rights (2nd Amendment) and is defined in Federal law as: Organized Militia = Standing Army, National Guard, State Guards.
Unorganized Militia = All Able bodied men (and women) between the ages of 17 & 45 years old (to age 65 if prior Military). We are the last check and balance put into place by our founding fathers against what their new form of government COULD become. They knew it could become much worse than what they just fought to overthrough.
Considering what the Unorganized Militia is and was ment to be. Is there any wounder why the Powers-That-Be would want to see it belittled, degraded, and portrayed as racist, anti-semetic nuts with guns and domestic terrorists. Now why would the Powers-That-Be be afraid of the Unorganized Militia? The revolution was only supported by 1/3 of the population in 1776 and only 3% of the population actually took up arms and fought. That's only 3,000,000 people in todays population and 3 million armed Citizens outnumber the U.S. Armed Forces, Federal Agents and Marshals and every Local and State LEOs combined. Here in the U.S. we can arm 80,000,000 citizens. Are you getting the Big Picture yet?
Leave off the "Trever" at the end of your posts. That's not permitted, as per The Rules, as it's highly annoying. Other than that, I agree with your reasoning on why militias are portrayed as a collection of dangerous wackos.
If anything, it's more like a collection of losers who like to play weekend warrior, but that wouldn't scare the sheeple into voting for gun-control. :(
September 19th, 2003, 07:00 PM
GibboNet: I think that if you want to know what those people that are often labeled as militia nuts or anti-semitists really think and why, you should read books that are written by them and not by their opponents.
For example, some Jewish organizations attacked Professor Kevin MacDonald after he published his very thoroughly researched book “Culture of Critique”, which explains the origins of radical leftist’s movements and multiculturalism.
Also, if you want to learn what some people that the establishment media pictures as gun nuts or such think you could read, for example, Thomas Chittum’s “Civil War II – the Coming Breakup of America”.
I think that both of the above mentioned writers are quite intelligent and that the issues they are writing are important.
Kevin MacDonalds Culture of Critique can be downloaded at:
Thomas W. Chittums Civil War II can be downloaded at:
September 20th, 2003, 02:38 AM
I believe George Bush Sr was a member of the Skull and Bones Society.Ive also read about the Hildebergers and believe they exist.I read an expose about the freemasons and I think its just crap from being all secretive,their no different from the moose club.I suppose one group could try to control the world but eventually they'd be marginallized(dont think thats the right word) by groups ala Al Queda,North korea,those pesky Ruskies or the lesser African states.Or us.People that refuse to play by the rules
As far as american militia goes,I remember when they were'nt synonomous with anti-semitism,racism.When you could do your part deterring the red menace.
I think there may be a return to those times.
Hey does anybody read Shotgun News?(GREAT READ)There is a guy named Fred who writes articles every issue.He cracks me up,he's convinced the UN will take over the US.His article alone is worth the cost of an issue.
The Illumanati theory is interesting,IIRC they want everybody to use ATM/debit/credit cards instead of cash to track/therefore/control the flow of money so as to deny it to certain groups of people.I dont make this stuff up I just read alot.
Also to our non-American friends,the militia stuff is just sensationalism,true there are alot of militant fringe groups and alot of their members wear these:
you might need one if you think the freemasons are taking over (
But as long as we keep having election and this forum everything will work out fine
September 23rd, 2003, 06:17 AM
All of you must read John Ronson's Book "Them: Adventures with Extremists ( ". Its a wonderful book written by a journalist who goes and spends time with a number of 'extremists'. Its hard to know how much creative lisence he uses, but supposing everything he writes is true (unlikely), its would be pretty hard to deny the existence of the Bilderberg Group.
September 23rd, 2003, 07:09 AM
The UN taking over the US? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
That's just neoconservative propaganda to mask the fact that the US took over the UN a long time ago.
There's only one thing that makes the world go round: Money.
They who have it can steer it's rotation, but not halt it.
November 27th, 2003, 06:12 AM
The United Nations is a joke ! Most of their funding comes from the Unites States.
For that reason, they wouldn't exist without the United States. What pisses me off
about the UN is that they let nations like North Korea, China, Libya, Cuba and
other oppressive regimes sit on their human rights council. Is that a sick joke ?
That's like letting a fox guard the henhouse. I can't take seriously any organization
that operates that way. As for any New World Order, get armed and stay armed.
It's hard for dictators and other despots to oppress an armed society.
November 27th, 2003, 05:22 PM
I've read both CWII and the Jew Critique books and found them both very interesting.
The more you know about this stuff, the more you come to see how fucked up the world is when you see things on TV or on the radio.
OOOO...funny thing I've been following on a local public radio station...
There's this guy called "George" who keeps calling these black hosts of one of those "Whitey is oppressing us poor negro's" type shows you hear on public access, and asking them what there thoughts are on the Bell Curve book, the state of Africa, black crime rates, etc.
Anyways, he (george) is constantly getting slammed by the nigs, being called stupid, ignorant, racist, a closet homosexual who's lusting after the black DJ's, jealous of their penis size, etc, while the nigs are boasting about how intelligent they are, superior in strength/intellect/penis size, etc.
And the funniest part is that the nigs never once refuted anything george said. :) They just simply attacked the messenger, following all the laws of disinformation, while blatently ignoring the question george was asking.
George come off as being very articulate, polite, and calm. The nigs began stuttering, repeating words several times, while becoming higly agitated and rude. Not a good example of the "Superior" black race. :p
As for Fred in the Shotgun News, I don't think he actually believes that nonsense. Instead, he's using that as a "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" allusion to the Federal Government, since openly saying "This is how you ambush a convey of american soldiers to kill them" would be a bad thing to say post 9/11. Whereas, troops of a foreign invader...who could arrest him for that? ;)
Besides, it's better for the government to let people think the militias and such are total loons than to risk doing something that'd end up proving them to be otherwise, right? Ahhhh....
December 9th, 2003, 12:29 AM
Say what will, but the liberal American media indirectly controls the world. They threaten whatever president happens to be in power, and he is their puppet (to a certain degree.) However, Bush was able to outsmart the media. He convinced everyone that the war in the Middle East was a patriotic one and that all who opposed him were traitors. :)
I know that many europeans will disagree, but the US rules the world. It controls the UN, and even if the UN disapproves of the US's actions, who will try to stop them? The US is capable of going to war against every other country in the world and winning. It is the only country currently classified as a superpower. Quite frankly, that scares people. I think that this is one reason why there is so much anti-american sentiment in the world today. (The other reasons have to do with America supporting Isreal and interfering with other people's business.)
December 9th, 2003, 01:30 AM
I think that vulture hit the bullseye; money is what makes the world go 'round. To put it another way, economic gain is the ONLY reason governments go to war. Oh sure, they'll sometimes cite religious reasons in a feeble attempt to mask their true intent and muddy the waters, but in the end it is all about money. Free Iraq?!? Yea, right! How about freeing the American people! The US government doesn't care about its own citizens, why should we believe that it cares about Iraqis?
As for the US being able to take on the entire world and winning, I seriously doubt that. And just because US polititians and the media keep telling us that we are the only superpower doesn't make it true. If your country possesses a handful of nukes, then you ARE a superpower. I seem to recall that Russia still has a large stockpile of nuclear weapons and an efficient delivery system. China has quite a number of nukes themselves. They just lack an adequate delivery system, but this is changing rapidly. The US is not the only superpower, and it is arrogant and dangerous to think so. Granted, we have the most technologically advanced military in the world and the greatest concentration of firepower in the world. But we have a serious manpower shortage, and it will only get worse if our government insists on keeping us in a state of perpetual war. I suspect at some point the draft will be resurrected.
December 9th, 2003, 09:14 AM
US(almost means the world) is controlled by the jews mainly. Saudi Arabs dont control a shit, US is quite friendly to them because they give US oil. If there wouldnt be the oil what arabs own, who knows where israels borders would be. Now think on it, who REALLY benefited from the invasion of Iraq? Israel. Israel will be getting cheap oil from a pipeline from iraq, there is no more Saddam funding the militant organisation fighting against the occupation(Saddam payed money for the families of the marters) and there is no threat to israel from those "missiles" and chem/bio weapons.
I connected the beginning of the "iraq-joke" with the event when Saddam stopped oil export for a month, to try to change something is Palestine. This time it didnt made much difference in the oil market and the other arabs didnt go with the plan. Next time, it might had been more effective and Bush made sure that there was no next time.
December 9th, 2003, 09:40 AM
Say what will, but the liberal American media indirectly controls the world. They threaten whatever president happens to be in power, and he is their puppet (to a certain degree.) However, Bush was able to outsmart the media. He convinced everyone that the war in the Middle East was a patriotic one and that all who opposed him were traitors.
There we go again. Bush and the right wing fucked up but it's always the fault of someone else.
And WTF is a patriotic war? You seem to think that because it's patriotic it's a good war? What kind of argument is that? You're being brainwashed yourself.
BTW, Hitler used the same tactic. War = good for our country, everybody who's against my politics is a traitor, oh and I need a scapegoat for keeping the flock under control.
We all know what happened...:rolleyes:
I know that many europeans will disagree, but the US rules the world. It controls the UN, and even if the UN disapproves of the US's actions, who will try to stop them? The US is capable of going to war against every other country in the world and winning. It is the only country currently classified as a superpower. Quite frankly, that scares people. I think that this is one reason why there is so much anti-american sentiment in the world today. (The other reasons have to do with America supporting Isreal and interfering with other people's business.)
You only currently rule the world because politicians here don't have the balls to say fuck you when the US tries to use them for another attempt at selfjustification. But like always, nobody wants to stick his neck out.
Your idea of warfare is flawed. Sure, the US could bomb&destroy most countries of the world, but keeping them under control? Look what a FUBAR Iraq has become.
Oh right. The US cared about the Iraqi citizens. Uhuh. Then why was it Halliburton was already benefiting from its multibillion dollar contract, while Iraqi citizens still didn't have tap water, electricity and gas/oil supply?
Oh and something else. To be a superpower, you gotta have WMDs. Why can the US have WMDs and not other countries? Because the US has a democratic regime? Gimme a break. I wonder what the US would say if Belgium built a nuke. We have a democratic government too, in case you didn't know.
Do you even know that Belgium is a part of Europe?
And there you have another point. The US wants to rule the world but doesn't have the faintest clue about geostrategical situations in the world.
December 9th, 2003, 03:55 PM
When I look at the history it makes me a bit sick.The groups(countries) got power times a lot for no reason other than chance,at least not ability or worthyness.And the most standing example is US of A(unfortunately).Neatherland was the economic superpower when french revolution broke out.the tiny country fell against grand army and the channel separating the england from europe became the charm of luck and lo! England of all the countries became a superpower.from that day onward england never let any other country rise as a naval power and kept on playing the divide and conqure in europe(in the name of power balance,of course).It could do so because in absence of a naval power in continantal europe,the conflicts didn't touch england. Meantime it enlarged it's colonial empire and became a superpower of the world.It's strange that history repeats itself so exactly that in two world wars the US joined only about the end when the result was almost desided(one can say it's not for second world war but then ,think yourself "why only after operation Barbarosa failed to capture Moscow or make Russia capitulate?").Since US mainland remained untouched by the conflict it gained everything and lost nothing.Surprising na! that the best war machine is in the hands of a country whose mainland has never been threaten in past 150-200 years(pearl harber was an Japanese attempt to nutralize US forses in pacific so that it can easily take ilands of pacific and china) and the country who has not fought a war on it's mainland for the same period.This is the way(luck) US become prosperous and not through the efforts and abilities of it's people.germans were great but they fell.(IF someone from germany dosen't mind ,My anlysis says that todays germans are mainly(of course not entirely) basterd of german women and invading army(russian and american) since Hitler enlisted almost all of it's male population and at the end even veterans and childeren),I'm eager to listen to critisism on this).
I can write 100 one to one corespondences between ancient Rome and Modern US.IN fact not only encient Rome but any other oppressive empire(they all have same charactristics).AND I CAN SAY IT CLEARLY THAT "US ,AS ANY OTHER EMPIRE BEFORE IT'S END OR DISINTEGRATION, HAS GONE INTO REGRESSION PHASE". This is the time when US is vulnerable to blackmailing.Pakistan is doing so and so is "abdullah raghead"(Thanks NBK I liked this).If the muslim leadership has iota of brain and they backoff a little bit from what they are upto now,I bet appeasment phase will sweep over.But "abdullah raghead" will never understand this:) so it's cool.Now the people of US have sucked enough from the world and they want to enjoy it peacefully.Threaten their peace and you can get anything.US needs just a good enemy and it can be compromised in a matter of 2 decades.The army of US is Best but it's useful only if send it in the battle.
For instance any nuclear power tries to settle some old scores with some of it's neighbour and Uncle sam intervenes.One threat of nuke on washington will be enough to keep US cool.After all why should US take the war to itself while it is not threaten at the first place.:rolleyes: (of course it will be threaten but you know people,BTW lets see the result of coming election and we'll see).
The post is getting tooo long and I'm feeling tired.
Jacks Complete
December 9th, 2003, 08:28 PM
the only reason the USA hasn't invaded anywhere else (Belgium), is they like English people, and think we own Europe. They never heard of Africa, so they didn't invade there yet... I'm just waiting till they hear about some little place that is north of them, canada, and invade that on a whim.
Anyway, I was saying the other day:
How do you stop the American government?
You can't shame them, as they have no shame - otherwise they would never have gotten elected.
You can't fight them, as they will blow you up, or kidnap you indefinately, and blow the shit out of your country, and occupy it for a while, regardless of if you are a democracy or not.
You can't run, since there is nowhere they can't see with satelittes and sonar sensors, etc.
You can't kill them, as they have masive firepower and air superiority.
You can't buy them off (at least not once they make the "war" public) as they cannot be seen to be weak, or they won't get re-elected.
You can't even try to ignore them, as they will use the UN or NATO or some fat cheque to a charity to make life difficult for you if you don't support them.
So what can you do?
Looked at like that, the actions of Tony Bliar can almost be explained, as well as expected.
What has been pissing me off today?
The shear arrogance. And the way they killed a load of kids and some guy, because he might be the terrorist suspect they were looking for. On those grounds, everyone on roguesci could be killed by air-dropped guided munitions, without a care for the friends, family, neighbours, etc. because we are all "possible terrorist susects".
Do we think this will get me on the same list as Eminem? Or do I have to say that we should nuke the eastern seaboard for that priviledge? Or, more likely, I am already on that list, for being a possible "possible terrorist suspect" sympathiser... Fuckers.
December 9th, 2003, 08:40 PM
To be a superpower is more than just having nukes. If that was the case, then India would be a superpower...but its not! :p
It takes several things.
One of which is military might. Not just NBC weapons, but conventional forces too, because destroying the enemies cities does you no good if his army can invade your country and occupy it. What are you going to do, nuke your own cities to clear him out? Pyhrric victory would be yours.
The other is economic power. The Soviets were militarily a superpower, but their economic basis wasn't worth shit, so they couldn't compete with the US in developing their military technologies to keep up with us. Your military has to have both quality and quantity. The sov's tried to outdo US quality with massive quantities, but they couldn't do that because their economy couldn't support it. In the meantime, the US economy not only supported a huge military, but also a state-of-the-art one that is (in some aspects) decades ahead of the nearest other rival powers (like china).
Why can the US have WMDs and not other countries?
It's not at all unreasonable for the king of the hill to make it as difficult as others to climb up to his level, since that's what POWER is all about. The weak and feable always cry "It's not fair! Why can't (fill in what the have-nots want)".
This is the same line of liberal thinking that got us fags and women in the military, muds in the schools, foreigners outbreeding the whites in their own homelands, welfare for lazy 'tards, and all the other touchy-feely crap that's slowly turning the world into a toilet bowl full of brown shit.
Sorry, I was about to go off on another rant. :o isn't fair, deal with it.
First law of power is to secure your own position by making it as difficult as possible for others to do what you did.
Assume for a moment that the Nazi's had developed the atomic bomb and the US never bothered trying because their scientists said it wasn't possible. Do you think Hitler would have hesitated to vaporize moscow, london, and NY with nuclear armed V2's? I don't think he would have either.
And, once having won the war, wouldn't he have nuked any country coming even close to developing similar weaponry? Yes, he would have.
Eventually the Nazis would have developed such a monopoly on nuclear weaponry and the unstoppable means to deliver it that they could have effectively ruled the world with no need for huge armies of occupation (though they'd still have them), since you don't need soldiers to occupy sterile radioactive wastelands wiped clean of all sub-human life, do you?
That's the mistake the US has been making. We had the means, but not the will, to do what was needed to ensure American domination of the globe. We wouldn't have to occupy baghdad if it was a glassy crater. Same for somalia, grenada, haiti, and all these other third world shitholes.
I don't think the Forth Reich will make that mistake.
If a country was told to do something by the Reich, and they knew nuclear obliteration was forthcoming for failing to comply, I'd think the news would be much more boring.
In todays' news, haiti was told to remove president Oooga Booga and replace him with the Reich appointed governet. Haitians stormed the palace and hanged former president Oooga Booga before the Peace Keeper missile was to fired at the midnight dead line.
In other news, the war between serbia and croatia was ended when 100 megatons of Aryan justice removed the former country of Yugoslavia permanently from the map. Please remove the "Yugo" sticker from your political map and replace it with the radiation logo.
Pax Superia rules peacefully over the rest of the world. Sleep well Arayans.
That's the other thing that makes a Superpower what it is...the will to use that power. Russia wasn't afraid to use it. Neither were we. China could have been a superpower, but they're too hesitant and introverted, though that may change in the future so we'd best cripple them NOW before their economy allows them to compete with us. Oh, and we need to sabotage their space program so they never get the high ground. Perhaps an "accidental" collison with an old satellite as they're orbiting? ;)
Jacks Complete
December 9th, 2003, 09:45 PM
I wrote this in a response to the "Penetrating thick skinned targets?" thread, but realised it would be better in here.
According to a link from Acidman's blog, the new estimate for deaths in Bagdad under Saddam is 61,000, from a poll. Since the US Army won't tell us the death rate for Iraqis under the Bush regime, we have to go with these silly polls, which claim about 70-100 a day are dying. A more real figure might be that there were 470 gunshot deaths one month, which Rumsfeld stated was, per head, lower than Washington d.c. Given that Saddam was in power for years, since 1979, that's over 300 months.
Do the maths: 61000/300 is just 200 deaths a month, under this amazingly brutal dictator.
Two things:
The US regime is killing 470 a month, more than double what Saddam did in Bagdad.
The death rate in Washington, d.c. is substatially higher.
So where should GWB 'make safe' next?
December 10th, 2003, 01:23 PM
Bush showed up in Iraq on Thanksgiving. Now I guess there was something wrong with the whitehouse press service and the plane, because the whitehouse spokesman didn't announce the visit and the plane flew without lights.
Odd thing if you're visiting a country that just has been liberated from all enemy combatants, no?
I mean, as the great liberator, you should arrive with a display of fireworks and be carrying the fat turkey, no?
The one who figures out the double meaning of that last sentence get's a free dubya poster.
December 11th, 2003, 08:29 AM
Ha! What you know about India? I'm writing about it because of course I'm from India.This is a country(the only one) that has tolerated 1000 years of slavery and apparently people here has lost all of their pure blood in the process of resistance. The 17% of Muslim minority has taken entire democracy at hostage(appeasement,more appeasement).And they multiply like rats as well(8% of total population to 17% of total population within 50 years).The point is that INDIA doesn't have Nuke weapons.Have you ever heard India has ** numbers of Nukes? No, because India doesn't have any.All the statements of government and scientists are about "india has the capability of making ** Nukes per year".Bullshit that capability we had even in stane age.Uranium(or plutonium in this case) was in the ground and so as all the metals.
Anyway the point is that there is something called system.It can be national or international whatever.And one property(only one) that system has is the drive for survival,maintaining the status quo.All the people who tried for "new order" are villains.This is very much publisised in cartoons that I've watched(bad reference but thats what is being shown to children to MOULD their minds.The worst villain is the one who wants "new order".)Whatever happens status quo must be maintained.that is the one principal that system follows and no other(like fairness,justice,consistancy all that the system say it defends).A human syatem is the rigidity of society formalizes.Now this the reasom that USA is super power and it will remain for the time being till someone with capability will be after it's fall for the sake of it because no one I repeat no one will ever gain enything from it.If a war ensues it will cost both sides dearly.But again so was true for british empire.
Let me state one thing more off the topic but relevent.The exploitation is changing the forms but it remains and survives far as the history of world is conserned till now.In encient times there was downright slavery(literally) then it became less profitable and there emerged a new form.Colonization.Enslave a country's political and econimic system and enslave the population indirectly.The people will have their own rulers but those rulers will be your slave for all practical purposes.That was cool and so that survived for long and it wouldn't have ended if not there were GOOD world wars that weaken and shatterred the colonial empires.
And now comes another form of slavery.Don't control the politics as well,just suck the economy of the country and that too indirectly.The democratic system is good for this reason since entire governments can be bought.After all you are not briebing them to give their country to you,all you pay them for is just to change the stand of government on some issue that is not directly influencing people(like foriegn policy or some economic policy).Meanwhile cry in the name of equality so the fool population of the wreched country willl not even realize who is WHO.And even if they feel cheated their wreth willl be directed the Democratic leader who betrayed them only to be replaced by another(who will not behave otherwise BTW).If people become bloodthirty them these currupt leaders can always get political asylum in the countries that they did the FAVOR.Switzerland is one of the richest countries,and how BTW? they made the crime can plunder or rob someone and put the money in the wreched little country and when the victim ask for money they won't even tell him(he is the country) how much they have got.I don't understand the very basis of privacy.What one hides.Only when it's wrong but thats the whole of a different point altogether.
Don't you think why democracies are preferred by US of A?They are by and by enslaving the world economically and culturlly.lets see how long does that last.
And BTW compromising US forces is not that big a job if some country is really after it.Far as i see they are becoming more and more dependent GPS(missiles and now even guided bombs.)Bring down the GPS.Cut the optical cabels that come through pacific and atlantic.And jam all the radio channels that they use and alll of the US forces that are OUTSIDE of the country will be isolated pockets with no clue whats going on.Don't you think it's good time to.............
Or make submariens that can walk under the SAND.fully automatic and nuclear of them with an optical fiber control with the base of the fiber 100's of kilometers far from it.take your time.under 2-50 feet of sand in ocean floor close in US coast in 5-10 years(some feet per day since thats the maximum possible far as my calculation goes.)now you have nuke bombs right under the USA's anti missiles no defence.Now do what you want to and if Big brother intervene,hah! nuke bomb are not to be used you know.
December 11th, 2003, 09:22 AM
Yikes, Can I buy you a paragraph or two?
Shooting down the GPS constellation in high orbit (around 21000kms ASL) is no mean feat, you would be better served using the large boosters to deliver nuclear warheads, as taking out a GPS satellite would be considered an overt Act of War anyway.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that a U.S task force or Carrier Battle Group is incapable of looking after itself if cut off from CONUS. jamming communications is also something that is much easier said, than done. The U.S alphabet agencies can't even succesfully stop 'Numbers Stations" from Cuba etc, with ultra high power bubble jammers and the like. Good luck defeating a directed high power digital satellite comm or ELF system.
"Or make submariens that can walk under the SAND", hell, why not make Giant Steam-Driven robotic spiders that shoot fireballs, or Battlemechs, or breed Dune style Sandworms... It's time to stop pulling ideas out of your arse & stop blaming the United States for your own shitty predicament.
December 11th, 2003, 09:45 AM
"alll of the US forces that are OUTSIDE of the country will be isolated pockets"
With more fire power in those individual pockets than most coutries have in their entire arsenals. Wow, that would make a big difference! That is, of course, assuming it was even possible.
As for shipping nukes into the continental US why tunnel under the ocean when it would be far easier just to load your nuke into a container on a container ship (obviously) and sail it to the US. With the element of surprise it would easily get in.
December 11th, 2003, 11:57 AM
BTW I've made a small model of such submarine(not submarine a small machine 8"*5"*5" roughly) that did walk under sand(deep less than a sentimeter under sand and it stucked after a while).The point is that this CAN be done.I'm not talking about something that can't be built.(If only I had a digicam I'd have posted a picture).BTW making a spider robot is most in efficient thing to make considering the the task(whatever it may be) can always be done using simpler machanisms.Plus the robotics till the date is not enough developed to make a GOOD working mechanism of this kind(considering the computational complexity and errors in sensors and actuators).What I made was covered with polyhene and now I'm trying with fiberglass cover but glassfiber is easy to get not the resin and catalyst that is used to solidify resin and make the mold.Though I'm not handeling the comlex control and it just walks straight and get stuck when it gets deeper.But trust me given reourses THIS CAN be done.scale is dependent on resourses of course.BTW in some other thread there was a talk about bullet proof small robot I suggest fiberglass shield cause if thick enough it CAN stop a bullet.Moreover I'm not talking about some terrorist group doing these things but a COUNTRY.
EDIT: apparently people are interested in plannings rather then theory ,justifications and philosophy but thats more like it;)
December 12th, 2003, 03:48 PM
I think there is already a new world order. It's called the Global Economy. Whatever nation can make and sell the most goods and services has the power.
Right now it looks like China and the Pacific Rim nations are winning because they have abundant and cheap labor.
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