View Full Version : Female Members?
August 25th, 2003, 12:32 PM
I was just curious how many female members are there on the forum? Chicks that like blowing shit up are few and far Iv found, I think ill marry day
August 25th, 2003, 01:38 PM
We've got two female members, at least openly admitted females, here. There may be more, who knows, and does it really matter? What matters is what they bring to the table, not what is (or is not) between their legs.
August 25th, 2003, 02:54 PM
NBK i dont think he meant it as women were in any way less capable then guys in this field, I think he merely wanted to use the forum as an online dating service to find a chicky that will let him have his own arsenal.
August 25th, 2003, 05:28 PM
haha, personaly i just think he was wondering.
frostfire, are you still here?
August 26th, 2003, 04:25 PM
Would it be rude asking who the other one is assuming frostfire is one of the two?
I think it is great fun to have female members here, not that I give a shit about which gender our members have when it comes around to what they know/share but it's still fun since it's so rare. Pretty much like it is funny looking at people from the sahara desert skiing.
August 26th, 2003, 05:07 PM
August 27th, 2003, 03:18 AM
" I know it has been a while since I have posted (due to work, school, girlfriend , diablo II, etc.) "
Quote from Noltairs post in"paying for forum membership"
So thats just bullshit or is she a homo?
Hmm homo, girl and pyro, cant be a very common combination.
(No offence ment, don't want to piss anyone off by this)
August 27th, 2003, 04:37 AM
I know that the member "Nika425" (not quite sure on the numbers) is female. She is a mod at the xinventions forum. Personally any girl who likes science apart from bio is fanfuckingtastic!
August 27th, 2003, 08:34 AM
Most girls that are intrested in science are from my point of view are either:
1. Fucking UGLY
2. Fucking boring
3. Too snobbish to care about anyone else
I do know of a few girls (that also know me :rolleyes:) that do have a decent personality and and pretty hot.
Though my chances are with them are overall non-existant because no matter what school I go to, how ever many times I change my ID (not really) and no matter how nice I am to people (which at time is borderline ass kissing sometimes) I still get a reputation for being a psycho (which I am not). Shit just happens I suppose.
So I encourage those girls who are intrested in science and E&W to join this forum. You might learn something intresting because this forum has some of the best minds on the 'net.
August 27th, 2003, 11:19 AM
i am agree with flake2m, i think the girls in e&w forum will mostly boiling your pyro blood in the future when you re married with them :D
August 27th, 2003, 11:34 AM
Yes, id have to agree with flake for the most part. I was just curious, its strange how society tries to mold and shape genders to be interested in certain things. Also im sure brain chemistry has something to do with it. It could be just me but my perfect date would be setting off a 1000lb shot at sunset watching the cloud rise up and feeling the shockwave pound through your body with some fear factory to set the mood. Any decent looking girl who would enjoy that I would have no problem with.
August 27th, 2003, 02:37 PM
We're always looking for ideas for possible Roguesci business ventures, and it looks like we could be on our way to a Roguesci Girls calander :)
"Chicks, tits, explosions"
simply RED
August 27th, 2003, 06:07 PM
Its really true that most girls interested in science become medical personnel or biologists. I know some... But they don't even have different way of thinking than any other wemen.
Actaully there is some slight difference between a scientsist and a pyro(no matter is he/she a sci or not).
August 27th, 2003, 06:30 PM
I thinks a girls of rouguesci calendar is a bad idea. You would be posting photos of member where they can be reached by the authorities. Also, some idiot would probably attach handles, locations and other information to such a calendar. A calendar of people who the authorities already have, or better yet neutrals who can't identify members might be intersting. You should delete the names and locatios though.
Edit: patched broken tags.
August 27th, 2003, 07:54 PM
I really don't think Anthony was serious about that....
August 27th, 2003, 08:08 PM
I guess a lot of you boys are still too young to realise this, but a pretty face and a nice arse are hardly criteria on which to judge a woman. Surface beauty is transient, so look beneath the surface when you look for a partner. My wife is not the most beautiful face on the planet - I know it, she knows, and I care about it less than she does. The companionship we share is set to last a lifetime, I plan on still being married to her 50 years from now.
Oh, I still like to 'window shop', but as the saying goes " It doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you always eat at home". Best of all my wife understands this. Ain't I the lucky one?
back on topic ...
I too am interested in the forum demographics - not just gender, but age too. I still think there are too few female engineers - I like working with women. And they're not all ugly either ( there were some absolute stunners in my year at university).
Sadly the discussion seems to have disintegrated into some sort of 'Boys night out'. No wonder none of the female members have replied yet.
August 27th, 2003, 08:47 PM
No wonder none of the female members have replied yet.
I think that our female members don't reply because people would look at them in another way and they think that they would loose respect - perhaps they would be right, sadly.
August 28th, 2003, 01:53 AM
Personally, I would respect them even more... They are doing something most women wouldnt even consider, and thats something to admire:)
August 28th, 2003, 03:53 AM
Flake2m (I'm a bit late), I disagree on those 3 points you stated, because, by own observation, it seems to be totally random. And besides, pyro is more like passion than science..
My wife is not the most beautiful face on the planet - I know it, she knows
I hope you don't tell it to her, else, this wouldn't last a lifetime.. (and I don't know anything about relationships..) :rolleyes:
Btw, nobody would disrespect them, they would only get more attention, maby thats why they doesn't answer (or most likely there arn't any female members present..)
August 28th, 2003, 06:16 AM
maybe we don't actually have more than 2 female members...
August 28th, 2003, 06:38 AM
maybe we don't actually have more than 2 female members... Yet, we do :). I know of at least one more, but telling you that is a thing of her own.
Mr Cool
August 28th, 2003, 08:09 AM
Tuatara, I know loads of girls that are going to do engineering at Uni - LOADS!! Maybe it was less popular when you went, but I can't imagine there being a shortage of female engineers.
August 28th, 2003, 08:11 AM
Well Tuatura atleast you get regular sex :D .
Frogfot those points I made are based on my own experience.
The main problem is how do you attract female members to a forum that is mainly based on subject that 90% of females generally stay away from. Female members can input different ideas into this forum that most guys wouldn't ever think of.
On the other hand, if there are very few female member then the guys can bitch an whine all day about which p0rn $tar has the biggest tits and other appendages ;) (in the water cooler) and why guys are superior to girls.
Overall, female member would be more of an asset to this forum then a liability because they think differently to guys (and guys only think about one thing, its not food ;) ). They would also learn some real fact about topics that often get the wrong type of publicity.
August 28th, 2003, 10:43 AM
i met a female pyro once. I was talking to her and somehow got onto the topic of "fire" and she says "im a bit of a pyro".
me "sure you are, what do you make"
her "Peroxides"
This shocked me a little but i continued on
"yeah, where do u buy the stuff for that?"
"hydroponic stores, oxy plus"
...stunned silence
I didnt tell her i was a pyro, it kinda scared me a bit and it was all weird. She wasnt ugly either.
simply RED
August 28th, 2003, 06:00 PM
I doubt the histroy knows a true pyrowoman?
August 28th, 2003, 06:25 PM
Mr Cool, I'm so glad to hear that things have changed. I graduated in '89, when most women who were science oriented did science or medical degrees. In my class there were 80 students, of which 8 were women - so sad.
Flakem2 : Regular sex?!! I have two kids! Have you any idea how badly that can mess up your sex life ?:D
August 30th, 2003, 10:05 AM
Girls intrested in explosive are of course less likely to attract attention then guys. I mean who would suspect a 6"2 brunette with a decent ass and a nice pair of tits to be capable of synthesising explosives as well as designing, preparing and detonating an HE charge?
I went to a school drama night earlier on this year and there was a good skit that involved someone shooting up the guy that invented the parking meter :D . What made it funny apart from the guy acting out being shot to shit, was that the shooter was a hot girl that had a toy SMG (of course). She wore an army helmet and high heels and seemed so innocent & happy untill the SFX gun fire sounded, then giggled and walked off.
Most people instantly suspect guys to be the perpatrators of violent crimes as well as acts of terrorism, while overall guys do commit more types of these crimes, the women are going to less likely to be suspected so often they can get away with it.
August 30th, 2003, 02:44 PM
This is why terrorist organizations often use women as couriers, spies, and other tasks, because they can often get through checkpoints and go places that the men aren't allowed into.
Though I'd suspect a 6'2" "woman" of being a man in drag! :eek:
August 31st, 2003, 12:27 AM
Perhaps if there were less of those wonderful jokes about women crossing roads and such we'd see more female members; however this also means that those that are still here deserve a lot of respect.
The times really haven't changed much as far as number of wemen in science goes. In my department we have about 5% chicks and the ones that are there don't look much different from men :(
August 31st, 2003, 08:36 AM
NBK if you were the checkpoint guard you'd make sure she was strip searched :D .
Though seriously, we need more feamle members. Someone here has to think of a way to attract more of them to this forum, they think a bit differently to men so they might be able to solve a few problem we have with our designs and synths.
August 31st, 2003, 09:54 AM
You could give explosives cute nicknames such as pretty pink bang bang and change the fourm colors to pink. (No really, no sarcasm here) I just dont think it will be an easy task to get the other genders attention to explosives and such. While I was in EOD school there was 2 female soldiers in a year to graduate the rest failed or got knocked up, I really think its a brain chemistry thing.
August 31st, 2003, 01:54 PM
i think the problem is the lack of testosterone. it makes women avoid risk. thats why most alcoholics, smokers, hunters, rock climbers, sky divers, etc are men. testosterone increases your brains ability to be happy taking risks. thus not that many women are interested in this hobby.
Kid Orgo
August 31st, 2003, 02:15 PM
My orgo class is probably 70%-80% female. I don't know, I don't see any shortage of female chemists around here.
Not many of them will want to synthesize RDX, chloropicrin or 5MeO-DMT, but hey, there's still time.
August 31st, 2003, 03:36 PM
orgo class??
i'm afraid i'm not familiar with that one
August 31st, 2003, 05:03 PM
I think hes refering to Organic Chemistry if im not mistaken.
August 31st, 2003, 06:17 PM
the way to really draw all the women here is to make some horribly antifemale comment
like women are only useful for cooking and cleaning
then see who comes to defend the weaker sex :)
September 1st, 2003, 06:18 PM
Org Chem is required for becoming a doctor, that would be my guess as to why there are so many females in it. Its also definitly true about the lack of testosterone, girls are rarely interested in risk taking activities. My girlfriend is scared to try new foods, never mind trying to make explosives... Not all girls are like that, but the majority are, from what i have expierienced. In fact I would love to have a girl helping me out with my stuff, rather than my guy friends, who are very impusive and not cautious enough for my tastes.
September 2nd, 2003, 05:17 AM
Wouldn't it be risky if you forget to take precautions while you're eyeing her tits floating over the beaker... ;)
September 3rd, 2003, 04:33 PM
Well, there are a few girls in my class who have sufficient knowledge to be able to make AP or black powder, but from what I gather, they tend to view things in a slightly different perspective. If someone told me about some new mixture that could produce red, green, and blue sparks while deflagrating, I'd go: "Cool! I HAVE to try it out!" Wheras females would be most likely to respond like: "OK, so? big deal." I guess it's this difference in opinion that leads to such a small percentage of female pyros/ engineers...
The Crazed
September 4th, 2003, 08:30 PM
I personly know 2 female pyros and are good friends with them. They aren't too bad looking either. Though for some reason they don't like to mix to many things to see what happens. They act more like the old school pyro who is occupied by a bit of flash powder (always fun) and some aresole hairspray. It is a shame, because they are very smart, so I don't know the lack of reason for their not liking chemistry and such. Must be the lack of testosterone...1/2 Unfortunately I could never get with them :( because they are way out of my league.
September 5th, 2003, 12:14 AM
they are way out of my league.
Don't think so. Anyone is fair game. If you're willing to spend a little time on it, you can con anyone into stuff. Do some basic psychology research (anyone want me to post my lectures and notes ?) and get some experience, you can have any girl twisted all over you. There are a few good sites detailing methods of picking up too.. they are a bit lame, but there is some good info there.
Sorry to be way off topic. In my experience, girls will love fireworks, but won't have much interest in how they're made, or anything similar.
simply RED
September 5th, 2003, 08:40 AM
There are many extreme wemen. See the parachute jumpers, the bunjee, the alpinist. Some of the female metals.
Everyone who has read "Silent Spring" knows what i am talking about!!! (actaully this is the most extreme book ever written, to my opionion). The book "Do you know everything about the poisons"("very popular" in Bulgaria) is another absolute example...
Explosive and electronics sadly seems to be off their interest, which is very hard to explain.
Actually i've never seen a female interested in conventional weapons.
Maybe we should put a section about biology?
September 5th, 2003, 10:10 AM
A whole animals as weapons section? And Gibbo i know a guy who uses psychology and shit to get chicks, he is this fat ugly annoying piece of shit but he studies the girls and finds out exactly what to say to them. I have been very close to kicking his ass so if you do try the psychology shit dont go overboard with it. I dislike it when girls are taken advantage of especially my friends.
September 5th, 2003, 10:21 AM
If you cant see through it you deserve to be taken advantage of. Its the best way to learn. Iv learned the hard way most of the time, it really sticks that way.
September 5th, 2003, 11:05 AM
Cyclonite, you're entirely right. If you're not taking advantage, you're being taken advantage of. ;)
I personally don't 'scam' chicks like some mates like to call it, but I like to be able to settle the gf down after she gets shitty. It's just an easy way to get your own way.. no-one gets hurt, but you get the same result faster and with less fuss. Makes me wonder why spend the time on her in the first place.... :rolleyes:
September 5th, 2003, 11:12 AM
I wasnt referring to guys who knew how to make girls feel good and actually cared about the girl as much as i was referring to guys who learned how to wreck a girls self esteem so that they are dependent on him alone, and then when he gets bored of her he drops her. The guys who profess love to 5 different girls in a week, guys who lie just to get in a girls pants make me mad especially the ones who are good at it and plan out exactly what to do to get thegirl.
The Crazed
September 5th, 2003, 07:02 PM
Ok, we r getting a bit off topic here. This is supposed to be about pyrowomen not how to pick up chicks. Anyway I was thinking and I thought that mabey the reason girls don't like explosives and electronics is because they don't have such a wanting to know how things work. If you think about it, most people here started simple trying to make something they've heared of or seen. It could be that women just aren't into such things as much a guy is. Who knows why exactly, mabey it is placed in their brains real young by parents who place a gender role on them...1/2
September 5th, 2003, 11:16 PM
Sounds like a case of playa' hating to me. :D
If the girls are stupid enough to believe the bullshit scam that some guy runs on 'em, then they deserve to get tossed up and let behind. :)
BTW, I've got a PDF copy of the "How to Pick Up Women" site before they went pay, and it's kinda dodgy, but if it works...:)
Personally, I avoid 'em, 'cause women have been the ruin of many a mans hopes and dreams. I can't afford to have someone else in my life till I get my game tight, ya'll feel me? ;)
Speaking of females, some nigger bitch was in the store earlier with one of her spawn and, while waiting for the other bitch to do her shopping, was saying (swear to God!) "booga-booga" to her brat! :eek:
I just about died trying to keep from laughing! :D
Now I KNOW for a FACT that it's not just some racist sterotype, but that the nigs actually DO say that, and they learn it at their mama's knee. :p
September 6th, 2003, 12:10 AM
No not at all. I have a girlfriend and am perffectly content with her, its just i also have some friends that are girls and ive seen em get hurt by scuzz.
September 6th, 2003, 02:51 AM
Again, if they let themselves be victims, it's no ones fault but their own. In this world, you're either predator or prey, whether in school, on the streets, or in between the sheets.
"Love" is like a comfy hammock suspended over a punji pit. It's great while you're in it, but it's hell once you fall out of it. :) Best thing to do is to take your rest in the shade of the hammock, but don't bother climbing in it, and most definitely stay away from the pit. ;)
September 6th, 2003, 05:09 AM
I just might quote you on the hammok analogy someday, thats pretty accurate
simply RED
September 6th, 2003, 12:37 PM
NBK2000! Thats not only accurate but quite smart!
September 6th, 2003, 09:52 PM
Someone mentioned that some women do risky things like jumping from planes, mountain biking/climbing etc. Well yeah, but they often do it to make a stand for "women power", to prove that they can be as good as men, to rebel against society expectatioins... and not out of self-fulfilment. Some will find it interesting and stick to it but for the most part they do something once just to say that they have done it.
They do things that grab people's attentioin, something that media will be interested in and since there are no (I am yet to see one) demolition/pyro-competitioins there are no women in this forum.
September 14th, 2003, 03:10 AM
I don't know where the hell NBK comes up with this stuff.
I've still got my doubts on how to classify his ideas.
Some border on pure genius, while others are deeply disturbing.
September 14th, 2003, 06:22 AM
I totally agree with GibboNet and The Crazed.
Girls don't care about how things work, as long as it works.
If a guy is told some science stuff, he puts two and two together and says to himself
"imagine what I can do with that!".
When girls take a science or doctor degree they think of their career, starting a familiy and to be "successfull" and all that shit.
Without men's (and maybe boy's) curiosity and will to take chances we would still be in the stoneage.
And then I have a thought about the real subject. I think that maybe the "girls" here pretend to be girls because men are much more willing to answr stupid questions from them, and decrease chances of beeing kicked from the forum. I have a bunch of friends who does that.
(On Direct Connect and the like)
September 14th, 2003, 07:09 AM
I don't know where the hell NBK comes up with this stuff.
I've still got my doubts on how to classify his ideas.
Some border on pure genius, while others are deeply disturbing.
Border? That implies that they are almost, but not quite, genius, which of course is sheer folly on your part. :p
Washuu Bot A:
"NBK is a genius!"
Washuu Bot B:
"The greatest in the Universe!"
And I'm modest too. ;)
As someones sig says "There's no genius without madness". So true, so true. :D
Men are more prone to taking risks, which is good for a predatory animal, such as man. Woman, being the breeders of our species, have to be less prone to taking risk, since the survival of the next generation depends on them keeping the children alive to adulthood.
Since you can be so adverse to risk as to stagnate, any society that seeks to forever freeze itself in an everlasting status quo soon finds itself obsolete. Imperial china, fuedal japan, and all of africa and the middle east shows this hazard in full effect.
Western culture has always been about taking risks. Sailing off into the sunset, not knowing if you'd sail off the edge of the world. takes fuckin' balls! And that's why western culture is as advanced as it is, while the lesser races are no further than they were when Columbus and Magellan sailed the oceans.
Any male (can't call them men) who pretends to be a female, so as to avoid being rightly trounced for being stupid, needs to turn his balls in at the door because he's nothing but a bitch with a tumorous growth between "her" legs. :mad:
September 14th, 2003, 07:16 AM
Possibly most of the girls think " O geez, another one of those dorks who tries to impress me" when you start talking about your subject, since explosives are, well, impressive no? :D
September 14th, 2003, 07:47 AM
nbk, yes that would be my sig. I always thought he(Seneca) had quite a point, even for a roman. But thats OT ;).
As in regards to women in our field, I always thought that instinct played quite a role in deciding what activities one does in their life. Generalising, I don't think women have a much of an interest in the topics here, and they don't posess the same curiosity that most men have. Although I don't think that any women that have found their way here have a lack of knowledge concerning the discussion.
Honestly, I have never knowingly met a pyro chick. I have found that women's appreciation of pyro rarely goes beyond the 'pretty show fireworks'. It doesn't really surprise me though. Women who are into E&W as much as the members here are far and few between.
There are always a few exceptions and I'm glad to see that there are a few female members here as I honestly think it adds quite alot to the discussion.
September 26th, 2003, 03:58 PM
Just to clarify, there are females who get bitten by the chemistry bug, and we don't think any of you guys are dorks, and we'd love to be impressed by/learn from your experiments.
I'm lucky to be getting some wonderful guidance. I've so far managed some beautiful results with hypergolic mixtures, and I'm about to do my first KClO3 synth. Baby steps, I know, but I'm still new.
September 26th, 2003, 04:26 PM
My girlfriend likes to build shells...
And gets this crazy gleem in her eyes
over HE same as you do.
And I know other women who build
and shoot display fireworks as well.
October 17th, 2003, 10:50 PM
I just met a chick on msn chat not that long ago.She was a naval air weapons specialist,Tomahawks.
I looked at her profile this chick was a badass hottie 10 ++
I was already talking to another girl,so I didnt get to chat too much.But she definately knew her way around a compostion:D
October 23rd, 2003, 09:23 AM
Talking about pyro girls, I happened to meet a girl years ago, who would carve big rocks with dynamite... that she would purchase, not make herself.
Any other example of art by explosives ?
October 23rd, 2003, 08:16 PM
By filling strong metal casings with only a very small amount of HE, you can create some cool looking pieces of "metal popcorn" that I suppose would classify as modern art. I always put the device in the bottom of a deep hole to catch all the popcorn so that it doesn't fly off and get lost.
A CO2 cannister filled 1/10th of the way with 25/75 APAN (flame sensitive) will stay in one piece but will do an excellent popcorn impersonation.
October 24th, 2003, 10:27 AM
Generally speaking, girls are frightened by explosives or they simply cannot properly realise what does this means...My gf is very scared when she see me working with any chemical substance at all, even if she knows that I am biochemist and "somehow" comfortable when it comes to chemicals. Well, she is not a very brave person, anyway, but probably it is my fault also... :D
October 24th, 2003, 11:01 PM
Yes, most girls tend to think of "Extremely sensitive, detonates extremely violently when exposed to sunlight or loud noises" whenever they hear the word explosive and also tend to think that all explosives are like that.
99.9% of the public have no idea that you could take a pile of dynamite or C4, set the whole thing on fire, and be fairly sure that no explosion will occur. In fact, burning it is one of the accepted methods of destroying dynamite (although detonating it is much more fun :) )
October 25th, 2003, 10:49 AM
Another thing is that when the majority of women hear:
"Extremely sensitive, detonates extremely violently when exposed to sunlight or loud noises"
They think "Shit! Better not fuck with that!". Whilst most guys think "Neat! Time for some fun..."
October 26th, 2003, 09:31 AM
I belive the blend is somewhere around 50/50 between Genetics and community that causes the reactions in women.
My sister for example, when I was living at the house loved chemistry and explosives and other such things, like dressing in ghillie suit and sniping birds and animals cause It was something I liked and she was trying to imitate me. I belive that to be a nature reasponse gained through years of evolotion. Now I have been out of the house for over 4 years and she is entering High School and has lost all brains, dresses less the tastefull in my opinon and wants nothing to do with any of that stuff and I watched the change her friends had on her.
My eldest sister while allways acting and dressing classy and what I would consider the casual professional can get in their and fix shi on her car if needed and other things, she is against explosives :( .
My point is that we get what we create, if we want more female involvment then we need to start changing the social constrations and personal preceptions of thing... or just wait for the ragin bull dike bitches to find us.
Once again this is only my personal observation if you do not like it that is your right.
October 30th, 2003, 03:26 AM
Hey, who wants more "female involvment"?!...I don't!...:D If I want to meet girls online, there are thousands and thousands of sites. I'm here for a different purpose. If a girl is here and wants to learn/share knowledge etc., it's fine with me! But for the rest...:) I personally don't care if my gf is not interested in HE's and such. It's a good thing she is interested in me.:D
February 11th, 2004, 08:54 AM
if you like to see women,guns,explosions then go to this site ;)
February 13th, 2004, 03:10 AM
Yay! Got a user/password for us wrythawk? Yes, I am too cheap to spend the $5.Some of this stuff borders on weird,perfect :) .Dig the chick on the missle.Insert WMD joke here.
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