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Sonny Jim
July 9th, 2003, 02:29 PM
Hi everyone. I've been creating a site over the last few days. The URL is http://angry_jack.tripod.com

I have 2 favours to ask. Could you click the link and see if it loads, as some people I know say it won't but others say it does, and take a sec to inform me of your result.

Second, if you get there, tell me what you think. I've only got the AP synth done right now but im working on the same kind of page for numerous HEs. Thanks.

July 9th, 2003, 03:35 PM
Personally, its not bad. (the link does work) However, you may want to change the color scheme some. The blue on black kinda gives a depressing apeal. Try something a little more vibrant, and a textured design to the background.

Also, loose the disclaimer. They dont really have any purpose. If the feds want to bust you, they'll bust you. No disclaimer is going to stop them.

July 10th, 2003, 05:35 AM
First off I'd like to say that I like your pics, and I have ganked a couple for the forum vid. I have a question about your AP synth though...

In your synth you said to use table salt to neutralize your AP.. last time I checked though table salt was NaCl or sodium chloride. Shouldn't you be using NaCO2 or sodium bicarbonate AKA "baking soda"? Sodium bicarb is a base while I don't think that sodium chloride is.

Second, I don't think that it would be a good idea to dry your AP off with a hair dryer... I don't know about your hair dryer but mine gets pretty damn hot. Judging by anthony's AP accident pics he had the pile of AP go off on top of his desk, simply because of the heat from a desk lamp which would be pretty much the same as a hair dryer. So you see how thats probably not the safest thing to do.

(copy and paste link into your browser)

Someone correct me if NaCl is a base though...

Great site so far though.

July 10th, 2003, 05:58 AM
Here (http://www.geocities.com/blindreeper_chemistry/) is my website. I will try and get AP synth pics up soon but it's hard not owning a camera and having to borrow it :rolleyes:

July 10th, 2003, 07:19 AM
NaCl is not a base at all. it is therefore utterly useless to neutralise AP. also hair dryers get waaaaay too hot to dry AP safely. if you look in one of the AP threads somebody has noted how long it takes AP to sublimate at various temperatures. at the temperature of a hairdryer you'll likely lose an appreciable quantity. also if there are any large crystals in your AP batch just by chance then as the temperature changes under the hairdryer the cyrstals will expand possibly fracturing violently triggering detonation.

July 10th, 2003, 11:59 AM
I agree with the above posts about changing the color scheme or at least making it easier to read in some way. I just caught one mistake on the HMTD page:
" Just like AP, it evaporates, but not as fast. Still, due to this volatility, it is unsafe to store HMTD in containers with lids that create friction when removed. "
Since the substance is going straight from a solid to gas it is not called evaporation but rather sublimation.

One more thing, just general web design. If someone links to one of your pages, say the AP one or finds it on a search engine (ie don't get to it from your main page) then they have no link to get back to your main page and so can't get their if they don't know enough to modify the URL. Therefore usually you should have a link back to the home page on each of your pages. It also makes your pages look more finished if you have something on the bottom. Personally I, twice, found myself trying to scroll down more after looking at the last picture :).

Blindreeper, I really like your still (not to mention the rest of your site)! Is the glas shaping easy or does it take a lot of practice - could you tell us more about it (torch, equipment used etc...)?

Sonny Jim
July 10th, 2003, 01:02 PM
I was thinking the same about the base thing. Well, its easily changed. You take the hairdryer off the AP before it is completely dry. While still damp, it doesnt even get warm. So i must disagree there.

Coluor scheme thing.... Well, i want to get the site made first then ill worry about the aesthetics of it. Thanks for the input.

As for you using my pics, thats fine. All I ask is that you say where they came from and link to my site if you use them on your site. Just general fair play.

*Edit. HMTD synth page now underway.

July 10th, 2003, 01:17 PM
It looks good so far, as Sparky said, add links!
Just so you all know, here's My Website (http://members.tripod.com/budgetpyro/index.htm) It's heavily under construction, apparently it's a bit hard to navagate through, I haven't had any problems though...

July 10th, 2003, 03:54 PM
I would suggest anyone using Tripod to find a different host, even geocities. Tripod just has so many fucking popups it's going to piss of everyone...

July 11th, 2003, 02:03 AM
Sparky I have made a thread (http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2210) about construction of such a device :p
Well I tried distilling some water last night to see how it holds up. And it held up good nothing broke which is always good and I started with 200ml tap water and was left with 150ml D water. There was steam coming off at the end which was bad and so I conclude I have to make one with a proper cooler. And when I am currently using for a condenser will be my new vigurex column :D

Sonny Jim
July 11th, 2003, 01:03 PM
I've got a nice HMTD yeild if uploaded if anyone cares.

July 11th, 2003, 01:53 PM
Yeah, that is a nice yeild, but I still can't get over the McDonalds toy...

July 11th, 2003, 02:57 PM
Does anybody know what happened to Geocities? At www.geocities.com , all it is is a search engine and directory thing. I can find no way to log into my account at all. Even by logging in at yahoo, I can still not get to my account. :mad:

July 11th, 2003, 03:03 PM
I didn't have a problem signing in to my acount. Anyways here is my website http://www.geocities.com/grammarless/Home.html

July 11th, 2003, 09:33 PM
I have looked at the sites and I would like to say that I htink that they are ALL nice enough sites. I'd also like to say that the amount of pics outnumbers the number of vids on my HD 2:1 :p

July 12th, 2003, 02:46 AM
The sites I just looked at are pretty simple HTML with images, so you should all head over to Brinkster (http://www.brinkster.com) to get a free site, but without the banners and popups.

There ar elots of free sites out there, geocities, tripod and angelfire are some of the worst. I'll give you more information if you need help finding a host. I can also help with any HTML type issue. Just email me, I'm also on MSN. I'd like to help people publish these sort of sites...

They're all pretty ok sites though, so keep them going, I look forward to seeing more content.

July 12th, 2003, 05:16 AM
I had brinkster account for about a year or something, in my opinion the page is very slow and very often don't work... (maby thats why it says "powered by Microsoft" lol) Never had such problems with geocities.. but maby brinkster have better payed service..
Oh, and brinkster have only 0,5GB data transfer, geocites have 3GB (I relly don't wanna leave geocities, i had that account for about 4 years)

July 12th, 2003, 06:11 AM
I never had a problem with geocities either, exept for the shitty bandwidth limits ...

If you link a short-url to them, the adds on the pages even dissappear. I suspect you get a shorturl pop-up then, but I have a built in popupkiller in mozilla (www.mozilla.org ; I recommend it) so I really don't care ...

Going back to free providers, bandwidth, together with disk space are the most important issues. 0-catch may have more diskspace, but a really lousy bandwidth ...
I suspect the same with many other providers, since hard disks are cheap these days.

July 12th, 2003, 06:12 PM
I must say that you definately should remove the hairdryer part from your site. The thing is that YOU may take the dryer off the AP in time but some other stupid fucks may not. Don't give people bad ideas unless you really have to.

If it would have been RDX or PETN you were drying it wouldn't mind but not AP with it's week bonds.

Sonny Jim
July 12th, 2003, 06:58 PM
Yeah OK. You have a point. It shall be changed.

July 12th, 2003, 07:25 PM
Also on geocities, by adding an open(don't put a </xml>) <xml> tag to the bottom of your page, all of the ads will dissapear. However if they catch you, then they will probably shut your site down.

Sonny Jim
July 14th, 2003, 02:27 PM
Some nice pics for you to enjoy


July 14th, 2003, 08:59 PM
It'll probably take some time to load if youre on a dialup like me, but click on the link if ya want. I just wanted to include my tree pics too.
Click here (http://i-was-bored.8m.com/tree.html)

Rat Bastard
July 14th, 2003, 09:22 PM
Very nice pics THErAPIST. I have searched for info on ANNC and got nothing on manufacture/ratios. Could you possibly enlighten me about your ANNC?

July 15th, 2003, 08:28 AM
ANNC is just another one of the weird things I've come up with while I was bored. I had some AN powder and some NC laquer left over one day so I decided to make AN putty for something to do (I changed my mind while making it and I decided to make it a powder). I threw a little AN in a bowl and then poured NC laquer on it and started stirring it with a stirring rod and adding small amounts of AN until there were no clumps left and until there was no longer any sticky lumps of NC left. After it was mixed it was left setting around for a couple hours to evaporate off any acetone that was still there. After it was dry it was crushed up with a pestle and mortar until it was about as fine as baking flour. The NC coating on the AN keeps water away so it's not quite as hygroscopic and it's easier to detonate than straight AN.

Hope that helps a little.

July 15th, 2003, 06:21 PM
poor trees... :D

It is amazig what a little bit of HE can do once inside trees.
I do not have a cordless drill, so my tree blasting has been limited to 40 cm pices of them, and not to forget, a stump with a hole in the middle versus 280g ANNM...

on the opposite, trees are very though if the explosives are put on the outside, and there is no hole or something in it. 200g ANNM only blew away the outer layer (what is this called in english:rolleyes: ) when placed on the ground against one.

BTW Sonny Jim, Nice site.
I´ve always suspected that sick bastard Ronald McDonald using cows for more than hamburgers:D

July 15th, 2003, 06:27 PM
The outer layer of a tree is called bark.

Sonny Jim
July 15th, 2003, 07:49 PM
Thanks Efraim_barkbit! I can vouch for what you said about explosives being much more powerful inside an object. If you saw my AP page where 20g utterly destroyed a log? Well a similar 20g charge was placed on the outside of a tree a while back and only the bark and a small bit of the inner wood was damaged.

Hah, that McDonalds toy is quite resiliant actually. I blew it across a nearby field with about 5g of HMTD I had lying about, but apart from a little blackening, it survived! If only McDonlads put such quality into their food!

Never mind though, I havn't forgotten about that particular toy, and McDonalds seem to be always inventing new look give aways to feed my addiction to their destruction...

July 31st, 2003, 10:42 AM
i tried making your silicon fuse with KNO3 + sugar...but had no success...i tried many times, i made sure i did everything just like you said, but it just didn't burn... or sometimes it would burn and go out instantly... any ideas on what i did wrong?

July 31st, 2003, 10:15 PM
I think your fuse didn't work because the silicone fuse is supposed to be KMnO4 and sulfur our KClO3 and sugar (frogfots page has it all)

August 1st, 2003, 08:05 AM
Also I would recommend that you suggest glass to stir and not plastic for the AP Synth.

Sonny Jim
August 4th, 2003, 09:19 PM
The silicone fuses burn better with finer fuel, obviously.

S is better than sucrose, but sucrose still works for me. Try using less silicone or increase the percentage oxidiser.

The fuses are more reliable when thick too, as you get more of a reaction going that has a better chance of sustaining itself.

Why glass not plastic?

August 4th, 2003, 09:38 PM
Acetone is a strong solvent. Many plastics soften or even dissolve in acetone. Obviously this is not a good thing in an AP synth as you can get unknown side reactions that could have a detrimental effect on the stability of the finished AP (as if it weren't unstable enough already:p). Stick with glass as it does not react with any of the precursors in an AP synth.

August 14th, 2003, 04:27 PM
Since we were talking about different web providers here I must ask if anybody knows any info about:
http://home.myway.com/ (it's told to be 63% faster than yahoo + no banners)

I'm thinking about storage space/monthly data transfer.. searched their site for 1h but couldn't find this basic info.. :confused:

Sonny Jim
August 19th, 2003, 08:29 PM
A friend of mine just became an admin at vectec, so anyone who wants to set up there, if you get in touch with me, I can ensure you immunity from deletion.

On another note, I taped a 50g AP charge I did today for a bit of fun. The page where the video is is here:


August 20th, 2003, 02:39 AM
Nice to see someon else making vids, to bad there wasn't any sound. That reminds me of the fact that I need to get myself a better ginder.

Why don't you tape the amputation of a tree while your at it as well?

Due to my extreme lack of time this time of year (roebuck hunting in full progress+ work +school start) my spare time is very limited but as soon as I get some time left over I will get onto some of the things I've said I'd try.

Sonny Jim
August 20th, 2003, 07:38 AM
Trees are always good. I have it on the 'to do' list. I know it's a tad gay about there being no sound, but all I have access to is a digicam with video function :(

I'm always on the look out for a better option though. Looking forward to your new stuff when it arrives.

PS, if you look to the right hand side of the video, after the shockwave hits the camera, you can see one of the previously decapitated trees :D