June 26th, 2003, 03:24 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 135
Registered: JAN 2001
posted March 12, 2001 07:44 PM
Fuel Air Explosives. Are they compressed into their containers with Oxygen and ignited there or are they dispersed into the environment then ignited? Oh and what kind of explosive would be used in it, and what might the fuel to air ratio be if it were compressed
Mr Cool
Frequent Poster
Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted March 13, 2001 01:10 PM
I may be wrong, but I think:
The fuel is usually an alkane, e.g. petrol, propane, kerosene etc. etc., or maybe they've developed special fuels now.
There is an oxygen cylinder in the middle of the fuel tank, whith det. cord wrapped round it. When the det. cord is set off, it shatters the O2 cylinder, and the release of pressure and the explosion blasts the fuel everywhere, and it mixes and evapourates in the O2. It isn't ignited straight away, because the liquid oxygen in the tank suddenly boiling will cool everything to -186*C. Therefore, a small ignitor charge is sent after the bomb to ignite the fuel/O2 mixture, and BOOM!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 81
From: The Netherlands
Registered: OCT 2000
posted March 13, 2001 02:40 PM
All I know is that Propyleneoxide is often used as a fuel in military FAE and that the process of igniting the fuel is one hell of a bitch to improvise, it works with hundreds of little detonators detonating at the same time throughout the cloud of atomized fuel.
I've got a GIF file of a military FAE, showing much of the detonating stages. if you want it mail me.
[This message has been edited by Morrigan (edited March 13, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 135
Registered: JAN 2001
posted March 14, 2001 08:04 PM
would it be possible to use something like WD40 for the explosive, possibly cracking it open in mid air then igniting it or would it be to weak? Oh and how much would you need in order to get a very big BANG?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 657
Registered: SEP 2000
posted March 14, 2001 10:29 PM
Military FAE's are huge detonating clouds of nitrated alcohols, acheiving this on an improvised scale would be really hard.
a large cloud of fire is plenty destructive enough.
the freshmaker
Frequent Poster
Posts: 171
From: Heaven
Registered: DEC 2000
posted March 15, 2001 05:59 AM
most FAE's uses ethyleneoxide.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 135
Registered: JAN 2001
posted March 12, 2001 07:44 PM
Fuel Air Explosives. Are they compressed into their containers with Oxygen and ignited there or are they dispersed into the environment then ignited? Oh and what kind of explosive would be used in it, and what might the fuel to air ratio be if it were compressed
Mr Cool
Frequent Poster
Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted March 13, 2001 01:10 PM
I may be wrong, but I think:
The fuel is usually an alkane, e.g. petrol, propane, kerosene etc. etc., or maybe they've developed special fuels now.
There is an oxygen cylinder in the middle of the fuel tank, whith det. cord wrapped round it. When the det. cord is set off, it shatters the O2 cylinder, and the release of pressure and the explosion blasts the fuel everywhere, and it mixes and evapourates in the O2. It isn't ignited straight away, because the liquid oxygen in the tank suddenly boiling will cool everything to -186*C. Therefore, a small ignitor charge is sent after the bomb to ignite the fuel/O2 mixture, and BOOM!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 81
From: The Netherlands
Registered: OCT 2000
posted March 13, 2001 02:40 PM
All I know is that Propyleneoxide is often used as a fuel in military FAE and that the process of igniting the fuel is one hell of a bitch to improvise, it works with hundreds of little detonators detonating at the same time throughout the cloud of atomized fuel.
I've got a GIF file of a military FAE, showing much of the detonating stages. if you want it mail me.
[This message has been edited by Morrigan (edited March 13, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 135
Registered: JAN 2001
posted March 14, 2001 08:04 PM
would it be possible to use something like WD40 for the explosive, possibly cracking it open in mid air then igniting it or would it be to weak? Oh and how much would you need in order to get a very big BANG?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 657
Registered: SEP 2000
posted March 14, 2001 10:29 PM
Military FAE's are huge detonating clouds of nitrated alcohols, acheiving this on an improvised scale would be really hard.
a large cloud of fire is plenty destructive enough.
the freshmaker
Frequent Poster
Posts: 171
From: Heaven
Registered: DEC 2000
posted March 15, 2001 05:59 AM
most FAE's uses ethyleneoxide.