June 21st, 2003, 01:00 PM
Pyro Essentials
New Member
Posts: 7
Registered: JUL 2001
posted 07-20-2001 12:46 PM
My HMTD is finished and I was going to wash it in the following way:
Take a large glass and put the coffie filter in it, then mix some bakeing soda with water and add it to my HMTD mix. Then Pour it into the coffie filter and then after I got the crystals put in in another glass and run distiled water over it and then put some bakeing soda water over it and then wash it all off again with distiled water.
The only problem I see with all of this is the problem of getting the crystals out of the cofffie filter since they are exceptionally small, like sand only white/clear. Any suggestions on how to do this please respond ASAP since I dont want to leave it sitting with the reactants for unnessessary amt's of time.
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-20-2001 02:12 PM
Use a peice of fine weave cloth for a filter and you can gently scrape the wet crystals off of it with a blunt instrument.
Pyro Essentials
New Member
Posts: 7
Registered: JUL 2001
posted 07-20-2001 04:27 PM
I did the same thing I said I would do but I used too much bakeing soda I thing, I was filtering it out for a while and then to my relief all my HMTD crystals were all still there after filtering, I am going to go scrape it off into a film can and do that a few times until I get a little more, I dont know how much I got exactly but it would fill a quarter tsp and if it was all stacked it would amt to over 2mm high. I gotta get my scale fixed.
Pyro Essentials
New Member
Posts: 7
Registered: JUL 2001
posted 07-20-2001 04:31 PM
Thanks Anthony, you let me know I was doing it right and that I wasnt going to loose my hmtd or my hand.
Would I get a better yield if I was to make AP and not HMTD? Would they let me buy it @ the hardware store? I am not 18 so they will prob. ask questions, call the manager, and make me put it back. The usual routine.
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-20-2001 06:44 PM
I think the yeilds are roughly the same with AP and HMTD for the same amount of H2O2. By acetone is no problem if you're under 18, just don't tell them you're going to sniff it.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 158
From: Australia
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 07-20-2001 09:05 PM
LOL,that's what he guy said to me when I was buying my Acetone.
"Your not gunna sniff it and get high are you son?"
New Member
Posts: 7
Registered: JUL 2001
posted 07-20-2001 12:46 PM
My HMTD is finished and I was going to wash it in the following way:
Take a large glass and put the coffie filter in it, then mix some bakeing soda with water and add it to my HMTD mix. Then Pour it into the coffie filter and then after I got the crystals put in in another glass and run distiled water over it and then put some bakeing soda water over it and then wash it all off again with distiled water.
The only problem I see with all of this is the problem of getting the crystals out of the cofffie filter since they are exceptionally small, like sand only white/clear. Any suggestions on how to do this please respond ASAP since I dont want to leave it sitting with the reactants for unnessessary amt's of time.
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-20-2001 02:12 PM
Use a peice of fine weave cloth for a filter and you can gently scrape the wet crystals off of it with a blunt instrument.
Pyro Essentials
New Member
Posts: 7
Registered: JUL 2001
posted 07-20-2001 04:27 PM
I did the same thing I said I would do but I used too much bakeing soda I thing, I was filtering it out for a while and then to my relief all my HMTD crystals were all still there after filtering, I am going to go scrape it off into a film can and do that a few times until I get a little more, I dont know how much I got exactly but it would fill a quarter tsp and if it was all stacked it would amt to over 2mm high. I gotta get my scale fixed.
Pyro Essentials
New Member
Posts: 7
Registered: JUL 2001
posted 07-20-2001 04:31 PM
Thanks Anthony, you let me know I was doing it right and that I wasnt going to loose my hmtd or my hand.
Would I get a better yield if I was to make AP and not HMTD? Would they let me buy it @ the hardware store? I am not 18 so they will prob. ask questions, call the manager, and make me put it back. The usual routine.
Posts: 2383
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-20-2001 06:44 PM
I think the yeilds are roughly the same with AP and HMTD for the same amount of H2O2. By acetone is no problem if you're under 18, just don't tell them you're going to sniff it.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 158
From: Australia
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 07-20-2001 09:05 PM
LOL,that's what he guy said to me when I was buying my Acetone.
"Your not gunna sniff it and get high are you son?"