June 21st, 2003, 12:58 PM
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-30-2001 03:43 AM
I have been reading through the abundant information about Acetone Peroxide, but have seen no other information on the Peroxide family of explosive's. It is nearly impossible to find information on MEKAP, the third member of the family (the others being HMTD and acetone peroxide). Like its relative's, however it offers a fairly high power output.
For the uninformed MEKAP can be synthesized by the following procedure:
PVC-pipe cleaning fluid with METHYL ETHYL KETONE.
Hydrogen Peroxide at least 20%
Concentrated sulfuric acid
1. Refrigerate pipe cleaner, hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid for at least an hour.
2. Combine 50 parts by volume hydrogen peroxide with 30 parts PVC-pipe cleaner fluid and stir well.
3. Slowly add 2.5 parts sulfuric acid while stirring vigorously.
4. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. After at least 24 hours, remove and let stand at room temperature for six hours.
5. Filter through paper towel and collect crystals.
6. Let crystals dry and store in an airtight jar.
The product is a flame sensitive primary explosive that has about the same power as acetone peroxide and HMTD.
MEKAP's shelf life as well as power can be improved with the addition of a small amount 20% by weight of potassium chlorate to the explosive.This explosive WILL react with certain metals.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-30-2001 10:28 AM
Hello MEKAP,
Where did ya find this info ? I have a simular recipe, but it uses Concentrated HCL rather than H2SO4 and it has never worked so I never posted it.
How does it react with certain metals, to form salts, detonates, or ?
*** looks like I'll have to try this one again! ***
[This message has been edited by Alchemist (edited May 30, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 412
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-30-2001 01:17 PM
No offence MEKAP, but sounds slightly.... shit. I wouldn't mix KClO3 with ANYTHING made with H2SO4, it could cause ignition which would lead to detonation.
Handguns don't kill people... Half as well as full-auto
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Frequent Poster
Posts: 57
From: U.S.
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-30-2001 05:10 PM
It sounds O.K. to me, as long as you removed the acid with lots of washing. The sulfuric acid is only a catalyst. None should be present anyway.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-30-2001 06:42 PM
I got the information on MEKAP from the Improvised Munitions Black Book, written by
commanding officer
frankford arseneal
so if it sounds slightly shit complain to the U.S. army, and stick your unbelievably
sensitive Acetone peroxide up your ass.
Alchemist: at last someone who knows what there on about. When I said react with other metals, it is pretty much exactly the same as acetone peroxide (an extremely reactive compound). So when producing do your best to isolate it from pretty much everything that has not been wax coated. As it will (like acetone peroxide) decompose explosivly.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-30-2001 09:49 PM
Hello again,
Sounds good I'll dream about it again soon!
P.S., MEKAP, is there anything else interesteng in that book?
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 12:49 AM
Table Of Contents:
Lead Nitrate
Lead Azide
Mekap primary explosive
Sulfuric Acid
Explosive "D"
Starch Nitrate
Optimized process for RDX manufacture
Making a furnace
Hydrogen Azide
Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate
Castable impact sensitive explosive
Copper slug charge
shotshell antipersonnel mine
Canister grenade
Canister grenade launcher
Det-cord 55 gallon drum charge
Offenisive hand grenade
Poison filled hollowpoint ammunition
HC smoke
Simplified compound detonators
Fuming sulfuric acid (oleum)
Potassium cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide grenade
Chlorine generator
Appendix A: Ammendments
Appendix B: Chemicals
Appendix C: Primary and secondary explosives.
I am currently scanning my books, and will share this and other good military explosive books. If there is anything you want from above just reply to this with the chapter you want and I will post it directly back.
Posts: 782
From: Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-31-2001 01:07 AM
I am very interested in the dynamite chapter. can you please post this?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 412
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-31-2001 02:29 AM
Ok, I take it back, looks like its true! But I stil wouldn't add KClO3 to it.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 02:42 AM
A good way to use sensitive nitric esters like methyl nitrate and ethylene glycol dinitrate is in combination with other nonexplosive or less sensitive ingredients to form dynamites. Depending on which mix you decide to use, you will need only some of the following materials.
Methyl nitrate Section 1,No 12
Ethylene glycol dinitrate Section 1,No 52
Nitrocellulose Single base
smokeless powder
Ammonium nitrate Garden supply
Potassium nitrate Section 1,No 2
Sodium nitrate Chemical supply
Sawdust, wood meal, etc Lumber yard
Diatomaceous earth Pool supply store
Baking soda Grocery store
Oven tray
Percentages of ingredients by weight for different mixes:
Nitric ester 20 25 30 40 50 60 75
Potassium nitrate 70 50 62 45 30 20
Wood meal 10 25 8 15 20 20
Diatomaceous earth 25
Nitric ester 10 20 33 25 30 75
Cellulose nitrate 1 1 5
Ammonium nitrate 83 75 30 64 30 15
Potassium nitrate 27 30
Wood meal 7 5 10 10 9 5
Nitric ester 93 92 37 47 56 65 75
Cellulose nitrate 7 8 3 3 4 5 5
Potassium nitrate 48 40 30 22 16
Wood meal 12 10 10 8 4
Note: Each group has its advantages, and in each group there are more and less powerful mixtures.
For the straight dynamites, the 60% dynamite is the most powerful. This group requires few ingredients and is therefore relatively cheap to make.
For the semigelatin dynamites, the last composition is the most powerful and water resistant while still having a relatively cool flame, which is the advantage of all semigelatin dynamites.
For the gelatin dynamites, the first two mixtures are the most powerful not only of their group but of any dynamites.
1. In order to manufacture any of the dynamites, simply place in the oven tray the appropriate percentages by weight of the dry ingredients and spread them out evenly.
2. Next, slowly pour the required percentage by weight of the nitric ester on top of the dry ingredients and mix them well. Next, add 5% baking soda as a preservative.
3. Finally, place the damp explosive into a pipe nipple and insert a blasting cap. Confine both ends for best performance.
MEKAP SAYS" Just in case this format is confusing, nitric esters are your explosive(Niroglycerin,Ethylene glycol dinitrate,etc)
Hopefully I will have everything scanned soon so bear with me.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 02:57 AM
Sorry about the dynamite tables, something about this format.
Here they are in a failsafe format:
Nitric ester-------20--25--30--40--50--60--75
Potassium nitrate-70--50--62--45--30--20----
Wood meal-------10--25---8--15--20--20----
Diatomaceous earth------------------------25
Nitric ester-------10--20--33------25--30--75
Cellulose nitrate-------------------1---1---5
Ammonium nitrate-83--75--30------64--30--15
Potassium nitrate----------27----------30----
Wood meal---------7---5--10------10---9---5
Nitric ester-------93--92--37--47--56--65--75
Cellulose nitrate---7---8---3---3---4---5---5
Potassium nitrate---------48--40--30--22--16
Wood meal----------------12--10--10---8---4
[This message has been edited by Mekap (edited May 31, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Mekap (edited May 31, 2001).]
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:01 AM
I cant fucking win!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 330
From: california
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:08 AM
Hello Mekap,I think you had fine book!I am very much interested about the optimized manufacture of RDX,as well as PETN and Semtex,could you please post that too?Thanks.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:43 AM
This process produces twice as much RDX as the prodcedure outlined in Section 1 No 38. This product also contains larger amounts of the high explosive HMX than the simple
nitric acid/hexamine process.
Ammonium nitrate
Acetic anhydride
Formaldehyde or (preferably) paraformaldehyde
Glass or ceramic container
Salt/Water/Ice mix
Paper towel
Heat source
1.Mix 260 mililitres of acetic anhydride with 100 grams of ammonium nitrate and place in a pan that is siiting in boiling water(double boiler).Allow temperature to reach and remain at 90 degrees celcius.
2. Add 38 grams of paraformaldehyde to the mixture, 1/2 teaspoon at a time, stirring constantly. If using 40% formaldehyde solution, use 95 grams. CAUTION: At this point toxic, flammable fumes are released. Avoid inhalation and contact with exposed skin.
3. Once all the formaldehyde mix has been added, remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature (27 degrees celcius) and cool further by placing in a pan of salt/water/ice mix (ice bath).
4. Filter through paper towel, save liquid and thoroughly wash the resulting crystals with water. Dump the liquid into a gallon of cold water. More crystals will precipitate out. Filter these out, discard the liquid, and wash with clean water.
5. Dump ctystals into a quart of 50 degrees celcius acetone. Cool in ice bath and filter out crystals that precipitate out of the solution.
6. Store the crystals in a cool, dry place in a covered container.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:58 AM
I originally wrote this post about Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide. Since we have completely strayed from this subject, I am now closing this. If you still want PETN and SEMTEX reply to this and I will start again in the high explosives section.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 330
From: california
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 05:11 AM
That was a simple way to prepare RDX from the easy to find ingredients except maybe for the anhydride.This looks similar to the "E" process once written in the High explosive section of this forum.Additional info about PETN and Semtex would be most welcome.Thanks
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-31-2001 10:06 AM
Hello MEKAP and others,
Looks like a great book, but rather than keep posting chapters from it, it might be better to put it in pdf format,or zipped txt if ya can and post the whole thing. I am sure one of the gang here that has a web sight can help ya out. I under stand you have several other good books and this is the best way to do it. Thanks and keep up the great work!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 457
From: Your Nightmares
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-31-2001 06:25 PM
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide IS SOLD AT HARDWARE STORES, at least in Australia. It comes in 30% concentrations, and it's cheap too. I made enough for a dozen or so detonators by simply leaving the bucket of it outside to let the solvent evaporate. What was left after a few hot days was a thick layer of MEKP crystals.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 62
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 05-31-2001 07:21 PM
The hydrogen peroxide only needs to be 20 vols which is 6% & the formula is from the black book companion ive got black books 1 2 & 3 from desert publications & the black book companion from paladin press a few years ago & i found them to be good books .But somethings are bit dated so im all ways hearing
Frequent Poster
Posts: 220
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 06-01-2001 03:22 AM
I have the 'companion' also,but when I 'dreamed' of trying to make mekap,it didn't work (I used pure Methyl ethyl Ketone,bought at Lowes).Perhaps the pipe cleaning fluid the author used had acetone in it as well?.
[This message has been edited by MacCleod (edited June 01, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 06-01-2001 10:16 AM
Hello gang,
I also dreamed of making MEKAP, with pure mek and it did not work either. In the dream I did as discribed. It only formed 2 liquids, one on the other. One looks like the acid plus h2o2 and the other the MEK. MEKAP, do ya have any thoughts? Thanks....
Frequent Poster
Posts: 267
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-01-2001 02:15 PM
hei Codemason
what's the brand of that methyl ethyl ketone peroxide ?
and is it also a PVC cleaner??
(geez, evaporate and what if some residue got left in pipe installation in a heat contained area...?)
Frequent Poster
Posts: 457
From: Your Nightmares
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 06-02-2001 10:14 PM
I'll have to check up on that for you, it has been a while since I played with MEKP. Next time I go to the hardware store, I'll jot down brand name, legitamite uses, etc.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 240
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-04-2001 03:18 AM
i have a friend who works in a hardware store! which hardware store, i'll go and see if i can fid it myself
Frequent Poster
Posts: 240
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 07-04-2001 04:58 AM
MEKAP, when posting figures like you were in the posts above, use the {CODE} {/CODE} tags
(replace the {} with [] )
Mr Cool
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Posts: 1013
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 07-04-2001 07:30 AM
Mekap: Could you tell me what the castable impact sensitive explosive and copper slug charge are? I'm guessing that the copper slug charge is some sort of EFP (explosively formed projectile).
Please just post them up here or e-mail them to me.
Tony Montana
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Registered: JUN 2001
posted 07-05-2001 01:24 AM
How do you post pictures????????
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Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-05-2001 03:12 PM
replace {} with []
For explosives and stuff go to Section1 And
Tony Montana
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Posts: 145
From: Australia
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 07-05-2001 07:24 PM
So you cant post pictures you have on your computer?
They have to be from the net?
DarkAngel: Do you want a good book to add to your site?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 610
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 07-06-2001 03:42 AM
Nope you must upload them to a server.
send me an email about the book.
For explosives and stuff go to Section1 And
Frequent Poster
Posts: 203
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 07-17-2001 03:02 PM
This is just a guess, but MEKAP sounds like type of of AP. Tryclo, dyclo, methyl... Just a hunch.
Also, what advantages does MEKAP have? Less sensitive? More power?
New Member
Posts: 39
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Registered: APR 2001
posted 07-21-2001 07:36 PM
You guys need to be more informed, there are at least 3 isomers of dimeric MEKP (cyclic and non-cyclic, just like acetone peroxides)
the structural difference between cyclic and non-cyclic is simple:
cyclic has "cycle" ing structure -O-
noncyclic is a simpler hydroperoxide -OH-
Here is a website to inject your minds with information:
Also notice what it says about commercial MEKP:
"that the main components of the commonly used industrial MEK peroxide are monomer and dimer and that the cyclic dimer is not present."
Be cautious Alchemist those aren't just chemicals you are playing with it is your life, that other layer was most probably a MEKP.
Look through the patents and internet search engines, you'll find everyhting you need. Trust me.
"The first soap was made from the ashes of heroes. Like the first monkey shot into space. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing."
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posted 07-23-2001 02:10 AM
Of course what I meant:
hydroperoxide: O-OH-
cyclic peroxide: -O-O-
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-30-2001 03:43 AM
I have been reading through the abundant information about Acetone Peroxide, but have seen no other information on the Peroxide family of explosive's. It is nearly impossible to find information on MEKAP, the third member of the family (the others being HMTD and acetone peroxide). Like its relative's, however it offers a fairly high power output.
For the uninformed MEKAP can be synthesized by the following procedure:
PVC-pipe cleaning fluid with METHYL ETHYL KETONE.
Hydrogen Peroxide at least 20%
Concentrated sulfuric acid
1. Refrigerate pipe cleaner, hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid for at least an hour.
2. Combine 50 parts by volume hydrogen peroxide with 30 parts PVC-pipe cleaner fluid and stir well.
3. Slowly add 2.5 parts sulfuric acid while stirring vigorously.
4. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. After at least 24 hours, remove and let stand at room temperature for six hours.
5. Filter through paper towel and collect crystals.
6. Let crystals dry and store in an airtight jar.
The product is a flame sensitive primary explosive that has about the same power as acetone peroxide and HMTD.
MEKAP's shelf life as well as power can be improved with the addition of a small amount 20% by weight of potassium chlorate to the explosive.This explosive WILL react with certain metals.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-30-2001 10:28 AM
Hello MEKAP,
Where did ya find this info ? I have a simular recipe, but it uses Concentrated HCL rather than H2SO4 and it has never worked so I never posted it.
How does it react with certain metals, to form salts, detonates, or ?
*** looks like I'll have to try this one again! ***
[This message has been edited by Alchemist (edited May 30, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 412
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-30-2001 01:17 PM
No offence MEKAP, but sounds slightly.... shit. I wouldn't mix KClO3 with ANYTHING made with H2SO4, it could cause ignition which would lead to detonation.
Handguns don't kill people... Half as well as full-auto
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posted 05-30-2001 05:10 PM
It sounds O.K. to me, as long as you removed the acid with lots of washing. The sulfuric acid is only a catalyst. None should be present anyway.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-30-2001 06:42 PM
I got the information on MEKAP from the Improvised Munitions Black Book, written by
commanding officer
frankford arseneal
so if it sounds slightly shit complain to the U.S. army, and stick your unbelievably
sensitive Acetone peroxide up your ass.
Alchemist: at last someone who knows what there on about. When I said react with other metals, it is pretty much exactly the same as acetone peroxide (an extremely reactive compound). So when producing do your best to isolate it from pretty much everything that has not been wax coated. As it will (like acetone peroxide) decompose explosivly.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-30-2001 09:49 PM
Hello again,
Sounds good I'll dream about it again soon!
P.S., MEKAP, is there anything else interesteng in that book?
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 12:49 AM
Table Of Contents:
Lead Nitrate
Lead Azide
Mekap primary explosive
Sulfuric Acid
Explosive "D"
Starch Nitrate
Optimized process for RDX manufacture
Making a furnace
Hydrogen Azide
Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate
Castable impact sensitive explosive
Copper slug charge
shotshell antipersonnel mine
Canister grenade
Canister grenade launcher
Det-cord 55 gallon drum charge
Offenisive hand grenade
Poison filled hollowpoint ammunition
HC smoke
Simplified compound detonators
Fuming sulfuric acid (oleum)
Potassium cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide grenade
Chlorine generator
Appendix A: Ammendments
Appendix B: Chemicals
Appendix C: Primary and secondary explosives.
I am currently scanning my books, and will share this and other good military explosive books. If there is anything you want from above just reply to this with the chapter you want and I will post it directly back.
Posts: 782
From: Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-31-2001 01:07 AM
I am very interested in the dynamite chapter. can you please post this?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 412
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-31-2001 02:29 AM
Ok, I take it back, looks like its true! But I stil wouldn't add KClO3 to it.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 02:42 AM
A good way to use sensitive nitric esters like methyl nitrate and ethylene glycol dinitrate is in combination with other nonexplosive or less sensitive ingredients to form dynamites. Depending on which mix you decide to use, you will need only some of the following materials.
Methyl nitrate Section 1,No 12
Ethylene glycol dinitrate Section 1,No 52
Nitrocellulose Single base
smokeless powder
Ammonium nitrate Garden supply
Potassium nitrate Section 1,No 2
Sodium nitrate Chemical supply
Sawdust, wood meal, etc Lumber yard
Diatomaceous earth Pool supply store
Baking soda Grocery store
Oven tray
Percentages of ingredients by weight for different mixes:
Nitric ester 20 25 30 40 50 60 75
Potassium nitrate 70 50 62 45 30 20
Wood meal 10 25 8 15 20 20
Diatomaceous earth 25
Nitric ester 10 20 33 25 30 75
Cellulose nitrate 1 1 5
Ammonium nitrate 83 75 30 64 30 15
Potassium nitrate 27 30
Wood meal 7 5 10 10 9 5
Nitric ester 93 92 37 47 56 65 75
Cellulose nitrate 7 8 3 3 4 5 5
Potassium nitrate 48 40 30 22 16
Wood meal 12 10 10 8 4
Note: Each group has its advantages, and in each group there are more and less powerful mixtures.
For the straight dynamites, the 60% dynamite is the most powerful. This group requires few ingredients and is therefore relatively cheap to make.
For the semigelatin dynamites, the last composition is the most powerful and water resistant while still having a relatively cool flame, which is the advantage of all semigelatin dynamites.
For the gelatin dynamites, the first two mixtures are the most powerful not only of their group but of any dynamites.
1. In order to manufacture any of the dynamites, simply place in the oven tray the appropriate percentages by weight of the dry ingredients and spread them out evenly.
2. Next, slowly pour the required percentage by weight of the nitric ester on top of the dry ingredients and mix them well. Next, add 5% baking soda as a preservative.
3. Finally, place the damp explosive into a pipe nipple and insert a blasting cap. Confine both ends for best performance.
MEKAP SAYS" Just in case this format is confusing, nitric esters are your explosive(Niroglycerin,Ethylene glycol dinitrate,etc)
Hopefully I will have everything scanned soon so bear with me.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 02:57 AM
Sorry about the dynamite tables, something about this format.
Here they are in a failsafe format:
Nitric ester-------20--25--30--40--50--60--75
Potassium nitrate-70--50--62--45--30--20----
Wood meal-------10--25---8--15--20--20----
Diatomaceous earth------------------------25
Nitric ester-------10--20--33------25--30--75
Cellulose nitrate-------------------1---1---5
Ammonium nitrate-83--75--30------64--30--15
Potassium nitrate----------27----------30----
Wood meal---------7---5--10------10---9---5
Nitric ester-------93--92--37--47--56--65--75
Cellulose nitrate---7---8---3---3---4---5---5
Potassium nitrate---------48--40--30--22--16
Wood meal----------------12--10--10---8---4
[This message has been edited by Mekap (edited May 31, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Mekap (edited May 31, 2001).]
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:01 AM
I cant fucking win!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 330
From: california
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:08 AM
Hello Mekap,I think you had fine book!I am very much interested about the optimized manufacture of RDX,as well as PETN and Semtex,could you please post that too?Thanks.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:43 AM
This process produces twice as much RDX as the prodcedure outlined in Section 1 No 38. This product also contains larger amounts of the high explosive HMX than the simple
nitric acid/hexamine process.
Ammonium nitrate
Acetic anhydride
Formaldehyde or (preferably) paraformaldehyde
Glass or ceramic container
Salt/Water/Ice mix
Paper towel
Heat source
1.Mix 260 mililitres of acetic anhydride with 100 grams of ammonium nitrate and place in a pan that is siiting in boiling water(double boiler).Allow temperature to reach and remain at 90 degrees celcius.
2. Add 38 grams of paraformaldehyde to the mixture, 1/2 teaspoon at a time, stirring constantly. If using 40% formaldehyde solution, use 95 grams. CAUTION: At this point toxic, flammable fumes are released. Avoid inhalation and contact with exposed skin.
3. Once all the formaldehyde mix has been added, remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature (27 degrees celcius) and cool further by placing in a pan of salt/water/ice mix (ice bath).
4. Filter through paper towel, save liquid and thoroughly wash the resulting crystals with water. Dump the liquid into a gallon of cold water. More crystals will precipitate out. Filter these out, discard the liquid, and wash with clean water.
5. Dump ctystals into a quart of 50 degrees celcius acetone. Cool in ice bath and filter out crystals that precipitate out of the solution.
6. Store the crystals in a cool, dry place in a covered container.
New Member
Posts: 37
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 03:58 AM
I originally wrote this post about Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide. Since we have completely strayed from this subject, I am now closing this. If you still want PETN and SEMTEX reply to this and I will start again in the high explosives section.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 330
From: california
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-31-2001 05:11 AM
That was a simple way to prepare RDX from the easy to find ingredients except maybe for the anhydride.This looks similar to the "E" process once written in the High explosive section of this forum.Additional info about PETN and Semtex would be most welcome.Thanks
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-31-2001 10:06 AM
Hello MEKAP and others,
Looks like a great book, but rather than keep posting chapters from it, it might be better to put it in pdf format,or zipped txt if ya can and post the whole thing. I am sure one of the gang here that has a web sight can help ya out. I under stand you have several other good books and this is the best way to do it. Thanks and keep up the great work!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 457
From: Your Nightmares
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-31-2001 06:25 PM
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide IS SOLD AT HARDWARE STORES, at least in Australia. It comes in 30% concentrations, and it's cheap too. I made enough for a dozen or so detonators by simply leaving the bucket of it outside to let the solvent evaporate. What was left after a few hot days was a thick layer of MEKP crystals.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 62
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 05-31-2001 07:21 PM
The hydrogen peroxide only needs to be 20 vols which is 6% & the formula is from the black book companion ive got black books 1 2 & 3 from desert publications & the black book companion from paladin press a few years ago & i found them to be good books .But somethings are bit dated so im all ways hearing
Frequent Poster
Posts: 220
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 06-01-2001 03:22 AM
I have the 'companion' also,but when I 'dreamed' of trying to make mekap,it didn't work (I used pure Methyl ethyl Ketone,bought at Lowes).Perhaps the pipe cleaning fluid the author used had acetone in it as well?.
[This message has been edited by MacCleod (edited June 01, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 06-01-2001 10:16 AM
Hello gang,
I also dreamed of making MEKAP, with pure mek and it did not work either. In the dream I did as discribed. It only formed 2 liquids, one on the other. One looks like the acid plus h2o2 and the other the MEK. MEKAP, do ya have any thoughts? Thanks....
Frequent Poster
Posts: 267
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-01-2001 02:15 PM
hei Codemason
what's the brand of that methyl ethyl ketone peroxide ?
and is it also a PVC cleaner??
(geez, evaporate and what if some residue got left in pipe installation in a heat contained area...?)
Frequent Poster
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From: Your Nightmares
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posted 06-02-2001 10:14 PM
I'll have to check up on that for you, it has been a while since I played with MEKP. Next time I go to the hardware store, I'll jot down brand name, legitamite uses, etc.
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posted 07-04-2001 03:18 AM
i have a friend who works in a hardware store! which hardware store, i'll go and see if i can fid it myself
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posted 07-04-2001 04:58 AM
MEKAP, when posting figures like you were in the posts above, use the {CODE} {/CODE} tags
(replace the {} with [] )
Mr Cool
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Registered: DEC 2000
posted 07-04-2001 07:30 AM
Mekap: Could you tell me what the castable impact sensitive explosive and copper slug charge are? I'm guessing that the copper slug charge is some sort of EFP (explosively formed projectile).
Please just post them up here or e-mail them to me.
Tony Montana
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Registered: JUN 2001
posted 07-05-2001 01:24 AM
How do you post pictures????????
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posted 07-05-2001 03:12 PM
replace {} with []
For explosives and stuff go to Section1 And
Tony Montana
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Posts: 145
From: Australia
Registered: JUN 2001
posted 07-05-2001 07:24 PM
So you cant post pictures you have on your computer?
They have to be from the net?
DarkAngel: Do you want a good book to add to your site?
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posted 07-06-2001 03:42 AM
Nope you must upload them to a server.
send me an email about the book.
For explosives and stuff go to Section1 And
Frequent Poster
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posted 07-17-2001 03:02 PM
This is just a guess, but MEKAP sounds like type of of AP. Tryclo, dyclo, methyl... Just a hunch.
Also, what advantages does MEKAP have? Less sensitive? More power?
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posted 07-21-2001 07:36 PM
You guys need to be more informed, there are at least 3 isomers of dimeric MEKP (cyclic and non-cyclic, just like acetone peroxides)
the structural difference between cyclic and non-cyclic is simple:
cyclic has "cycle" ing structure -O-
noncyclic is a simpler hydroperoxide -OH-
Here is a website to inject your minds with information:
Also notice what it says about commercial MEKP:
"that the main components of the commonly used industrial MEK peroxide are monomer and dimer and that the cyclic dimer is not present."
Be cautious Alchemist those aren't just chemicals you are playing with it is your life, that other layer was most probably a MEKP.
Look through the patents and internet search engines, you'll find everyhting you need. Trust me.
"The first soap was made from the ashes of heroes. Like the first monkey shot into space. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing."
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posted 07-23-2001 02:10 AM
Of course what I meant:
hydroperoxide: O-OH-
cyclic peroxide: -O-O-