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View Full Version : Asbestos replacement ?

June 16th, 2003, 09:42 AM
Maybe this isn't quite E+W Forum material, I apologise.

Anyways, I'm looking for a replacement for asbestos, the flame proofer of decades now past. It's not used because the asbestos dust particles cause lung problems etc. That wouldn't worry me, as I only want a small amount. But seeing as it's illegal to build with it, I can't find any anywhere.

Any Ideas ? So far I looked at Fire-proofing wood, but that won't work as it still chars slowly, metal / ceramic won't work, as it will transfer heat to the parts that will be wood, and plastic will melt.

I'm looking for a sheet, quite thin, of flame / heat proof material. Am I asking too much ?

I just thought, I may be able to get a bunsen burner mat, I think they must be asbestos. Even then, not till school goes back, it's mid semester hols here.

Any Ideas ?

June 16th, 2003, 10:27 AM
Giving us a clue what you're planning to use it for will probably get you a lot more help.

However, I would personally look for something like fibreglass or carbon fibre material (The carbon is 10 times as expensive - Kevlar, 20 times)

What you need is "woven rovings", not "chopped strand mat". The former is a rough woven and VERY strong cloth. The latter is made of chopped fibres, glued together loosely - that disintigrates with heat.

Try looking for:

a. a fire blanket from a kitchen


b. the flexible heat shielding cloth that plumbers use when soldering copper pipes in-situ

this (http://www.screwfix.com/app/sfd/cat/pro.jsp?id=17340&ts=70154)

June 16th, 2003, 08:32 PM
i believe asbestos roof tiles are an alternative to slate tiles. i think they are still available.

June 16th, 2003, 09:53 PM
Thanks, I think the fire mat would be best.

I know it sounds silly, but my younger brother needs help with a mdel boat, which he plans to make steam powered with a candle. He has a very good understanding of these sort of things, but where to get asbestos had him stumped.

Thanks a lot, I'm still looking for asbestos, as I have seen it dumped behind houses etc when out and about.

I hope it may be of use to others too, I know I've looked for something similar before when soldering and testing my blowtorch.

June 17th, 2003, 12:19 AM
What, precisely, are you wanting to do? Would glass wool do the job?

You really, really don't want to screw with asbestos, my parents neighbour made the mistake of sanding his asbestos decking - he died five years later from lung cancer. Its a nasty, insidious killer, which is why people pay lots of money to have it removed from their homes.

June 17th, 2003, 07:04 AM
Dont play with asbestos. I know a guy who got cancer after 2 weeks exposure, when pulling down a wall. (he got it years after pulling the wall down but the asbestos caused it).

Iv found asbestos in old fibro houses. If you crack the wall you notice thread like crap, wich is ment to mean it has asbestos in it. If hes just useing a candle, use some alfoil or something, cheap and when it does turn crap throw it out and make a new one

June 17th, 2003, 11:12 PM
I know not to play with asbestos, the dangerous properties of asbestos have been well known for some time now, too many people have become victims of it's dust.

I can't use Aluminium foil, the heat will transfer straight to the balsa wood hull, (read my last post, I'm helping build a steam powered model boat) So that isn't a possibility.

Thanks for all your help anyway, I'll find something, but i think he's given up anyway.