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June 10th, 2003, 02:03 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-19-2001 07:53 PM
Hello all,
Since there is still interest in other explosive peroxides here is another one. This is similar to one that I posted before (do a search), but does use Hydrogen Peroxide!

Dibenzoyl peroxide

Immerse a 600 ml. beaker, containing 50 ml. of 30% to 40% hydrogen peroxide and equipped with a mechanical stirrer, in an ice bath. Support two dropping funnels, containing respectively 30 ml. of 1N sodium hydroxide solution and 30 g (25 ml) of redistilled benzoyl chloride (See Mega's sight or check out Patent 1,280,612 for another method), with their stems inside the beaker. Add the two reagents alternately a few drops at a time, taking care that the temperature does not rise above 5-8?nd that the solution is maintained faintly alkaline throughout. When all the reagents have been added, stir the solution for a further half an hour; by this time the odor of the benzoyl chloride should have disappeared. Filter off the flocculent precipitate at the pump, wash it with a little cold water, and dry upon filter paper. The yield of dibenzoyl peroxide is 12 g. It may be purified by dissolving in chloroform at *room temperature* and adding twice the volume of methyl alcohol. It should not be recrystallized from hot chloroform as serious explosion may result. The compound melts at 106 degrees. Like all organic peroxides, dibenzoyl peroxide should be handled with great care.


Posts: 602
From: United Kingdom
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-22-2001 11:51 AM
It is sold (in the UK at least) as a hardenner for fiberglass resin. I don't know what it is mixed with to make it stable, but there are no explosion warnings on the pack. Does anyone have any idea what might be the stablizer?

"If the aquarium water has to be drunk don't waste the fish. In fact they'll probably be the easiest to eat even if you don't need the water. The cat is next in the pot." - John 'Lofty' Wiseman

Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-22-2001 04:17 PM
Hello All,
Here is a little more info and there are many data safty sheets on the net!

benzoyl peroxide (dibenzoyl peroxide) (C6H5CO)2,O2,.
Properties: White, granular, crystalline solid; taste less; faint odor of benzaldehyde. Active oxygen,
about 6.5%. Soluble in nearly all organic solvents;slightly soluble in alcohols and vegetable oils; slightly soluble in water. M.p. 103-l05°C; decomposes explosively above 105°C. Autoignition temp. 176°F; sp. gr. 1.3340 (25°C).
Grades: Technical, wet or dry; F.C.C.
Containers: l-lb net fiber containers or polyethylene lined bags; standard cases contain 5, 25, and 50 containers.

Hazard: Flammable and explosive. May explode
spontaneously when dry (1% of water). Never mix unless at least 33% water is present.


Posts: 602
From: United Kingdom
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-22-2001 05:02 PM
The stuff I buy is pink, and the consistency of toothpaste. Does anybody happen to know the colour of Dibenzoyl Peroxide in different solutions?

"If the aquarium water has to be drunk don't waste the fish. In fact they'll probably be the easiest to eat even if you don't need the water. The cat is next in the pot." - John 'Lofty' Wiseman

Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-25-2001 10:12 AM
Hello J,
Just found this! See Pat.#5334326
Bye for now........................


Posts: 602
From: United Kingdom
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-28-2001 12:05 PM
Thanks for the patent, it's got me thinking about extracting the peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide is soluble in Acetone and Ether, but insoluble in water. It's slightly soluble in alchohols and glycols, and I guess it's mostly insoluble in alkyl benzoates and esters of ortho-phthalic acid. I've found one chemical supplier who sells 50kg of peroxide crystals wetted with 23% water. This suggests it's a lot more stable than AP, making extraction a useful procedure to know.
It would be useful to know if the patent was ever implemeted by the companies that make resin hardenner. If not, it's safe to assume the peroxide is (mainly) mixed with butyl benzyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, isobutyl phthalate, or maybe dipropylene glycol dibenzoate.

What I might try is adding a small amount of the hardenner to some Acetone, hopefully the phlegmatizer will separate out and allow me to pour off the Acetone and let it evaporate.

Does this sound feasible? Does anyone know if the chemicals mentioned above are soluble in Acetone or Ether?


"If the aquarium water has to be drunk don't waste the fish. In fact they'll probably be the easiest to eat even if you don't need the water. The cat is next in the pot." - John 'Lofty' Wiseman

PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-02-2001 10:43 AM
I guess yes! Aceton dissolves nearly all organic compounds (especially aromatics!)
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"

Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-03-2001 12:39 AM
All are miscible with common organic solvents (that would include Acetone), but insoluble with water!At least the phthalates are. Bye.........................................

P.S.,Not much Peroxide in those hardenners or really diluted I believe!


Posts: 602
From: United Kingdom
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-03-2001 07:11 PM
When I have time, I'll try a few things. True, there isn't much peroxide, and they're expensive. But I'd rather pay £1 or so for a few detonators rather than mess with AP.

July 5th, 2003, 07:51 PM
Has anyone actually made Banzoyl peroxide explode?

I bought some 150grams of it from the local drugstore very cheap and thought I would try out what funny things can be done with it.
On the container it said that it contained 25% moisture so I have tried to dry it.

When litt with a lighter it makes a tiny *poof* and smells terrible...when mixed with some sulfur it burns a bit...

Why bother making it when you can buy it for electron microscopy (it said so on the container it came in)

Explosive? Seems more or less like a joke to me....

July 6th, 2003, 12:04 AM
... heat it on a spoon. Even my 10% benzoyl peroxide acne cream goes bang when heated on a spoon...