June 9th, 2003, 05:47 PM
New Member
Posts: 9
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-13-2001 05:26 PM
Is it reasonably safe to start ripping open boosters and dynamite cartridges as long as you don't use metal?What is the easiest way to plastisize commercial PETN or RDX or a mix of the 2?Can det cord sever telegraph poles?How close must A.N based charges be to each other to set each other off with the one blast?When using large amounts of ANFO is it necessary to use air tight containers or can you just treat the A.N sacks with fuel and pile them up?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 290
From: 11 Downing Street, London, England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-13-2001 06:17 PM
"Is it reasonably safe to start ripping open boosters and dynamite cartridges as long as you don't use metal?"
Erm, what exactly are you going to rip them open with other than metal tools ?
"What is the easiest way to plastisize commercial PETN or RDX or a mix of the 2?"
Mineral oil.
"How close must A.N based charges be to each other to set each other off with the one blast?"
Very close I should think. No more than a few centimetres; it's difficult to detonate.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-13-2001 06:45 PM
So many questions...
Yes it should be safe to open dynamite cartridges, but wear gloves or the nitro will fuck you up.
Metal tools *should* be ok since dynamite punches are made of metal and dynamite cartridges are usually slit with a knife.
The maximum distance for propagation firing of "AN based charges" would depend heavily on exactly what the explosive was since ANNM is more sensitive than ANFO. It'd also depend heavily on the medium between the charges such as air/sand/wet soil/water etc. The only way to find out is by testing as each situation is so different.
Yes det cord could sever telegraph poles don't know how much you'd need though. More than for an equal dimater tree though as telegraph poles are tougher than fresh wood.
Fuel oil isn't very volitile at all so it won't evaporate quickly. You could cut open a plastic sack of AN, pour in the FO, tape it up, mix it and throw on a pile ready for detonation.
Not sure what form the base charges you refer to are in.
I have a few questions though, why do you want to open dynamite cartridges? It's a finished product and best used as-is. Also, to have access to this stuff you'd most likely be a bonefide blaster and a real blaster would already know all this stuff, especially about the det cord.
New Member
Posts: 9
From: Australia
Registered: MAY 2001
posted 05-13-2001 05:26 PM
Is it reasonably safe to start ripping open boosters and dynamite cartridges as long as you don't use metal?What is the easiest way to plastisize commercial PETN or RDX or a mix of the 2?Can det cord sever telegraph poles?How close must A.N based charges be to each other to set each other off with the one blast?When using large amounts of ANFO is it necessary to use air tight containers or can you just treat the A.N sacks with fuel and pile them up?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 290
From: 11 Downing Street, London, England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-13-2001 06:17 PM
"Is it reasonably safe to start ripping open boosters and dynamite cartridges as long as you don't use metal?"
Erm, what exactly are you going to rip them open with other than metal tools ?
"What is the easiest way to plastisize commercial PETN or RDX or a mix of the 2?"
Mineral oil.
"How close must A.N based charges be to each other to set each other off with the one blast?"
Very close I should think. No more than a few centimetres; it's difficult to detonate.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 05-13-2001 06:45 PM
So many questions...
Yes it should be safe to open dynamite cartridges, but wear gloves or the nitro will fuck you up.
Metal tools *should* be ok since dynamite punches are made of metal and dynamite cartridges are usually slit with a knife.
The maximum distance for propagation firing of "AN based charges" would depend heavily on exactly what the explosive was since ANNM is more sensitive than ANFO. It'd also depend heavily on the medium between the charges such as air/sand/wet soil/water etc. The only way to find out is by testing as each situation is so different.
Yes det cord could sever telegraph poles don't know how much you'd need though. More than for an equal dimater tree though as telegraph poles are tougher than fresh wood.
Fuel oil isn't very volitile at all so it won't evaporate quickly. You could cut open a plastic sack of AN, pour in the FO, tape it up, mix it and throw on a pile ready for detonation.
Not sure what form the base charges you refer to are in.
I have a few questions though, why do you want to open dynamite cartridges? It's a finished product and best used as-is. Also, to have access to this stuff you'd most likely be a bonefide blaster and a real blaster would already know all this stuff, especially about the det cord.