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June 8th, 2003, 01:17 PM
Crater maker
New Member
Posts: 2
From: Berlin ,Berlin ,Deutschland
Registered: APR 2001
posted 05-06-2001 04:59 AM
Hello there ,
I want to make guanidine nitrate at home but I have a little problem in getting pure calcium cyanamide .The only stuff I can get is a fertilizer containing about 70% calcium cyanamide, 20% calcium nitrate, and perhaps 10% coal and calcium oxide . Can I get guanidine nitrate out of this stuff and how can I do it ?

Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-06-2001 11:35 AM
Hello Crater maker,
Try this one, it's much easier than others I've seen around!

Preparation of Guanidine Nitrate

75g lime nitrogen(see note) and 190g ammonium nitrate where pulverized and placed in a 1L erlenmeyer flask. The mixture was heated on a boiling water bath and stirred from time to time with a glass rod. The black and white mixture became a thick black paste. After 6hours of heating, 300 ml of hot water was added (evolution of NH3) and the resulting paste was filtered. The residue was washed with 100 ml of hot water and the combined washings were reduced by 200 ml and cooled to 4°C. First fell out red powder of unknown composition (impurities/?)and then lots of white crystals. The crystals were filtered. The filtrate was reduced to half volume and cooled to 4°C. Again red powder and some crystals (this time much less) fell out. The crystals contain up to 50% ammonium nitrate, so they were recrystallized from hot water (taking care to filter out the red powder). Yields up to 75% (from calcium cyanamide) can be expected. For more purity, product can be recrystallized from Methanol.

*(Note) Lime nitrogen is commercial calcium cyanamide, containing about 50% calcium cyanamide. It is important to use the commercial preparation because it contains Ca(OH)2 which is important in this reaction.

P.S., Where did ya find this fertilizer. What brand is it and what is it called. Is it LIME_NITROGEN? I have been looking everywhere in my town but know luck. Please let me know. Thanks and good luck.........................


Crater maker
New Member
Posts: 2
From: Berlin ,Berlin ,Deutschland
Registered: APR 2001
posted 05-06-2001 04:25 PM
This fertilizer is called " Nitrathaltiger Kalkstickstoff " and is sold in German .I don´t know if the composition I gave you is exactly correct, but I´m sure it contains at least 15 % of calcium nitrate and also bit of coal .And I found out that this fertilizer neutralisizes little amounts of sulfuric acid (concentration about 2 mol/l),
and then I researched in books and fnd found out that the most common Kalkstickstoff fertilizers contain some calcium oxide .

Frequent Poster
Posts: 211
From: Woodland hills,Ca.,L.A.
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-06-2001 10:08 PM
Hello Crater maker and all,
Well if ya got the time, it's a little long I know. Give it a try. Let me know how it all works out. I have been trying for a couple of weeks now to find a simular fertilizer here in the USA, but no luck so far.


Frequent Poster
Posts: 49
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 05-08-2001 02:38 PM
Can guanidine nitrate be used as an explosive itself or is it only an additive for other explosives or rocket propellants?

Frequent Poster
Posts: 383
From: Your Nightmares
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 05-08-2001 07:49 PM
Guanidine nitrate is an explosive by itself, however it's very stable, and you will need either a serious fucking detonator, or to mix it with sensitizers. I've hear vaseline makes a good guanidine nitrate sensitizer, although it's from a dubious source.