May 18th, 2003, 03:45 PM
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-04-2001 07:45 PM
Hi folks!
I want to make smoke bombs but I want special qualitys for those smoke bombs:
- The smoke screen shows up quickly
- I don't have to light anything
So I was wondering if Saltpetre and Sugar blows up quick enough to produce a thick smoke cloud fast... (Like 1-2 seconds)
Next, I was wondering if I could use touch explosives (As described in the A.C.B.) to ignit my smokebombs.
I want to throw my smokebombs and when they touch the ground, I want them to ignit.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-04-2001 08:34 PM
i heard zinc/sulfur burns very quickly, like (blackpowder)and produces a lot of smoke, but saltpetere and sugar probably burns too slow for your purpose
Frequent Poster
Posts: 618
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-04-2001 09:30 PM
You said you don't want to have to light it... how is it going to start to burn? you maybe might be able to make the smoke bomb into a dart type thing and place a primer or cap from a cap gun on the tip so when you throw it and the tip hits it will go off, and in turn light your composition.
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-04-2001 09:53 PM
Yes that's the type of thing I'm actually talking about. But I would like to light the thing with something that explose with friction...
/\ = Container
# = Smoke producter
��= Something to separate
*= Friction explosive (Would produce the fire to light the smoke producter)
Any way to do this? so I could just throw the thing on any of it's side and with friction it makes when touching the ground, the bomb would explose even if it is not on the right side
(Actually, the device would be more spherical)
[This message has been edited by WhiteNinja (edited April 04, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 61
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-04-2001 11:40 PM
Sulfuric acid ignition of KClO3 and sucrose is not difficult to construct. A red phosphorus scratch surface with a matching KClO3 and antimony sulfide and dextrin surface would not be difficult to fabricate. If the device can be stabilized in flight, percussion cap ignition would be easy.
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-04-2001 11:48 PM
I don't know if it would be possible for you, Smag, to do it, but I'm more a visual person so if you could draw something or make an ASCII design of what you are talking about, it would be more representative for me...
I'm a newbie at this stuff and all I want to make are some small smoke bombs (Maybe something like ping-pong ball sized bombs) that would ignite as soon as they touch the ground and would show create a short-lasting dense smoke screen... Those balls would be thrown near me (Maybe something like 2-3 meters away) in an angle that I would shoot them directly to the ground. (Not shooting them so they make a balloon in the air - straight to the ground)
You can see those type of effects in movies but they are quite effective when distracting someone... (Thrown just in front of the person, the guy normally stops wandering what's happening giving me the chance to run away or hide myself somewhere temporarly)
Agent Blak
Frequent Poster
Posts: 766
From: Sk. Canada
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 12:30 AM
Try this...
This is an idea that has been around for a long time, I just put a new spin on it, and have
come up with a few new ways to improve it. I first heard of these devices from my
grandmother(Grandma Blak), she told me of these things my cousin use to make. They were these
black balls, that would explode when thrown on a hard surface. My father took the liberty of
explaining how they were made. I simply took what he told me, and inovated on it. These devices
will make it so you can get out of a sticky situation easier. They provide a distraction, a scare,
and gives the prusuer a difficulty seeing you, because of the Flash or Smoke). These devices are
best when used at night. Now on to the good stuff.
These devices are very simple to make, and the materials are pretty easy to get a hold of.
There are 2 types of cyclopes' that I will discuss: Flash and Smoke.
First we'll talk about the Flash Cyclopes. For the "Flash Cyclopes" you will need one box of
250 "Strike Anywhere" matches, or "RedBirds." 1/2 a Teaspoon of Black Powder, or Pyredex. 1/2 a
Teaspoon of Magnesium(Mg)(I used one of those fire starters from the camping store.) A drill or a
file, Plastic Wrap, and a roll of electrical tape.
Next, using a pair of Side-Cutters, clip off the match heads and discard the sticks. After you
have clipped all the match heads, place them in the center, on a piece of plastic wrap. Then on a
sheet of news paper, or waxed paper, mix the 1/2 teaspoon of pyredex and, 1/2 teaspoon of
Magnesium filings. After that, add to the heap of match heads to it.
Now, gather all the Plastic Wrap together, and twist it tightly together.With a small piece of
tape, secure it so it wont un-twist itself. Then, cut off the majority of the excess Plastic Wrap.
This keeps all the matches and powder together.(note: I used Pyredex/Mg you could try substituting
it with your favorite flash powder instead.)
Finially, using your electrical tape, tape up the packet tightly by stretching the tape. The
tighter you tape it, the better it will perform. Make sure you wrap it quite well, try to keep it
as close to round as possible. Somtimes mine end up slightly eggshaped, but they still work.
Now we will discuss "Smoke Cyclopes." Smoke Cyclopes', you guessed it, produce Smoke. They do
not produce as much smoke as the "Exploding Stlye Smoke Device," but they work good when you don't
have as much time to get put of really sticky situaltions fast. You will need 125(1/2 a box) of
Strike Anywhere matches, or "Redbirds." 1/2 a teaspoon of Pryedex or Black Powder, Plastic Wrap.
1/2-2/3 of a cup of Fast burning Smoke powder, and some Electrical Tape.
Now, just like for the flash cyclopes you must clip 125 match heads off the match stick. Place
the match heads in the center of the Plastic Wrap, add a 1/2 a Teaspoon of Pryedex to the match
heads. Gather up all the plastic wrap, and twist it tightly around the match heads and the powder.
Secure it with a small piece of tape and trim off the excess.
Next, Place 1/2-2/3 of a cup of "Smoke Powder" in the center of a sheet of plastic wrap. Then
Place the Match Head/Pyredex packet in the center. Gather up all the the Plastic Wrap and twist it
tightly around the Powder, taking care that the match head/pyredex packet it in the center. Secure
it with a small piece of tape, and trim off the excess.
Finially, using your electrical tape, tape the packet tightly by stretching the tape. The
tighter you tape it the better it will preform. Make sure you wrap it quite well. Try to keep it
as round as you can, but sometime they go eggshaped.
Cyclopes are best to keep ready in a hidden pocket, and where they are easily excessible. They
are great for those sticky situations. They are primarily for evasion and escape. They could
probabley be used to gain the upper hand in an attack or to be used if you want to do the old "Hit
and Run". They must be thown sharply, at a hard surface. Be careful not to start fires, and these
are not Water Proof, but are water resistant. I hope this will make a great addition to your
Arsenel of Weapons and Tools.
A wise man once said:
"...There Will Be No
Stand Off At High Noon
... Shoot'em In The Back
And, Shoot'em In The Dark"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 02:27 AM
"Next, I was wondering if I could use touch explosives (As described in the A.C.B.) to ignit my smokebombs."
Mentioning the Anarchist cookbook in this forum will get your ass punked by a moderator.
The Anarchist CookBook is bullshit.
A primary high explosive (Touch explosives, as you descibed them) would never ignite anything, it would more than likely spread your smoke mix and and casing everywhere at high velocity and ignite nothing.
Anything using primary explosive's can only be called "Acme Hand Remover 2000".
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-05-2001 07:18 AM
I'm sorry for the Anarchist Cook Book thing... I'm really new to this and all I wanted were some smoke bombs and some flash bombs to get out of sticky situations quickly
. Bare with me, I'm a newbie... Now that I know it, I won't talk about it anymore.
Thanks for the tip bob!
Agent Blak, thank you for the device you explained... That's actually what I was looking for... I'ma try them as soon as possible...
Thanks guys,
P.S.: Where can I get Pyredex?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 07:27 AM
Agent Blak where might one find strike anywhere matches?
i've heard of them alot but have never seen anywhere to get them.
is it posible to some how turn normal matches into strike anywhere?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-05-2001 11:06 AM
crux..strike anywhere matches are the ones with a red top, just buy them in a newsagents/happy shopper/ where ever for about 10p....
ah, where do u live?
Posts: 602
From: United Kingdom
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 02:08 PM
Crux, are you seriously saying you can't get strike anywhere matches???
Whiteninja, I suggest you experiment with the smoke compositions before making anything shock/friction sensitive if you're new to pyro. Also, consider that something made to be shock/friction sensitive will happily go off in your hand/pocket if anything bumps against it.
What happens if you slip over and your pocket of explosives hits the ground? What happens if you get into a fight in one of these sticky situations and get pushed over or your pocket is hit?
I'm not trying to put you off, just be aware of all the risks.
"If the aquarium water has to be drunk don't waste the fish. In fact they'll probably be the easiest to eat even if you don't need the water. The cat is next in the pot." - John 'Lofty' Wiseman
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-05-2001 04:44 PM
J, that's what I'm going to do... I'm going to test the explosives before carrying anything on me. Tests I will make will be like dropping a smoke bomb from some height and see at which height the bomb ignits so I could get a good idea of what it takes to ignite it.
Be sure that I'm aware of the dangers... While I was young, I had some experiences with bombs and one time, an homemade bomb explosed in my hand and my hand was full of blood so I'll be very careful...
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 08:28 PM
I live in australia the the biggest sellers we have are called "red heads" (because they have a red head) and there safty matches.
i've only ever seen satfy matches hear... maybe we have some fucked up law saying we can not have them..
I dunno if any Aussies out there know if we have them can you let me know
Frequent Poster
Posts: 618
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-05-2001 08:45 PM
in contrast, i have only used strike anywhere matches with white heads... an enigma if i have ever experianced one. IT BLOWS MY MIND!!!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 237
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 09:28 PM
I have also never seen strike anywhere matches. (apart from antique british ones in antique shops) I use reheads and paradise matches (imported from PNG)
which are better to use as they light easier.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-06-2001 02:23 PM
Wow! I can't belive you guys can't get both kinds of matches!
Here, strike anywhere matches have red heads and there is a strip of sandpaper down the side of the box.
Safety matches have purple heads and there is strip of purple stuff down the side of the box. Sometimes the striker strip is quite dark and very smooth, sometimes it's a pattern of raised diamond shapes.
Strike anywhere matches are certainly easier to strike.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 110
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-06-2001 03:12 PM
The matches I'm used to are the red heads, that you strike on the box. White tips are the strike anywheres. Except I don't use matches. I have my fav. lighter. It looks like a wrench but it is a lighter and refillable. And I wouldn't make impact explosives. I have no need for them, I like to light a fuse and throw.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-07-2001 05:00 PM
yeah, impact explosives are a bit dodgy if youre not too careful.. hehe
Frequent Poster
Posts: 313
From: London
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-07-2001 05:49 PM
If you're in england, and looking for strike anywhere matches, get the "swan" brand, they come in yellow boxes with a red cover. I can even light them on glass, hehe. They are also shock sensitive, if you put them on top of a sheet of metal, and smack the match with a hammer or brick, it makes a small popping sound and explodes.
Whiteninja, you probably have seen me on the previous forum that you were on (I was flaming everyone), abandon that forum, this one is WAY better, besides, that one only has idiots talking shit about detonating C4 with black powder. You have made the very good move from a kewl to a real pyro. Don't tell any of the dicks at that forum about this one, they will come here and talk shit.
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-04-2001 07:45 PM
Hi folks!
I want to make smoke bombs but I want special qualitys for those smoke bombs:
- The smoke screen shows up quickly
- I don't have to light anything
So I was wondering if Saltpetre and Sugar blows up quick enough to produce a thick smoke cloud fast... (Like 1-2 seconds)
Next, I was wondering if I could use touch explosives (As described in the A.C.B.) to ignit my smokebombs.
I want to throw my smokebombs and when they touch the ground, I want them to ignit.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-04-2001 08:34 PM
i heard zinc/sulfur burns very quickly, like (blackpowder)and produces a lot of smoke, but saltpetere and sugar probably burns too slow for your purpose
Frequent Poster
Posts: 618
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-04-2001 09:30 PM
You said you don't want to have to light it... how is it going to start to burn? you maybe might be able to make the smoke bomb into a dart type thing and place a primer or cap from a cap gun on the tip so when you throw it and the tip hits it will go off, and in turn light your composition.
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-04-2001 09:53 PM
Yes that's the type of thing I'm actually talking about. But I would like to light the thing with something that explose with friction...
/\ = Container
# = Smoke producter
��= Something to separate
*= Friction explosive (Would produce the fire to light the smoke producter)
Any way to do this? so I could just throw the thing on any of it's side and with friction it makes when touching the ground, the bomb would explose even if it is not on the right side
(Actually, the device would be more spherical)
[This message has been edited by WhiteNinja (edited April 04, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 61
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-04-2001 11:40 PM
Sulfuric acid ignition of KClO3 and sucrose is not difficult to construct. A red phosphorus scratch surface with a matching KClO3 and antimony sulfide and dextrin surface would not be difficult to fabricate. If the device can be stabilized in flight, percussion cap ignition would be easy.
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-04-2001 11:48 PM
I don't know if it would be possible for you, Smag, to do it, but I'm more a visual person so if you could draw something or make an ASCII design of what you are talking about, it would be more representative for me...
I'm a newbie at this stuff and all I want to make are some small smoke bombs (Maybe something like ping-pong ball sized bombs) that would ignite as soon as they touch the ground and would show create a short-lasting dense smoke screen... Those balls would be thrown near me (Maybe something like 2-3 meters away) in an angle that I would shoot them directly to the ground. (Not shooting them so they make a balloon in the air - straight to the ground)
You can see those type of effects in movies but they are quite effective when distracting someone... (Thrown just in front of the person, the guy normally stops wandering what's happening giving me the chance to run away or hide myself somewhere temporarly)
Agent Blak
Frequent Poster
Posts: 766
From: Sk. Canada
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 12:30 AM
Try this...
This is an idea that has been around for a long time, I just put a new spin on it, and have
come up with a few new ways to improve it. I first heard of these devices from my
grandmother(Grandma Blak), she told me of these things my cousin use to make. They were these
black balls, that would explode when thrown on a hard surface. My father took the liberty of
explaining how they were made. I simply took what he told me, and inovated on it. These devices
will make it so you can get out of a sticky situation easier. They provide a distraction, a scare,
and gives the prusuer a difficulty seeing you, because of the Flash or Smoke). These devices are
best when used at night. Now on to the good stuff.
These devices are very simple to make, and the materials are pretty easy to get a hold of.
There are 2 types of cyclopes' that I will discuss: Flash and Smoke.
First we'll talk about the Flash Cyclopes. For the "Flash Cyclopes" you will need one box of
250 "Strike Anywhere" matches, or "RedBirds." 1/2 a Teaspoon of Black Powder, or Pyredex. 1/2 a
Teaspoon of Magnesium(Mg)(I used one of those fire starters from the camping store.) A drill or a
file, Plastic Wrap, and a roll of electrical tape.
Next, using a pair of Side-Cutters, clip off the match heads and discard the sticks. After you
have clipped all the match heads, place them in the center, on a piece of plastic wrap. Then on a
sheet of news paper, or waxed paper, mix the 1/2 teaspoon of pyredex and, 1/2 teaspoon of
Magnesium filings. After that, add to the heap of match heads to it.
Now, gather all the Plastic Wrap together, and twist it tightly together.With a small piece of
tape, secure it so it wont un-twist itself. Then, cut off the majority of the excess Plastic Wrap.
This keeps all the matches and powder together.(note: I used Pyredex/Mg you could try substituting
it with your favorite flash powder instead.)
Finially, using your electrical tape, tape up the packet tightly by stretching the tape. The
tighter you tape it, the better it will perform. Make sure you wrap it quite well, try to keep it
as close to round as possible. Somtimes mine end up slightly eggshaped, but they still work.
Now we will discuss "Smoke Cyclopes." Smoke Cyclopes', you guessed it, produce Smoke. They do
not produce as much smoke as the "Exploding Stlye Smoke Device," but they work good when you don't
have as much time to get put of really sticky situaltions fast. You will need 125(1/2 a box) of
Strike Anywhere matches, or "Redbirds." 1/2 a teaspoon of Pryedex or Black Powder, Plastic Wrap.
1/2-2/3 of a cup of Fast burning Smoke powder, and some Electrical Tape.
Now, just like for the flash cyclopes you must clip 125 match heads off the match stick. Place
the match heads in the center of the Plastic Wrap, add a 1/2 a Teaspoon of Pryedex to the match
heads. Gather up all the plastic wrap, and twist it tightly around the match heads and the powder.
Secure it with a small piece of tape and trim off the excess.
Next, Place 1/2-2/3 of a cup of "Smoke Powder" in the center of a sheet of plastic wrap. Then
Place the Match Head/Pyredex packet in the center. Gather up all the the Plastic Wrap and twist it
tightly around the Powder, taking care that the match head/pyredex packet it in the center. Secure
it with a small piece of tape, and trim off the excess.
Finially, using your electrical tape, tape the packet tightly by stretching the tape. The
tighter you tape it the better it will preform. Make sure you wrap it quite well. Try to keep it
as round as you can, but sometime they go eggshaped.
Cyclopes are best to keep ready in a hidden pocket, and where they are easily excessible. They
are great for those sticky situations. They are primarily for evasion and escape. They could
probabley be used to gain the upper hand in an attack or to be used if you want to do the old "Hit
and Run". They must be thown sharply, at a hard surface. Be careful not to start fires, and these
are not Water Proof, but are water resistant. I hope this will make a great addition to your
Arsenel of Weapons and Tools.
A wise man once said:
"...There Will Be No
Stand Off At High Noon
... Shoot'em In The Back
And, Shoot'em In The Dark"
Agent Blak-------OUT!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 02:27 AM
"Next, I was wondering if I could use touch explosives (As described in the A.C.B.) to ignit my smokebombs."
Mentioning the Anarchist cookbook in this forum will get your ass punked by a moderator.
The Anarchist CookBook is bullshit.
A primary high explosive (Touch explosives, as you descibed them) would never ignite anything, it would more than likely spread your smoke mix and and casing everywhere at high velocity and ignite nothing.
Anything using primary explosive's can only be called "Acme Hand Remover 2000".
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-05-2001 07:18 AM
I'm sorry for the Anarchist Cook Book thing... I'm really new to this and all I wanted were some smoke bombs and some flash bombs to get out of sticky situations quickly
. Bare with me, I'm a newbie... Now that I know it, I won't talk about it anymore.
Thanks for the tip bob!
Agent Blak, thank you for the device you explained... That's actually what I was looking for... I'ma try them as soon as possible...
Thanks guys,
P.S.: Where can I get Pyredex?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 07:27 AM
Agent Blak where might one find strike anywhere matches?
i've heard of them alot but have never seen anywhere to get them.
is it posible to some how turn normal matches into strike anywhere?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-05-2001 11:06 AM
crux..strike anywhere matches are the ones with a red top, just buy them in a newsagents/happy shopper/ where ever for about 10p....
ah, where do u live?
Posts: 602
From: United Kingdom
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 02:08 PM
Crux, are you seriously saying you can't get strike anywhere matches???
Whiteninja, I suggest you experiment with the smoke compositions before making anything shock/friction sensitive if you're new to pyro. Also, consider that something made to be shock/friction sensitive will happily go off in your hand/pocket if anything bumps against it.
What happens if you slip over and your pocket of explosives hits the ground? What happens if you get into a fight in one of these sticky situations and get pushed over or your pocket is hit?
I'm not trying to put you off, just be aware of all the risks.
"If the aquarium water has to be drunk don't waste the fish. In fact they'll probably be the easiest to eat even if you don't need the water. The cat is next in the pot." - John 'Lofty' Wiseman
New Member
Posts: 15
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-05-2001 04:44 PM
J, that's what I'm going to do... I'm going to test the explosives before carrying anything on me. Tests I will make will be like dropping a smoke bomb from some height and see at which height the bomb ignits so I could get a good idea of what it takes to ignite it.
Be sure that I'm aware of the dangers... While I was young, I had some experiences with bombs and one time, an homemade bomb explosed in my hand and my hand was full of blood so I'll be very careful...
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 08:28 PM
I live in australia the the biggest sellers we have are called "red heads" (because they have a red head) and there safty matches.
i've only ever seen satfy matches hear... maybe we have some fucked up law saying we can not have them..
I dunno if any Aussies out there know if we have them can you let me know
Frequent Poster
Posts: 618
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-05-2001 08:45 PM
in contrast, i have only used strike anywhere matches with white heads... an enigma if i have ever experianced one. IT BLOWS MY MIND!!!!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 237
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 09:28 PM
I have also never seen strike anywhere matches. (apart from antique british ones in antique shops) I use reheads and paradise matches (imported from PNG)
which are better to use as they light easier.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-06-2001 02:23 PM
Wow! I can't belive you guys can't get both kinds of matches!
Here, strike anywhere matches have red heads and there is a strip of sandpaper down the side of the box.
Safety matches have purple heads and there is strip of purple stuff down the side of the box. Sometimes the striker strip is quite dark and very smooth, sometimes it's a pattern of raised diamond shapes.
Strike anywhere matches are certainly easier to strike.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 110
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-06-2001 03:12 PM
The matches I'm used to are the red heads, that you strike on the box. White tips are the strike anywheres. Except I don't use matches. I have my fav. lighter. It looks like a wrench but it is a lighter and refillable. And I wouldn't make impact explosives. I have no need for them, I like to light a fuse and throw.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 134
From: uk
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-07-2001 05:00 PM
yeah, impact explosives are a bit dodgy if youre not too careful.. hehe
Frequent Poster
Posts: 313
From: London
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-07-2001 05:49 PM
If you're in england, and looking for strike anywhere matches, get the "swan" brand, they come in yellow boxes with a red cover. I can even light them on glass, hehe. They are also shock sensitive, if you put them on top of a sheet of metal, and smack the match with a hammer or brick, it makes a small popping sound and explodes.
Whiteninja, you probably have seen me on the previous forum that you were on (I was flaming everyone), abandon that forum, this one is WAY better, besides, that one only has idiots talking shit about detonating C4 with black powder. You have made the very good move from a kewl to a real pyro. Don't tell any of the dicks at that forum about this one, they will come here and talk shit.