May 18th, 2003, 03:40 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 592
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-28-2001 02:28 PM
Today i had nothing to do so i tought let`s make a Kno3/S smoke bomb i made them alot of times without any accidents.
Normally i putt al the ingredients in a pan but now i putt them into a bean can,i shaked the can a view times so all the stuff whas mixd and i putt a little bit of water to it to prevent it starts burning.
Then i hold the can above a flame(I all did this in the kitchen) and stird the mix with a stick.
After a while i saw a little bit of smoke coming from the can so i tought: "I heat it to hot let`s putt it away from the flame for a view seconds"
When i putt the can on the kitchen sink a very large purple flame shoot`s out of the can(It whas so high that it reachd the ceiling) immidiatly i run upstares to get the fire extinguisher when i whas back in the kitchen there whas alot of fire immidiatly i extinguish all the fire.
There whas sow much smoke i couldn`t see anything i could almost not breath,I used a ventillator and i opend all the door`s and windows so the smoke could escape.The whole house whas full of thick white smoke.
Then i heard some one calling me from the backyard,It whas a neighbour that tough that the house whas on fire i said that i whas upstares working with the computer and at the same time something whas in the oven and i forgot it.
A minute later the doorbell ring`s it whas a man that also thought the house whas on fire i told him the same story,Another minute later the doorbell ring`s again and it whas a neighbour that also thought the same thing.
After an hour al the smoke whas gone,it whas a very big fucking mess the whole room whas full of powder from the extinghuisher(Co2+powder),and burnd molten suger whas every where,There whas alot of damage.The kitchen sink the floor(Wooden planks)whas burnd also the ceiling had some black spot`s and the kitchen cabinet whas burnd,It taked more than 4hours to clean the whole kitchen.
When my mom came back from work she whas mad like hell,she said that i didn`t get any money for a year!!,she also almost calld the police.
She don`t whant`s that i made fireworks again.
I learnd alot today the reason that this all happend i think whas that if you use a pan you can stir the mix better and you can see the mix better so you now when it get`s to hot,But now i used a can and with a can the bottom is to thin so it`s get to hot and you can`t see what happend at the buttom,and because the fire start`s at the bottom al the stuff fly`s up.
I never gonna make a kno3/suger smoke bomb inside the house again!!
For explosives and stuff go to Section1
[This message has been edited by DarkAngel (edited March 28, 2001).]
New Member
Posts: 21
From: New Zealand
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-28-2001 02:52 PM
Good advice on not making them in the house I had an accident with the same thing once, when I made a NKO3/sugar smoke bomb also in a can, but I did it outside on a small camping stove, non the less it caught alight and fell onto the lawn burning away a bloody big patch of grass. My Dad just laughed and told me to be more carful next time????????
Mr Cool
Frequent Poster
Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-28-2001 04:08 PM
For fuck's sake USE AN OIL BATH!!!! Normal cooking oil in a double boiler, at 185*C for KNO3/sucrose, 100*C for hydrated sorbitol or 120*C for KNO3/anhydrous sorbitol. KNO3/glucose needs around 120*C, but I can't remember exactly.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-28-2001 09:51 PM
Good thing you werent looking into the can at the time!
You can pick up a snap-on thermometer at cookware store.
Buy a hotplate and keep it outside man!
PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 03:58 AM
This is again a proof that even the thing you think to masterise in this very field can lead quite fast to accidents!
A single change in a 100 times done procedure can lead to fire, explosion, death,...: So watch out for changes of
*size, quantities
*temperature ramp
*time of heating
It is good to tell those accidents down here so that newbies and more experienced guys keep those things in mind!
BTW: IT is common sense not to play with pyrothechnic compositions over a fire and especially in a house...forget the kitchen if you want your mom to remain your friend
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"
New Member
Posts: 28
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-05-2001 03:14 PM
I also had this accident. I was melting it on the stove in a thin aluminum pan and I had done if before twice in the same pan and I did it again without knowing there was a small hole at the bottom. And you probably know the rest of the story.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 592
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-06-2001 07:13 AM
Yesterday some guy from the insurance company came in and checked all the damage whe told him that i whas making something in the oven and it contained oil,Butt i forgot it and when i smeld something burning i rund to the kitchen and i taked the ovenware putt it on the sink and in panic i trowed water on it a large fireball appeard and alot of glowing parts from the burned food where flying through the air and destroyed the floor the cabinet the sink and the ceiling than i rund upstares to get the fire extinguisher and extinguish all the fire,after that i cleaned up the mess.
And guess what he believed us and whe get alot of money back even the fire extinguisher and money because i cleaned up every thing hehehehe!!
For explosives and stuff go to Section1
[This message has been edited by DarkAngel (edited April 06, 2001).]
PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-06-2001 07:23 AM
Wel I gotcha, I'm the insurance guy....
No it's a joke! Wel done but let's hope not too many guys here want do make the same surprise to their parents...
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"
Frequent Poster
Posts: 61
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-06-2001 04:24 PM
Once when i didnt know better i had batch of smoke comp i invented my self & had been using for 6 years it was really good but i didnt know how dangerous it was well anyway i was storing in my house & it was deliquesant so i thought i would dry it out in a pan on the stove well it ignited & produced a lot of smoke & flame so openend the front & rear doors & let the smoke billow out just as all the mums were walking there kids home from school including my wife who saw the smoke from the end of the road & went ape shit this was 12 yrs ago it was made out of NACLO3+SUGAR+NH4SO3 DONT TRY THIS MIXTURE ITS EXTREMLY DANGEROUS but i didnt realise at the time this stuff didnt half cause havoc at school idont know why i even mixed these chems in the first place it werent to make smoke i think i thought it would explode
PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-10-2001 04:45 AM
Mixing NH4(+) salts (ammonium salts) with chlorate is one of the stupidest idea especially when stored for a while and deliquescent.....
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"
New Member
Posts: 3
From: Ca
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-17-2001 06:33 PM
One time I went over to my friends house to make those smoke bombs but instead of KNO3 and sugar we made KNO3+Sugar+S. When we heated it the S ignited in the pan causing it to be black. It was not fun. We couldnt get the S out of the pan either so it happened more than once. We were outside. Then yesterday we were making uncooked ones, we used half a bottle that we baught at Longs. We drilled a hole for the fuse in the cap, it gave it a nozzle effect. The smoke was about 10 feet high before it blew a hole in the side and took off. It was so rad. We got it all on film too.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 110
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-17-2001 10:12 PM
Yeah Philou is right, NH4 doesn't mix with chlorate. I know this can explode even in solution! And neither does anything to do with Sulfur or Phosphorus(with a chlorate) like armstrongs, dumb stuff really. And heat drying anything with a chlorate is stupid unless it is pure chlorate (no fuels mixed in), in that case it would be okay, then you could mix it, then store airtight because both NaClO3 and sugar are hygroscopic.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 592
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-28-2001 02:28 PM
Today i had nothing to do so i tought let`s make a Kno3/S smoke bomb i made them alot of times without any accidents.
Normally i putt al the ingredients in a pan but now i putt them into a bean can,i shaked the can a view times so all the stuff whas mixd and i putt a little bit of water to it to prevent it starts burning.
Then i hold the can above a flame(I all did this in the kitchen) and stird the mix with a stick.
After a while i saw a little bit of smoke coming from the can so i tought: "I heat it to hot let`s putt it away from the flame for a view seconds"
When i putt the can on the kitchen sink a very large purple flame shoot`s out of the can(It whas so high that it reachd the ceiling) immidiatly i run upstares to get the fire extinguisher when i whas back in the kitchen there whas alot of fire immidiatly i extinguish all the fire.
There whas sow much smoke i couldn`t see anything i could almost not breath,I used a ventillator and i opend all the door`s and windows so the smoke could escape.The whole house whas full of thick white smoke.
Then i heard some one calling me from the backyard,It whas a neighbour that tough that the house whas on fire i said that i whas upstares working with the computer and at the same time something whas in the oven and i forgot it.
A minute later the doorbell ring`s it whas a man that also thought the house whas on fire i told him the same story,Another minute later the doorbell ring`s again and it whas a neighbour that also thought the same thing.
After an hour al the smoke whas gone,it whas a very big fucking mess the whole room whas full of powder from the extinghuisher(Co2+powder),and burnd molten suger whas every where,There whas alot of damage.The kitchen sink the floor(Wooden planks)whas burnd also the ceiling had some black spot`s and the kitchen cabinet whas burnd,It taked more than 4hours to clean the whole kitchen.
When my mom came back from work she whas mad like hell,she said that i didn`t get any money for a year!!,she also almost calld the police.
She don`t whant`s that i made fireworks again.
I learnd alot today the reason that this all happend i think whas that if you use a pan you can stir the mix better and you can see the mix better so you now when it get`s to hot,But now i used a can and with a can the bottom is to thin so it`s get to hot and you can`t see what happend at the buttom,and because the fire start`s at the bottom al the stuff fly`s up.
I never gonna make a kno3/suger smoke bomb inside the house again!!
For explosives and stuff go to Section1
[This message has been edited by DarkAngel (edited March 28, 2001).]
New Member
Posts: 21
From: New Zealand
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-28-2001 02:52 PM
Good advice on not making them in the house I had an accident with the same thing once, when I made a NKO3/sugar smoke bomb also in a can, but I did it outside on a small camping stove, non the less it caught alight and fell onto the lawn burning away a bloody big patch of grass. My Dad just laughed and told me to be more carful next time????????
Mr Cool
Frequent Poster
Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-28-2001 04:08 PM
For fuck's sake USE AN OIL BATH!!!! Normal cooking oil in a double boiler, at 185*C for KNO3/sucrose, 100*C for hydrated sorbitol or 120*C for KNO3/anhydrous sorbitol. KNO3/glucose needs around 120*C, but I can't remember exactly.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-28-2001 09:51 PM
Good thing you werent looking into the can at the time!
You can pick up a snap-on thermometer at cookware store.
Buy a hotplate and keep it outside man!
PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-05-2001 03:58 AM
This is again a proof that even the thing you think to masterise in this very field can lead quite fast to accidents!
A single change in a 100 times done procedure can lead to fire, explosion, death,...: So watch out for changes of
*size, quantities
*temperature ramp
*time of heating
It is good to tell those accidents down here so that newbies and more experienced guys keep those things in mind!
BTW: IT is common sense not to play with pyrothechnic compositions over a fire and especially in a house...forget the kitchen if you want your mom to remain your friend
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"
New Member
Posts: 28
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-05-2001 03:14 PM
I also had this accident. I was melting it on the stove in a thin aluminum pan and I had done if before twice in the same pan and I did it again without knowing there was a small hole at the bottom. And you probably know the rest of the story.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 592
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-06-2001 07:13 AM
Yesterday some guy from the insurance company came in and checked all the damage whe told him that i whas making something in the oven and it contained oil,Butt i forgot it and when i smeld something burning i rund to the kitchen and i taked the ovenware putt it on the sink and in panic i trowed water on it a large fireball appeard and alot of glowing parts from the burned food where flying through the air and destroyed the floor the cabinet the sink and the ceiling than i rund upstares to get the fire extinguisher and extinguish all the fire,after that i cleaned up the mess.
And guess what he believed us and whe get alot of money back even the fire extinguisher and money because i cleaned up every thing hehehehe!!
For explosives and stuff go to Section1
[This message has been edited by DarkAngel (edited April 06, 2001).]
PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-06-2001 07:23 AM
Wel I gotcha, I'm the insurance guy....
No it's a joke! Wel done but let's hope not too many guys here want do make the same surprise to their parents...
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"
Frequent Poster
Posts: 61
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 04-06-2001 04:24 PM
Once when i didnt know better i had batch of smoke comp i invented my self & had been using for 6 years it was really good but i didnt know how dangerous it was well anyway i was storing in my house & it was deliquesant so i thought i would dry it out in a pan on the stove well it ignited & produced a lot of smoke & flame so openend the front & rear doors & let the smoke billow out just as all the mums were walking there kids home from school including my wife who saw the smoke from the end of the road & went ape shit this was 12 yrs ago it was made out of NACLO3+SUGAR+NH4SO3 DONT TRY THIS MIXTURE ITS EXTREMLY DANGEROUS but i didnt realise at the time this stuff didnt half cause havoc at school idont know why i even mixed these chems in the first place it werent to make smoke i think i thought it would explode
PHILOU Zrealone
Frequent Poster
Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-10-2001 04:45 AM
Mixing NH4(+) salts (ammonium salts) with chlorate is one of the stupidest idea especially when stored for a while and deliquescent.....
"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"
New Member
Posts: 3
From: Ca
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-17-2001 06:33 PM
One time I went over to my friends house to make those smoke bombs but instead of KNO3 and sugar we made KNO3+Sugar+S. When we heated it the S ignited in the pan causing it to be black. It was not fun. We couldnt get the S out of the pan either so it happened more than once. We were outside. Then yesterday we were making uncooked ones, we used half a bottle that we baught at Longs. We drilled a hole for the fuse in the cap, it gave it a nozzle effect. The smoke was about 10 feet high before it blew a hole in the side and took off. It was so rad. We got it all on film too.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 110
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-17-2001 10:12 PM
Yeah Philou is right, NH4 doesn't mix with chlorate. I know this can explode even in solution! And neither does anything to do with Sulfur or Phosphorus(with a chlorate) like armstrongs, dumb stuff really. And heat drying anything with a chlorate is stupid unless it is pure chlorate (no fuels mixed in), in that case it would be okay, then you could mix it, then store airtight because both NaClO3 and sugar are hygroscopic.