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May 18th, 2003, 03:34 PM
New Member
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posted 03-09-2001 07:05 PM
can you light thermite with s Sparkler or is that not hot enough

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posted 03-09-2001 08:43 PM
i have heard reports of people lighting thermite with symple matches. but they must have used VERY fine ingrediants. i lit mine with Mg. in case anyone is wondering, i made about about a half dollar size pile of thermite on the asphalt of a barren road. got real hot, melted the stuff really nicely.

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posted 03-09-2001 10:12 PM
any thing REALLY hot. try wind and waterproof matches, that have the poweder along two thirds of them. otherwise, sparklers are usually fine. but as said, the friner the ingredients, the faster the lighting and the burn rate.

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posted 03-10-2001 12:03 AM
Would the "striker/starter" component of road flares be effective in igniting thermite? Can't think of anything else to call it, but it's that brownish glob of material used to start the flare burning. Anyone know the chemical makeup of this substance?

Frequent Poster
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From: 11 Downing Street, London, England
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posted 03-10-2001 04:03 AM
A fine mixture of chlorate and sugar can be used to light it, although confinement is not a good idea. I have read that it can be ignited with an aluminum powder and sulphur mixture, although I don't know how effective that would be. Sparklers should be okay to ignite it too if you don't have anything better, though.

the freshmaker
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posted 03-10-2001 07:35 AM
God, why don't you just try using a sparkler to see if it would work instead of starting a topic about it?
You can't survive the life!

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posted 03-10-2001 01:13 PM
Maybe he only haves a little bit and he`s scared to fuck up he`s thermite if it don`t work

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posted 03-11-2001 02:15 PM
Few (5-10) sparklers should do it right ?
That would be more certain, and of course a sparkler can ignite sparkler.
"ARE YOUR PAPERS IN ORDER" -- Jack Booted Thug

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posted 04-19-2001 12:54 AM
Could you set a primary like a smoke bomb or something? That seems hot enough.

the freshmaker
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From: Heaven
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posted 04-19-2001 09:53 AM
Quadracer, what the F*** are you talking about? Do you mean a primary explosive?
A smokebomb is NOT a primary ex.!!!

good boy with bad ideas

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posted 04-19-2001 10:01 AM
I think he means a starter mix like sugar/chlorate.


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posted 04-19-2001 12:04 PM
No I didn't mean a primary explosive. I mean a primary ignitor. Something that would get hot enough to light the thermite. I know that smoke bombs aren't primary exploive, they're barely explosive. What I'm asking if you could use a formula like Potassium Nitrate and sugar or a clorate and sugar to ingite the thermite.

Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-19-2001 04:54 PM
Yes, chlorate/sugar will burn hot enough to ignite thermite. Don't know about KNO3/sugar, but it probably will.

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posted 04-19-2001 07:49 PM
Why don't you guys just get some Mag. ribbon instead of wondering about homemade starters?-Pyro

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posted 04-19-2001 08:11 PM
Because not everyone haves it,
BTW i also use sparklers,
When i touched the Thermite with it the Thermite immedeately burnd


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posted 04-19-2001 09:12 PM
Grouping sparklers together makes them flash by in a very short amount of time, there may not be enough heat on it long enough to ignite the mix.

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Posts: 217
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-22-2001 02:22 AM
God-another sure-fire igniter for thermite (even the courser mixes) are the strobes you can find around the 4th. of July.

May 19th, 2003, 03:00 PM
Heres some incendiary mixtures that will ignite thermite, taken from a book (4:th mix is improvised, and tested):

1. BaO<sub>2</sub>/Al 9/1
2. KNO<sub>3</sub>/Al 3/1,3
3. BaO<sub>2</sub>/KClO<sub>3</sub>/Al 4/0,7/1
4. KClO<sub>3</sub>/sugar 7/3

Edit: Crazy table was removed :)

May 19th, 2003, 03:16 PM
frogfot, could you write the recipies without a table? The table was really fucked up...

iron raven
June 7th, 2003, 08:56 AM
i light thermite using a kno3 sugar al spakler grains. in the ratio of 47 kno3 47 sugar 4 sparler grains and 2 al. this parts are in volume becouse thats how i did it when i didn't have a scale. important note use grains not powder burns for longer.
master of the atom
iron raven