May 10th, 2003, 09:24 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-02-2001 03:51 PM
Has anyone had any luck in storing a high explosive for extended periods of time?
I know this isn't advisable with home made explosives. But I have a need for a fairly large amount of HE, and only wish to make it in smaller batches. Any help would be appreciated. As to what kind of explosive, how long it can be stored, and how to store it.
If it makes a difference on its use, I intend to use it to demolish an overhanging rock ledge in one of my favorite fishing places. This area is on private property, so there shouldn't be any trouble with doing this. I need a large amount because the ledge is approxamatly 25 feet wide, and hangs out about 8 feet. Its nearly 6 feet thick also. It is composed of limestone, and has several large cracks in it. As you can imagine... it's a little unnerving to fish under it. I plan on using several bore holes place the explosive in. I have a stone drill that will cut a six inch hole for the explosives.
I havn't had any luck with anfo .. so please don't suggest that. Thanks.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-02-2001 05:42 PM
Seems like someone posted that the AP putty kept longer.
Out of curiosity, how did you make the ANFO? There are alot of different ways to use AN, some are more sensetive to detonation than others.
AN (powdered)+ Naphtha (liguid, I think I spelled it right, you can find it by the paint thinner) + powdered Al + calcium hypochlorite (as in pool treatment "Shok" is one brand) is supposed to detonate with AP compressed in a metal tube. I could scan the pages with the pics/instructions. If you havent tried this it looks like the cheapest/ most powerful way to me. Thats alot of rock!!
Please excuse my typing, its the end of the day and I have dyslexia of the fingers...
(stop posting that method. AL powder can make it very unstable and naptha is always liquid, its not paint thinner, but camp stove fuel. I posted alot of info about this explsoive and the results awhile back)
[This message has been edited by ALENGOSVIG1 (edited March 04, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-04-2001 06:36 PM
The last time I tried making ANFO, I used (best approximation) 7% fuel oil to the AN. I used an atomizer to spray the fuel on as evenly as possible, and then filled a three pound coffee can with it. The can was only partially opened, it had a "V" cut in the top edge, that was folded back slightly so I could put the ANFO inside. I used an empty CO2 canister for the powdered acetone peroxide, as the detonator. I then set the CO2 canister as best I could in the center of all the ANFO, then tapped the fuse in place to help keep it there. On an after thought, I wrapped the can with the rest of the roll of duct tape that I used to hold the fuse in place, hoping it might strengthen the can.
When I tried to detonate the ANFO, after the fuse finally burned down (4 feet to be safe), I believe the only thing that detonated was the AP. The can was ripped open, but still in one piece, and it looked like the majority of the ANFO was just scattered over a 50 foot area. Needless to say I was a little pissed at wasting all that AP (made by 3% peroxide... takes forever to get that much). And I swore I would never bother with ANFO again.
I had considered using nitromethane for ANNM, but after trying to find a source, and then the price... gave up on that as well.
That is why I am looking for an alternative.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-04-2001 07:18 PM
(of course this is solely for entertainment, doing anything posted by me would be dangerous)
What's the diameter of the drill bit? if it's 3/4" or larger then you could've just dropped the 'detonator' in the hole, of course with AP's D/V the rock would be blasted into hundred's of high-velocity shrapnel, which could be dangerous for wildlife (and you).
Depending on who owns the land and where it is, you may be able to take out a permit to buy Dynamite, and of course, buy 1 or 2 extra sticks
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-04-2001 07:22 PM
How about dynamite? Easy to make, high DV and well suited to blasting. If it's thoroughly washed then it should last for ages.
Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 03-04-2001 08:21 PM
ANFO Would be the best on an improvised scale. Dynamite is getting increasingly more costly if purchased and it is hard to get large amounts of nitroglycerine if homemade. Although, you could make one stick and use that as a detonatator for anfo. Anfo is very sleepy. Add some AL and microspheres and use a large det and you wont have problems.
technology is a wonderful servant, but a bitch of a master.
Explosives Archive
Mr Cool
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Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-05-2001 11:36 AM
ALENGOSVIG1: Do you mean that the Al with the AN is a bad idea? Well, there are several composite rocket fuels that use Al and AN together, I think the resin binder coats the Al and prevents a reaction. The naptha in this recipe might do the same thing, but I have no evidence to support this.
Frequent Poster
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From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-05-2001 12:44 PM
As I said.. I have a six inch stone drill that I can use for the bore holes. Thats large enough for just about anything. I also have a two inch, and a one inch bit for this. I can get down to a little over two feet with any of the drills.
Also... as I said before, it is private property, on one of my best friends land. I really don't want to try and get a permit for blasting. He has over 900 acres however, and its pretty secluded so as not to draw any attention.
Thinking more on this... for the amount of explosives I would need... ANFO or ANNM might be the best choice. But as I said before... i havn't had any luck detonating it.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
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posted 03-05-2001 01:25 PM
Secluded 900 acres, wow, if funds arent tight, it sure would be fun trying.
Have you any access to Smokeless powder?, AP putty would make you go through your AP detonators a little slower.
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Posts: 205
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 03-06-2001 11:57 AM
When you tried the ANFO as youu described, was the AP in the detonator packed ?
Density really makes a difference in initiating performance, so detonators should always have their primary and base explosives compressed. I never use less than 2000 psi and sometimes up to 8000 psi.
If you are worried about accidental detonation during this procedure, make a lever press with some form of shield.
If you have the means, I think you should make some NG for use as a booster. You can colloidinize it with NC and it will be quite safe ( much more so than AP ).
Frequent Poster
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From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-06-2001 12:29 PM
Yeah the AP was compressed somewhat. I had put the shotshell full of AP into my reloading press to close the crimp again. It was nowhere near the kind of PSI you are talking about... but maybe 40psi.
I forget what post i was reading now... but someone said an ANFO charge can have a ANNM booster, initiated by AP.
That might be worth a try.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
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Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-07-2001 01:48 AM
A mixture of 90% powdered AN and 10% Al powder is capable of high velocity and high blast pressure . It also will respond to a #6 blasting cap. Store the two components in airtight containers and mix before filling the shotholes. Use sufficient stemming and tamping. The tamping will improve performance and will reduce the blast signature. I have used this mixture successfully with hardrock blasting, "in my dreams".
A possible substitute would be nitromethanol. Unfortunately, storage would probably require refrigeration to reduce evaporation.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-07-2001 05:43 PM
Ok... when everyone talks about #6 blasting caps, #8's etc etc. It gets a little tiresome. Here's a good topic.
What is the equivalent home producible explosive to equal the power of the different sizes of blasting caps?
#6 blasting cap = xxx grams AP, or xxx grams hmtd
#8 blasting cap = xxx grams AP, or xxx grams hmtd
etc, etc
Also, this size blasting cap is sufficient to detonate how much explosive?
The previous poster said a number six blasting cap will detonate an ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder mixture. What quantity? Up to two pounds? Twenty pounds?
I know a lot of people try to help when answering posts... but so much needed information is left out.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
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Posts: 61
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-07-2001 10:00 PM
I am unsure of power equivalents for AP. I have never considered AP because of it's sensitivity. (I would like to persue that line of query and will post the results.) I prefer DDNP as a improvised primary. Sometimes I "dream" of using picric acid for a base charge. If it is available, a RDX base charge is preferable. Sorry, I haven't "dreamed" of the field grade RDX. Mine is washed from C-4. At the present time, commercial caps are available and reasonably priced. The AN/Al (90/10) will iniate reliably in any quantity. It makes a great booster charge for ANFO charges.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-16-2001 06:48 AM
Detonate DB smokeless with AP putty? (i swear by the putty crap)
Ive only seen the last picture on makeshift arsenal in relation to SP detonating but it looks like it sure goes off.
Another thing, in relation to the mentioned picture, AR2213 is an Australian powder with quite a high density, far more than red-dot (the other powder). The single base charge must have weighed at least 3 times that of the double based if it wasnt compressed. Id say the results were pretty impressive for such a light charge.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-16-2001 07:08 AM
Are not #6 dets a thing of the past?
Anyway, #8 detonators contain 1/2 gram of explosive, (.45g PETN base) This cant really ever be duplicated by peroxides as i believe highly compressed PETN in detonators beats the 9000m/s mark. Theres more too it than quantity.
If you think of it as more of a booster than a detonator you should have better results with ANFO but that means dangerously high quantities.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-16-2001 11:35 AM
7% is a bit much diesel
6-7% - less toxic fumes
5.5% - most energy
2-3% - most sensitive
ps. would not 1200 sq. foot of rock not spoil your best fishing hole?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-18-2001 08:56 AM
No, ANFO isnt reliably detonated by a #8 no matter what the mix, sure, in some extreme cases with small quantities it may detonate but never reliably/completely.
Ill try get a photo of a detonator so you people can see how small they really are.
The reason ANFO is sold in prills is not just so that the explosive will pour freely, it also keeps it at its best density, I was under the impression that it is at its most sensitive at .8g/cm but have no facts to back it up. More and it can become "dead pressed".
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-18-2001 10:07 AM
But aren't the prills of Fertilizer Grade AN coated to stop them absorbing moisture? Surely this would be a problem if they couldn't absorb the diesel/nitromethane. SO you'd have to powder the AN and then add bulking ingredients like styrofoam to lower the density again.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-21-2001 01:55 PM
Well either powdered styrofoam (the kind that breaks up into little particles) or glass micro balls/balloons. They mix shouldn't seperate since it would be wetted by the NM or diesel.
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Posts: 146
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-22-2001 01:44 AM
The smallest diameter hole you can drill in rock for loading anfo is 1". If you drilled anything smaller than 1" the cap would just blow everything out of the hole. I expiremented with that at a mine site where I took some classes. Also some bags of ANFO have upto 17% Fuel Oil.
Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-22-2001 01:51 AM
I really dont see why you just dont use anfo, just use a massive det.
For sure detonation of anfo, just take a 3" long 2" inner diameter pipe and fill it with explosives, one hell of a booster i'd say. Just paint the inside with some protective plastic of spray and fill it 60% full of picric acid, and 40% full of Acetone Peroxide or HMTD.
If that doesnt set it off, then there is a problem with your anfo.
New Member
Posts: 19
From: Czech Republic
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-23-2001 03:07 AM
I wouldn't say ACP in contact with picric acid, is a good idea. Picric acid normally(if not recrystallised) contain certain amount of H2SO4 and HNO3, and if not this it is quite acidous by itself. The stability of the ACP in contact with it will be lowered prominently(if it is possible to ever lowering it(( ) If you are gonna do something like this(I wouldn't recommend), make sure the ACP is tightly separated from picric acid, metal container and all the matter which can(and will) lower the safety. And one good advice in conclusin: crap out of using shit like HMTD and ACP and rather think of preparing lead azide, mercury fulminate or something you can be sure it won't go off as it wants. A solid blasting cap is what you all need(and it really seems that don't look for). As I read these pages I have the impression that most of you have "suicidal tentencies". Are you so lazy to get up and look for something more solid and dependable?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-02-2001 03:51 PM
Has anyone had any luck in storing a high explosive for extended periods of time?
I know this isn't advisable with home made explosives. But I have a need for a fairly large amount of HE, and only wish to make it in smaller batches. Any help would be appreciated. As to what kind of explosive, how long it can be stored, and how to store it.
If it makes a difference on its use, I intend to use it to demolish an overhanging rock ledge in one of my favorite fishing places. This area is on private property, so there shouldn't be any trouble with doing this. I need a large amount because the ledge is approxamatly 25 feet wide, and hangs out about 8 feet. Its nearly 6 feet thick also. It is composed of limestone, and has several large cracks in it. As you can imagine... it's a little unnerving to fish under it. I plan on using several bore holes place the explosive in. I have a stone drill that will cut a six inch hole for the explosives.
I havn't had any luck with anfo .. so please don't suggest that. Thanks.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-02-2001 05:42 PM
Seems like someone posted that the AP putty kept longer.
Out of curiosity, how did you make the ANFO? There are alot of different ways to use AN, some are more sensetive to detonation than others.
AN (powdered)+ Naphtha (liguid, I think I spelled it right, you can find it by the paint thinner) + powdered Al + calcium hypochlorite (as in pool treatment "Shok" is one brand) is supposed to detonate with AP compressed in a metal tube. I could scan the pages with the pics/instructions. If you havent tried this it looks like the cheapest/ most powerful way to me. Thats alot of rock!!
Please excuse my typing, its the end of the day and I have dyslexia of the fingers...
(stop posting that method. AL powder can make it very unstable and naptha is always liquid, its not paint thinner, but camp stove fuel. I posted alot of info about this explsoive and the results awhile back)
[This message has been edited by ALENGOSVIG1 (edited March 04, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-04-2001 06:36 PM
The last time I tried making ANFO, I used (best approximation) 7% fuel oil to the AN. I used an atomizer to spray the fuel on as evenly as possible, and then filled a three pound coffee can with it. The can was only partially opened, it had a "V" cut in the top edge, that was folded back slightly so I could put the ANFO inside. I used an empty CO2 canister for the powdered acetone peroxide, as the detonator. I then set the CO2 canister as best I could in the center of all the ANFO, then tapped the fuse in place to help keep it there. On an after thought, I wrapped the can with the rest of the roll of duct tape that I used to hold the fuse in place, hoping it might strengthen the can.
When I tried to detonate the ANFO, after the fuse finally burned down (4 feet to be safe), I believe the only thing that detonated was the AP. The can was ripped open, but still in one piece, and it looked like the majority of the ANFO was just scattered over a 50 foot area. Needless to say I was a little pissed at wasting all that AP (made by 3% peroxide... takes forever to get that much). And I swore I would never bother with ANFO again.
I had considered using nitromethane for ANNM, but after trying to find a source, and then the price... gave up on that as well.
That is why I am looking for an alternative.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-04-2001 07:18 PM
(of course this is solely for entertainment, doing anything posted by me would be dangerous)
What's the diameter of the drill bit? if it's 3/4" or larger then you could've just dropped the 'detonator' in the hole, of course with AP's D/V the rock would be blasted into hundred's of high-velocity shrapnel, which could be dangerous for wildlife (and you).
Depending on who owns the land and where it is, you may be able to take out a permit to buy Dynamite, and of course, buy 1 or 2 extra sticks
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-04-2001 07:22 PM
How about dynamite? Easy to make, high DV and well suited to blasting. If it's thoroughly washed then it should last for ages.
Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 03-04-2001 08:21 PM
ANFO Would be the best on an improvised scale. Dynamite is getting increasingly more costly if purchased and it is hard to get large amounts of nitroglycerine if homemade. Although, you could make one stick and use that as a detonatator for anfo. Anfo is very sleepy. Add some AL and microspheres and use a large det and you wont have problems.
technology is a wonderful servant, but a bitch of a master.
Explosives Archive
Mr Cool
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Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 03-05-2001 11:36 AM
ALENGOSVIG1: Do you mean that the Al with the AN is a bad idea? Well, there are several composite rocket fuels that use Al and AN together, I think the resin binder coats the Al and prevents a reaction. The naptha in this recipe might do the same thing, but I have no evidence to support this.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-05-2001 12:44 PM
As I said.. I have a six inch stone drill that I can use for the bore holes. Thats large enough for just about anything. I also have a two inch, and a one inch bit for this. I can get down to a little over two feet with any of the drills.
Also... as I said before, it is private property, on one of my best friends land. I really don't want to try and get a permit for blasting. He has over 900 acres however, and its pretty secluded so as not to draw any attention.
Thinking more on this... for the amount of explosives I would need... ANFO or ANNM might be the best choice. But as I said before... i havn't had any luck detonating it.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
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Posts: 679
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-05-2001 01:25 PM
Secluded 900 acres, wow, if funds arent tight, it sure would be fun trying.
Have you any access to Smokeless powder?, AP putty would make you go through your AP detonators a little slower.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 205
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 03-06-2001 11:57 AM
When you tried the ANFO as youu described, was the AP in the detonator packed ?
Density really makes a difference in initiating performance, so detonators should always have their primary and base explosives compressed. I never use less than 2000 psi and sometimes up to 8000 psi.
If you are worried about accidental detonation during this procedure, make a lever press with some form of shield.
If you have the means, I think you should make some NG for use as a booster. You can colloidinize it with NC and it will be quite safe ( much more so than AP ).
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-06-2001 12:29 PM
Yeah the AP was compressed somewhat. I had put the shotshell full of AP into my reloading press to close the crimp again. It was nowhere near the kind of PSI you are talking about... but maybe 40psi.
I forget what post i was reading now... but someone said an ANFO charge can have a ANNM booster, initiated by AP.
That might be worth a try.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 61
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-07-2001 01:48 AM
A mixture of 90% powdered AN and 10% Al powder is capable of high velocity and high blast pressure . It also will respond to a #6 blasting cap. Store the two components in airtight containers and mix before filling the shotholes. Use sufficient stemming and tamping. The tamping will improve performance and will reduce the blast signature. I have used this mixture successfully with hardrock blasting, "in my dreams".
A possible substitute would be nitromethanol. Unfortunately, storage would probably require refrigeration to reduce evaporation.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 80
From: buffalo, ny
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 03-07-2001 05:43 PM
Ok... when everyone talks about #6 blasting caps, #8's etc etc. It gets a little tiresome. Here's a good topic.
What is the equivalent home producible explosive to equal the power of the different sizes of blasting caps?
#6 blasting cap = xxx grams AP, or xxx grams hmtd
#8 blasting cap = xxx grams AP, or xxx grams hmtd
etc, etc
Also, this size blasting cap is sufficient to detonate how much explosive?
The previous poster said a number six blasting cap will detonate an ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder mixture. What quantity? Up to two pounds? Twenty pounds?
I know a lot of people try to help when answering posts... but so much needed information is left out.
Knowledge is the true power, ignorrance will bring your demise.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 61
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 03-07-2001 10:00 PM
I am unsure of power equivalents for AP. I have never considered AP because of it's sensitivity. (I would like to persue that line of query and will post the results.) I prefer DDNP as a improvised primary. Sometimes I "dream" of using picric acid for a base charge. If it is available, a RDX base charge is preferable. Sorry, I haven't "dreamed" of the field grade RDX. Mine is washed from C-4. At the present time, commercial caps are available and reasonably priced. The AN/Al (90/10) will iniate reliably in any quantity. It makes a great booster charge for ANFO charges.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-16-2001 06:48 AM
Detonate DB smokeless with AP putty? (i swear by the putty crap)
Ive only seen the last picture on makeshift arsenal in relation to SP detonating but it looks like it sure goes off.
Another thing, in relation to the mentioned picture, AR2213 is an Australian powder with quite a high density, far more than red-dot (the other powder). The single base charge must have weighed at least 3 times that of the double based if it wasnt compressed. Id say the results were pretty impressive for such a light charge.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-16-2001 07:08 AM
Are not #6 dets a thing of the past?
Anyway, #8 detonators contain 1/2 gram of explosive, (.45g PETN base) This cant really ever be duplicated by peroxides as i believe highly compressed PETN in detonators beats the 9000m/s mark. Theres more too it than quantity.
If you think of it as more of a booster than a detonator you should have better results with ANFO but that means dangerously high quantities.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-16-2001 11:35 AM
7% is a bit much diesel
6-7% - less toxic fumes
5.5% - most energy
2-3% - most sensitive
ps. would not 1200 sq. foot of rock not spoil your best fishing hole?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 100
From: 000
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-18-2001 08:56 AM
No, ANFO isnt reliably detonated by a #8 no matter what the mix, sure, in some extreme cases with small quantities it may detonate but never reliably/completely.
Ill try get a photo of a detonator so you people can see how small they really are.
The reason ANFO is sold in prills is not just so that the explosive will pour freely, it also keeps it at its best density, I was under the impression that it is at its most sensitive at .8g/cm but have no facts to back it up. More and it can become "dead pressed".
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-18-2001 10:07 AM
But aren't the prills of Fertilizer Grade AN coated to stop them absorbing moisture? Surely this would be a problem if they couldn't absorb the diesel/nitromethane. SO you'd have to powder the AN and then add bulking ingredients like styrofoam to lower the density again.
Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-21-2001 01:55 PM
Well either powdered styrofoam (the kind that breaks up into little particles) or glass micro balls/balloons. They mix shouldn't seperate since it would be wetted by the NM or diesel.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 146
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-22-2001 01:44 AM
The smallest diameter hole you can drill in rock for loading anfo is 1". If you drilled anything smaller than 1" the cap would just blow everything out of the hole. I expiremented with that at a mine site where I took some classes. Also some bags of ANFO have upto 17% Fuel Oil.
Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted 04-22-2001 01:51 AM
I really dont see why you just dont use anfo, just use a massive det.
For sure detonation of anfo, just take a 3" long 2" inner diameter pipe and fill it with explosives, one hell of a booster i'd say. Just paint the inside with some protective plastic of spray and fill it 60% full of picric acid, and 40% full of Acetone Peroxide or HMTD.
If that doesnt set it off, then there is a problem with your anfo.
New Member
Posts: 19
From: Czech Republic
Registered: APR 2001
posted 04-23-2001 03:07 AM
I wouldn't say ACP in contact with picric acid, is a good idea. Picric acid normally(if not recrystallised) contain certain amount of H2SO4 and HNO3, and if not this it is quite acidous by itself. The stability of the ACP in contact with it will be lowered prominently(if it is possible to ever lowering it(( ) If you are gonna do something like this(I wouldn't recommend), make sure the ACP is tightly separated from picric acid, metal container and all the matter which can(and will) lower the safety. And one good advice in conclusin: crap out of using shit like HMTD and ACP and rather think of preparing lead azide, mercury fulminate or something you can be sure it won't go off as it wants. A solid blasting cap is what you all need(and it really seems that don't look for). As I read these pages I have the impression that most of you have "suicidal tentencies". Are you so lazy to get up and look for something more solid and dependable?