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May 10th, 2003, 12:07 AM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 229
Registered: JAN 2001
posted March 08, 2001 10:23 AM
Haven't seen it in awhile, but lampblack used to be freely available in hardware and paint stores for use as a shading pigment. Fairly cheap, but one of the blackest, most finely divided powders I've ever come across. Ought to be a fair fuel, since like charcoal it's the product of incomplete combustion. I've seen obscure references to lampblack as a component in certain explosive mixtures, but (given it's microscopic particle size) how effective would it be as a sensitizer for something as insensitive as AN? Anything on the order of aluminum powder possibly? It certainly would be cheaper and more easily obtained.

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Registered: SEP 2000
posted March 08, 2001 04:05 PM

Almost anything will do that: it was shown that dog shit could sensitise ammonium nitrate.
If i had to guess I would say odds are in your favour.


'Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill'

HMTD Factory
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posted March 09, 2001 01:14 AM
Lampblack is consist of atom-sized carbon molecules (unless they block together)
So that would make outstanding fuel where charcoal is needed. Aluminum gives out more heat compares to carbon so it might not sensitize AN as much as aluminum does.
What did the dog eat?

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Registered: SEP 2000
posted March 09, 2001 11:36 AM

A healthy variety of re-constituted meat and dairy products of course.

my point was that in it's pure form ammonium nitrate is as inert as it gets. Almsot anything will raise its sensitivity.

'Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill'

Frequent Poster
Posts: 111
From: uk
Registered: SEP 2000
posted March 10, 2001 02:20 PM
there was a explosive called akremite that was used in the early 1950s that was a mixture of lamp black or coaldust and ammonium nitrate but it was replaced by the more powerful anfo mix in the late 1950s.

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posted March 11, 2001 05:57 AM
Isn`t that the same as "Ammonpulver"?

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Frequent Poster
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posted March 11, 2001 08:49 AM
theres some info on akremite on this page in the ammonium nitrate bit.
[This message has been edited by jin (edited March 11, 2001).]

Frequent Poster
Posts: 313
From: London
Registered: DEC 2000
posted March 11, 2001 05:09 PM
Do blasting companies always use ANFO (and other NH4NO3/sensitiser mixes), or do they try detonating NH4NO3 by itself? That must require a chubby detonator.

PHILOU Zrealone
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Posts: 479
From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
Registered: SEP 2000
posted March 15, 2001 07:55 AM
That lampblack of fume is very good for Black powder/ KClO3-S-C-CaCO3 mix /and for LOX or N2O4-C explosives!!!!