View Full Version : Why the world needs the anarchists cookbook
May 7th, 2003, 02:05 AM
It is my belief that books like the anarchists cookbook/terrorists handbook/jolly roger's cookbook
are a necessity in today's world of terrorism
if it werent for these books, the people who are just "wannabe" pyros/terrorists/towelheads would not have access to dangerous stuff that just may stop the world from seeing one more bin Laden
in the hands of an amateur, these "recipes" for destruction can help to kill off all of those little bitty weeners who think they can blow up a building just cause theyve got a grudge against the post office
think about this: 17 year old nerd who doesnt have any friends, hates his school, teachers call him an "underachiever", and tell him that if he doesnt do his work he'll never amount to anything, anyway, one day he has this kewl plan to blow up his school, with all the little teenyboppers and teachers inside it. he finds this "magical" book on the internet called the terrorists handbook, and decides to brew up nitroglycerin in his mummy's kitchen. everything gets a little bit hot and BOOM! no more little Jimmy. all over the news, a tragedy that could have been avoided, but one that was necessary in order to save the lives of many hundreds of students, not that anyone else would ever know this
Just a snippit from the twisted corridors of my brain.
May 7th, 2003, 07:53 AM
While there is a valid point to what yo are saying you haven't thought about the possible repocussions of little Jimmys "experiment".
Firstly. When the authorities have finished cleaning up the remains of little Jimmy, the authorities will make out that this guy is a pyschopath once they find the "terrorists cookbook" on his computer and/or the journal he had describing how much he hated the school.
Secondly. Little Jimmy's Mum will embark on a crusade to get anything that is a chemical banned because she lost her looser son and dooesn't want anyone to know the difference between glycerine and glucose.
Thirdly. The press will have a field day. Once they find out that he had the "terrorists cookbook" on his computer and they combine it with the fact that he didn't have much of a social life or he had different political views. They will not only make out he is a psychopath, but also that he is the next Osama and that people like him shouldn't be allowed to have been born. They will also blame the parents for allowing little jimmy to experiment with NG.
Also, You aren't likely to remain a member of Rogue Science if you post new topics as a newbie.
May 7th, 2003, 10:06 AM
Yes, don't post new topics unless you have made a considerable number of replies to existing ones. Many people have been banned in the past for doing that. Perhaps a topic of this nature would be better off in the water cooler, but I'll leave it here and see what the other mods think.
Mr Cool
May 7th, 2003, 10:57 AM
Yeah, I think I'll move it to the water cooler. If anyone thinks otherwise, just move it back :).
May 7th, 2003, 01:14 PM
One day I will have to compile all of these crapbooks together just so we can all pour through them and refute the claims. Perhaps we can do good by removing the inacuarices in an objective and scientific manner. Perhaps we can disabuse little jimmy that there is anything remotly close to an "easy to make home explosive" just waiting to be built by some kewl.
Has anyone heard the rumor that such books were actually written by the CIA as disinformation manuals intentionally including egregious errors just to trip up potential kewls? One does wonder why nobody has ever written corrections for all the crap considering these books have been floating around for 20 years.
May 7th, 2003, 03:42 PM
Perhaps we can disabuse little jimmy that there is anything remotly close to an "easy to make home explosive" just waiting to be built by some kewl.
What would you call acetone peroxide and APAN? They seem to fit the bill pretty well to me. You can make them in an afternoon with less than $20 worth of materials from ordinary retail products.
I think that there is a real gap waiting to be filled: a cookbook that works, with valid scientific/technical information included but also detailed directions that can be followed by anyone who's literate. There's no particular reason you need to be a trained chemist to make explosives, any more than you need to be a trained chef to bake a cake. The problem is that so far, most correct published information assumes a technical background on the part of the reader and most simplified published information is flawed. The closest thing I can think of to "Correct Explosives Manufacture for Non-Chemists Who Can Follow Directions" is Uncle Fester's Home Workshop Explosives, which is actually a pretty good book and written in a humorous style. It's also somewhat outdated, too US-centric (no hints for obtaining materials in other countries or metric units), and covers only a few explosives.
But making such a book would take some time and effort. Apart from the effort that goes into comprehensively testing procedures, writing up results in an easy-to-understand format, proofreading, and illustrating such a book (or electronic document), one also has to contend with the preexisting publicity for low-quality stuff like the Terrorist's Handbook and Anarchist's Cookbook. On the other hand, much of the information you'd need is already sitting in postings on the Forum or in the brains of its members.
Somebody with chemical knowledge will always have the advantage in this realm, but it's still possible to give most of the same power to the "unwashed" non-chemist types. In my ideal fantasy world, it'd even stop people bitching about how dangerous guns are, when John Q. Angry can just as easily use high explosives as a pistol.
May 7th, 2003, 03:50 PM
I'm planning to steal my mates copy od the ACB, try out the recipies, and document my failure. look out for detailed and humourous write ups soon
May 7th, 2003, 05:54 PM
Zero's A-Files seem to fit the 'so easy to understand, my blind granny could make explosives with it' bill. I uploaded a PDF copy of it to the ftp a while ago. It is really easy to understand, even for somebody who doesn't know the difference between glycerin and glucose, or ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate. And what about NBK's PDF? That is pretty good too, but I don't think it goes under the category of "cookbook". BTW, has anyone tried the chloroform procedure his PDF has?
I have, and it works, thank you very much. The 2nd Ed. of the PDF (now a DVD) will be including a revised version of the process that is much better.
May 7th, 2003, 05:55 PM
Polverone, why would we give the kewls something that actually works?
They're going to blow themselves or other people up and the only result will be chemicals getting banned and chemistry getting a bad name AGAIN!
Until now, one was only able to make explosives when he/she had the necessary amount of determination, intelligence and willingness to learn.
Such a book would defeat these requirements and will allow the most stupid fuck to commit a serious act of terrorism.
May 7th, 2003, 08:33 PM
This is why the world doesn’t need the ACB and such
“A Northamptonshire man who was fascinated with explosives blew himself up after putting a home-made pipe bomb in his mouth and lighting the fuse”
“The bomb, which might have been created using instructions from a book on explosives”
Retarded acts like this as has been said before time and time again only provoke enforced regulations regarding the sales of chemicals and precursor’s
May 7th, 2003, 10:58 PM
The depths of human stupidity never fail to amaze me. Its about time we had some new evolutionary pressure working on the human species. Unfornuately its the mentally challenged who breed like rabbits - the rest of us know when to stop, and know how to stop.
I must say, if I wanted to mess up a public building I wouldn't bother with explosives or the ACB - just a big bottle of LPG (safety valve superglued shut), a few sacks of charcoal ...
May 8th, 2003, 01:33 AM
That 'tard sounds like a candidate for a Darwin Award. ;) :D
May 8th, 2003, 02:20 AM
I heard somewhere that the ACB was made innaccurate in an effort to be able to sell it legaly. I dont think theres any law against fake bomb recipies.
May 8th, 2003, 02:59 AM
This ( is another reason not to make a truthful, easy to read compilation of explosive synths. Although this kid seems to have been reading up on his this, and yet he was stupid enough to sell TATP to others as "bombs" and have a pound :eek: in his apartment!
May 8th, 2003, 04:06 AM
It's almost as easy to make as piss, but it's a bitch to store and handle safely in LARGE amounts (kilos, anyone? :eek: ) without a SNAFU causing a major FUBAR'ing of your limbs and organs. :D
I don't think it'd be too terribly difficult to make a single page, cartoon-format, instructional sheet on how to make an APAN "bomb" using things found in the grocery store.
Instant cold packs, nail polish remover, peroxide, pool acid, and something to light it off with. Simple.
Distibute it as a PDF document, with fields that can be filled in by the person who'll be printing it out, so they can fill the source list with stores and prices local to their immediate area. Preferably within walking distance of the kids who'd be finding these flyers. >)
Print out a single page on the computer, and take it to Kinko's to print out a hundred copies for $3. Tack to telephone poles, bus stops, hangouts, and anywhere else that 13-18 year old boys accumulate. Wearing gloves the whole time, of course. ;)
Then proceed to watch the news for the next month as a rash of mailboxes, trashcans, and idiots who can't follow simple instructions, proceed to get splattered about the countryside. :D
Naturally, the politicans will be screaming about how the heinous perpetrators of this "wicked" crime will have to be brought to justice...but for what? You simply provided written instructions, with no mention of use or "targets" to be blown up.
The person reading it had to go out, buy the materials, make the stuff, and then use it for illegal purposes...all of this by their own free will. So the blame is on the idiot, who blew himself up, not the person who provided easy/safe directions on how to do so, though the pols would still try using this as an excuse to ban something or other.
In my ideal fantasy world, it'd even stop people bitching about how dangerous guns are, when John Q. Angry can just as easily use high explosives as a pistol.
Actually, explosives are MUCH easier to make and use than a pistol, or any other firearm. Scalable to destroy anything from a lock to the entire building, directable, single or multiple persons, and much more versatile thanks to electronic timers/controls. $500 worth of chemicals would let you destroy a whole building worth of people in an instant. Try doing that with a $500 rifle. :p
May 8th, 2003, 04:40 AM
Originally posted by Aaron-V2.0
This ( is another reason not to make a truthful, easy to read compilation of explosive synths. Although this kid seems to have been reading up on his this, and yet he was stupid enough to sell TATP to others as "bombs" and have a pound :eek: in his apartment!
I clicked on the link before I saw who posted it and the first thing I thought of was YOU.. I was Oh crap Aaron got busted.. hehehe
Did you know the kid?
May 8th, 2003, 05:15 AM
the pigs cant get enough fun confisctating everyones weed and alcohol so they gotta do this:"
Crews were planning to move the substance to another location and set it off.
May 8th, 2003, 07:54 AM
thanks for the feedback, sorry i wasnt really aware of these rules, i'll keep them in mind in the future, perhaps you should post these under the little rules section at the bottom of the page
and yes, i heard the rumour about the CIA just today as a matter of fact
cheers guys
May 8th, 2003, 05:26 PM
Oh dear, a fellow man from the Rose of the Shires too :rolleyes:
The report says that he didn't intend to take his life. So what did he intend? To clear his sinuses?! If the fuse accidentally lit, why keep it in your mouth.
Thr guy was obviously as nutty as a fruitcake...
May 8th, 2003, 06:03 PM
Well it’s nice to see that news report was fair and accurate, hah! It was rather misleading, or it would be if I didn’t know better. First off I would not consider AP as a “high-yield” explosive. That implies it is some new military super weapon capable of achieving 12,000 m/s or some such. As far as explosive velocity goes AP is on the low end of the spectrum. High yield indeed. Second, what kind of building exactly can 1 lb level anyway? I am sure it would do a number on the room, and most of a house, but completely level a house? They implied much more by saying “building” instead of house. A building to me means big 20 family complex, school, government office, etc. Third, a bomb making operation? When I read that I envisioned this guy with a warehouse cranking out hundreds of pounds of explosives, not some pimply faced teenager making a few grams here and there in his bedroom. I would hardly consider that an operation. It was not even like he was churning out a pound at a time and selling it, he was pawning off firecracker sized amounts. Fourth, I take issue with the characterization of AP as “highly volatile” in the context as it was written. It is volatile for a solid, but not volatile for gasoline, the natural assumption the lay audience will come to. Fifth, associating AP as taking “great skill to make” along with him having “25 advanced chemistry books” is pure propaganda to discourage the kewl kiddies. That makes it sound like this kid was some kind of self taught PhD wannabe developing rare military weapons in his room. That’s more chemistry books than I have, that many makes me tired just thinking about them.
One thing for sure though, he is screwed. Lets see, possession of controlled explosive substance (AP is new to the list), manufacture of controlled explosive substance, illegal sale of explosive substance, possession of bomb making materials, illegal storage of controlled substance without license or approved magazine, illegal transport of controlled explosive substance without permit, illegal storage of explosive substance in non-approved residential zone, illegal storage of explosive substance within 1000 feet of residential area, illegal storage of explosive substance within 500 feet of public road, and of course possession of bomb making literature. With the Patriot Act we get intent to commit terroristic act, commission of terroristic act, possession of terrorist tools, sale of terrorist devices, and possession of terrorist training manuals. Gee, 50 years ago and this would be “entrepreneurial home experimenter distributes noise makers to awed onlookers.”
May 9th, 2003, 02:00 AM
I know you kid Dark, and no I didnt know the little twit. Also here's another story from King 5 News website.
Ed Troyer of the Pierce County sheriff's department said the explosive is a version of triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, a highly volatile explosive. It is commonly used in Mideast suicide bombings, he said.
What version might that be? The dimeric form? :rolleyes:
Deputies arrested a 16-year-old boy who allegedly came up with his own recipe for the explosive, the stations reported.
Odd, I'd expect the police to use the "Internet boogieman" on it, it's rare that they say someone had a brain in figuring it out. Though most likely the kid did find the synth on a website somewhere.
His father admits he didn't know what his son was making in his bedroom.
"He's a genius. I think he was just trying to see if he could make it," said Leotis Gibson.
Said the father as he sold off all his son's books, glassware and other "Naughty Chemistry" things.
simply RED
May 14th, 2003, 08:38 AM
WogBoy, you wrote a nonsense, SIMPLE frustration almost never induces homicidal thoughts.
The frustration leads to depression, depression after a great period may lead to neurosis: psychastenic, reactive, hypochondric, hysteric(depending on one's nervous system type).....
Which leads mainly to suicide.... (13 y. old girls swallowing pesticides or neuroleptics).
The person must be aggresive himself to do acts of violence!, usually such individuals do "their best" in a "blackout" condition. These conditions can be only provoked by frustration.
In them the big frustration comes almost always after the act of mischief.
In a recent case an agressive individual killed a young man he didn't know at all, the reason was the agressive psychic of the subject, he was provoked by his girlfriend, who argued with him.
After some months in prison the killer said " I have no face , only asshole".
Agression does not control my mind
it controls my dreams....
Kid Orgo
June 18th, 2003, 07:10 PM
Agression does not control my mind
it controls my dreams....
If those are dreams in the usual forum context, you still have a problem.
May 7th, 2004, 06:50 PM
NBK, you remind me one of the most kewlish people I know(knew, actually). This smartie just filled the CO2 cartridge with AP, epoxy it well, and thought: "Hell, I forgot to drill a fuse hole... Nothing happened, I will drill it now..."
You know the rest.
P.S.: I know that this K3|/\/L crushed the AP with mortar and pestle before putting it into the cob... Well, fortune goes only once for one person...
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