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View Full Version : May 31 will be the end of easily acquired pyrotechnics and fuse in the US.

April 14th, 2003, 08:42 PM
According to a long time supplier of mine I was talking to over the weekend, starting May 31, a new US Homeland Security bill will take affect. This bill will apparently require anyone buying pyrotechnic material, including black powder and fuse, to have a manufacture's license. I don't know if this bill will encompass all chemicals and black powder for firearms, but I would suggest that you stock up on cannon fuse! If anyone else has any info on this bill I would like to hear it. Yay! Harmless citizens are getting screwed again!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

April 14th, 2003, 09:27 PM
Wow I'm not sure of that I have not heard anything about that yet from any of the sporting goods stores in town that carry Cannon fuse. Though it very well could be, though I might wrong in thinkin that cannon fuse is teh same as pyrotechnic fuses, I know their are many types out their.

I really hope you are wrong man, another thing dead at the feet of so called protection.

April 14th, 2003, 10:01 PM
I believe he is wrong, what he is referring to is the new explosives act, which affects purchasing explosives. here is the ATF link. http://atf.treas.gov/explarson/safexpact/index.htm

April 14th, 2003, 10:13 PM
Well fellas, I certainly hope that I am wrong, but my supplier (for the last six years) said he was going to be put out of business because of it. ??? I don�t' want it to be true. I just thought I would pass along the warning, just in case.

Oh, and how long do you think it would take the sporting goods stores to take it off the shelves? 15 seconds? May 31 is still a month and a half away.

Ghostcustom 24
April 14th, 2003, 10:24 PM
Even still the man has a good point. Buy as much supplies as you can NOW, before all these new bills and agencies get up to speed as it may turn into a real nightmare very soon.:mad:

April 15th, 2003, 08:07 AM
Damn now I'm going to fell like Burt Gummer, all loaded up....

Here for thoughs that just want to peak at the Front Index page but are uneasy about going to the BATF's site

thats googles Cache copy of the page.

Zerstoren Sie
April 15th, 2003, 12:32 PM
How can black powder be included? If it is, then what happens to those who have flintlocks? Also, does this mean one will need a lisence to buy model rocket engines? Well, if this is true, it sucks. Oh well, stock up.

April 15th, 2003, 05:30 PM
I think he ment pyro grade black powder as used in fireworks but I don't know for sure. In several countries you need a license to buy ammo. Why shouldn't the US just become a socialist society as well? Lol.

April 15th, 2003, 09:58 PM
That is very stupid. Most of the terrorist attacks dont even use LEs. Even terrorists are smart enough to go with HEs and primaries. And fuse!? I wonder if there are going to be any restrictions for purchasing the chemicals needed to make black powder. I might have to stick with blackmatch for a while. I hope this is not for real.

April 16th, 2003, 12:11 PM
Did anyone read the site i posted? It said blackpowder will NOT be affected in amounts of 80 pounds or less, it also said that doublebase willnot be affected. Remember we have a republican president(thank god). Republicans dont believe in gun control, so obviously we will till be allowed to get blackpowder.

April 16th, 2003, 02:49 PM
If Republicans don't support gun control, why is Bush supporting the AWB that's due to sunset soon?

April 16th, 2003, 07:06 PM
I dont think that anyone around here will be buying 80 pounds of black powder anytime soon, so for that we wouldnt have anything to worry about. Who buys it anyway, I make high quality black powder for less than 3 dollars a pound.

Ghostcustom 24
April 16th, 2003, 08:05 PM
$3 a pound?
That sounds like a lot to me. I also make my own black powder, using my own natural wood charcoal. The only thing that I buy is Potassium Nitrate in 50-pound fertilizer bags (99% pure) for about $35

April 16th, 2003, 11:17 PM
I did say less, but 3 dollars is cheap anyway. I make my own charcoal, I bought a 50 pound bag of potassium nitrate for a little under 40 dollars, but the sulfer is hard to get a good price on. I buy it for 3 dollars a pound. I looked for a cheaper price, but I guess it is not so bad.

By the way, I started selling black powder for 15 dollars a pound. Very big profits for selling something perfectly legal.

April 17th, 2003, 03:10 PM
Legal to sell maybe, but do you not require an explosive manufacturing license? ;)

April 17th, 2003, 07:13 PM
Yeah, but nothings illegal unless you get cuaght. Even If i were cuaght, there wouldnt be a harsh punishment, since it is legal to own in the united states, and becuase there was nothing illegal manufactured from it. There might be a small fine though, but nothing bad like getting cuaght with flash powder, or homemade M-80s.

April 18th, 2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by knowledgehungry
Remember we have a republican president(thank god). Republicans dont believe in gun control, so obviously we will till be allowed to get blackpowder.

Bush won't try and take away guns, just every other right in the Constitution... :rolleyes: :mad:

Back on topic...one of the last replies in this thread should be helpful:

April 18th, 2003, 01:40 PM
Bush won't try and take away guns, just every other right in the Constitution...

Yes but as long as we have our guns we can make it more difficult to take the other rights away;) .

April 18th, 2003, 09:31 PM
I read an interesting observation the other day... Nearly every household in Iraq has at least one gun, yet Saddam still kept the country under control. It doesn't help that most of the people who own guns are clueless Bush-lovers...

April 18th, 2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by EP
I read an interesting observation the other day... Nearly every household in Iraq has at least one gun, yet Saddam still kept the country under control. It doesn't help that most of the people who own guns are clueless Bush-lovers...
The fact that most iraqis own a gun yet do not shoot at the US/UK forces makes one wonder why not? Perhaps they arent as Anti-US/UK as all the yuppie liberals think.

April 19th, 2003, 07:08 PM
get this back on topic guys.

April 23rd, 2003, 02:14 AM
What kind of prices do you guys get on fuse? I can 10 feet of 1/16 inch fuse for about $2.50. If this is all true Ithink Imay have to go buy a good $15 worth... I hate making the stuff myself.:mad:

April 23rd, 2003, 08:30 PM
I can (could) get 100 feet of 1/8 inch cannon fuse from the gentleman who told me about this whole thing for $15.

Jake Ellwood
April 26th, 2003, 11:35 PM
Relax Guys, Visco fuze is classified as 1.4 G (class C) it is therefore exempt from the new law.
the largest group affected is those who were able to purchase 1.3 G (class B) in their state with only a local permit, now they are required to have a BATF permit either a User Permit or a MAnufacturing license.

April 27th, 2003, 05:52 PM
Well, according to FireFox (a well known US pyro supplier), UPS will no longer accept visco or time fuse for shipment. The USPS will still ship it though. Here is an excerpt from their Ignition supplies page:

"NOTE: Because of the Homeland Security Act, UPS is not handling safety fuse or time fuse. For now, we will ship it by USPS, which is still accepting it. Sticky match may still be shipped by UPS but we have no way right now of shipping Oxral electric matches (neither UPS or USPS is shipping them right now). We expect these problems to be worked out in the near future, but for now, this is it."

So...blacktalon may not be too far off. Hopefully this isn't the case though.

May 3rd, 2003, 02:34 PM
That law sure sucks for the people in America but that is nothing compared to what pyro's up in Canada like me have to do for chems since there is no pyro supplier that ships to Canada.

May 3rd, 2003, 09:01 PM
And in Sweden you already need a license to buy anything else than blasting fuse.

Quite ironic, since most pyros would prefer visco fuse, which needs a license, and most terrorists would prefer the unlicensed blasting fuse because it's 5mm thick, waterproof, and just about perfect for blastingcaps.....

Yet that is not on the restricted list.

As for chemicals the situation is a lot better, we can get most chems easily except for those related to illegal drug manufacture.

May 4th, 2003, 06:19 AM
don't complain about the fuses, here you need a license to buy fuse of anykind, and getting all the chems has become considerable more difficult after the bloody bombstrike. The pharmacists are bitching if you ask them even a bit more rare chemical. If you have a company or if you can c/o with some, then the situation is alot better. But they are all just restrainers, when you keep ears and eyes open you will find plentiful of chems.

May 4th, 2003, 12:11 PM
I don't understand why this would happen though. I dont think someone is going to make a terrorist threat with some firecrackers and fuses. You can still get your stuff from fireworks if you want them that bad.

May 4th, 2003, 06:57 PM
I think that law officals are worried because you can made some types of HE's with some chems used in pyrotechnics.

May 7th, 2003, 07:53 AM
If you think it's a pain in the ass to get fuse there try living in Australia! you need a explosives licence to get blasting fuse (need to go on an apprenticeship) or for visco you need a pyrotechnic licence, and I enquired about that and here's my reply

the governemt is currently not issuing licences at the moment. And are yet to finalize the criteria for gaining a fireworks licence. But have told us new operators will need to work with a fireworks company (12 displays over 12 months) then attend a fireworks course (course is not yet approved)

Kind Regards
Chris Bennett
Acme Fireworks

So I HAVE to make my fuse or use sparklers (kinda gay, but look nice) unless some-one here can help me? anyone here from Aus with a pyro licence? no? aww feck, i use silicone fuse mostly, it's great stuff! not as good as visco though....


May 7th, 2003, 11:33 AM
You are right Bryan, the pyrotechnics industry in Australia is completely fucked. Except for Canberra where it seems you can buy whatever you like.

About three years ago the government decided you need a license for everything excpet party sparklers. By the sound of it, they still haven't decided how licenses should be issued. The only people I know who have gained licences in that time have been full time employees of pyrotechnics / effects companies. They pretty much just wrote to Workcover and explained why they should be able to have a license.

It doesn't really make much difference here, and it won't in America either. Electronic ignition it probably better anyhow.

May 8th, 2003, 02:44 AM
If fuse ever does become illegal without a liscense, I'm sure we can cope. If consumer fireworks are still legal, they're a source. Electrical ignition is a good alternative to fuse, especially if you can make christmas light ignitors. They might seem K3W1, but they're effective, and cheap to make. That said, I'm pretty sure Jake Ellwood is correct in saying that the law does not apply to fuse.

May 8th, 2003, 03:21 AM
Look guys, I was just passing along info. Do with it what you want. It doesn't particularly matter to me in that I use electric ignition for pretty much everything I do anyway, but it is just another nail in the coffin of freedom (and I have 500 feet of 1/8 inch fuse). Maybe my source will be wrong and everything will be fine. Then again, maybe he will be right and that will be it. We will find out after May 31. 23 days. Wait and see. I pray I am wrong but I fear I am right.

I suppose you mean that commercial fireworks fuse is your source of fuse for fireworks. I certainly wouldn't want to fire a shot of HE with a fuse from a firecracker.

May 9th, 2003, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by VoD
All of you in the US are lucky as far as I am concerned... Here in Canada (aka. Dainty Queer Land of Losers Who Only do Lame Things and Make Laws Against Anything Even Remotely Cool) it is nearly impossible to get fuse of any kind..
Lucky Americans...:mad:

I agree with you and thank god that I live in America, better yet New Mexico where most the laws are pretty reasonable. I would hate to live in California never the less Canada.

Originally posted by blacktalon
According to a long time supplier of mine I was talking to over the weekend, starting May 31, a new US Homeland Security bill will take affect. This bill will apparently require anyone buying pyrotechnic material, including black powder and fuse, to have a manufacture's license.

Surely that would imply only if buying large quantites of BP, and I see no reason why it should imply to fuse at all. After all when was the last time a terrorist ever used a fuse and LE in a bomb?
If this is true then I guess I will start using electrical igniters.

May 11th, 2003, 03:29 PM
Come on now I know you all say that you will use electrical igniters but that would take some of the fun out of it. Besides we can always make fuse if we ever have to.

September 15th, 2003, 01:51 AM
Living in the uk, I'm more concerned about what's going to happen to us with the new control of fireworks bill.
I don't speak legalese, and systran doen't offer a service for that, but it doesn't really seem to say much. Mostly useful due to the fact it list the rest of the UK fireworks legislation at the bottom. Thenupshot seems to be more restriction on shops selling fireworks and tighter licensing of who gets access to the really good stuff.

But honestly, there are several groups capaigning for an outright ban on all fireworks in the UK. The link below is pretty much typical.
http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/dartfordandswanley/display.var.703091.index.blind_join_campaign_to_co ntrol_fireworks.html
Don't get me wrong, the guys who thought it would be a laugh to throw fireworks at a blind guy are twats, but I think things are getting stupid for those of us who know what we're doing.

I'd say we should have a strict license for use of fireworks and explosives. As long as it's open to everyone. Demonstrate that you really know what you're doing, and you get an explosives license. Perhaps they should make it like the driving test? Pass the theory test, then they let you take the practical. I don't see any problems with responsible citizens being allowed to make and keep a certain amount of explosives, if they're properly stored. Also, it'd do wonders to legitimise our hobby.

Never happen, of course, but I can dream. At least, until they ban that too.

September 22nd, 2003, 01:09 PM
Well of course they are going to ban fireworks. YOU PEOPLE let them take your guns from you. Now they know they can take what ever else they want. Fireworks, knives, any sort of pipe, hammers... then sooner or later food. You are a subject....

September 28th, 2003, 08:44 PM
Of course, we can't claim we need our guns in case the British ever decide to invade...:)

October 3rd, 2003, 09:45 PM
Lol. We will never need to. The UK would have to grow a pair before they could invade somthing.

October 3rd, 2003, 10:14 PM
Further to this, I got a little more info on what they're planning for us in the UK. The proposed restrictions are that they will only sell fire works from Oct 15th to a bit after the 5th (not sure of the end date). Also, there will be bans on setting off fireworks during 'antisocial hours' and placing a decibel limit on retail fireworks.
I don't really see that being a major problem, as the only restrictions are on when you can buy stuff, and you could have been saving up for the past twelve months. (or making your own)
You'd be a bit daft to set stuff on in your backyard at 3am anyway, so I for one don't care about the fairly sensible time restriction.

October 5th, 2003, 09:13 AM
I welcome the restriction on sale times. A lot of people can't be trusted with anything more than sparklers and are lucky to have access to fireworks at all, the less they have them the better. Someone was setting off fireworks a few days ago near my house, shit my cats up and it was only september.

Shops have been selling them for at least a month though, every bloody corner shop owner is trying to raise their profits by being the first one to have them on sale, not that I would buy their over-priced shite anyway.

Restrictions on usage times in built up areas seems fair. Reasonable people don't start their display at 2am anyway. A bit of courtesy to your neighbours goes a long way.

Decibel limit is BS though. If you're restricting the times to socialable hours and ensuring that they're only used for a limit time around Nov 5th, why can't people be expected to put up with a few loud bangs?

November 18th, 2003, 05:29 PM
Hi Gang ! Go to WWW.TRI-ESSSCIENCES.COM for waterproof green hobby fuse.
They sell it for $30.00(USD) + shipping for 100 feet. You need to e-mail this
order because they don't set it up to put in their shopping cart. Catalog #SE700.
E-mail your order to KIMG@WWW.TRI-ESSSCIENCES.COM. There are 2 caveats.
1) They won't sell to CALIFORNIA residents without some bullshit license.
2) They open their books to LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES for suspicious orders.

Just wanted to pass this along. YOUR CALL !

To JetexKid: Thanks for the correction !

November 18th, 2003, 08:26 PM
That link doesnt work.

Jetex Kid
November 18th, 2003, 09:47 PM
Try "tri-esssciences" with an "s" on the end. www.tri-esssciences.com.

November 19th, 2003, 01:32 PM
Any company that sells both owl shit and Brazilian mantitor igniter cord has my vote-

January 20th, 2004, 07:46 AM
Guess I'll have to load up on both at the next gun show. I can't see them restricting BP because of all the BP gun enthusiasts in the US but you can never tell. Cannon fuse is usually easy to get at the gun shows also and the price is as good as anywhere online plus you don't have a sellor having a record of having it shipped to you.

January 31st, 2004, 12:25 AM
Maybe Mega will find out how to make soem really good visco type fuse!(no offense mega, its just that your very intelligent) If I have to get a damn license to make BP, then I might as well dig a mine shaft and make it down in the dark depths of the earth in a giant concrete bunker, along with HE's and primaries. All the pyro's would have to live like moles and gophers. That would suck.

January 31st, 2004, 03:04 PM
Some people on eBay are selling information on how to make fuze.
One seller claims that eBay will not allow him to sell visco fuze.
This seems strange because 6 months ago there were several people
selling visco fuze on eBay.

BTW, Firefox is waiting for DOT classification for its Brazilian Hot,
magnalium-based, fuze. I e-mailed an inquiry and the reply indicated
there were problems getting the fuze shipped. The reply didn't indicate
whether the problem was getting the fuze shipped to them or shipped
to customers. Just thought I'd pass this along.

The Patriot Act and The Assault Weapons Ban are due to expire soon.
May they both die a miserable death !

February 1st, 2004, 01:34 AM
If it's the device that sets off an artillery shell or bonb- It's a fuZe

If it's the thingy you hand light on your firecracker/roman candle/etc.- It's a fuSe.

The terms are not interchangeable...

February 1st, 2004, 03:35 AM
Bert, isnt a fuse an electrical device made so that a circut does not burn out due to overpowering it?

February 1st, 2004, 11:34 AM
My original response to that was too short for this forum.