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View Full Version : Nitric Acid in Gold Prospecting Stores

August 20th, 2001, 05:50 AM
I heard Gold Prospecting stores sell Nitric Acid for cleanning gold. If you put gold or platinum into pure nitric acid these metals will start to react and produce alot of red thick smoke, then you heat it up till it stops smoking heavy and filter the gold out, and now you have very pure gold. Cause most gold you drege or pan is only %70-%80 pure. So is that a ligit reson for purchasing Nitric Acid through a chemist?

"A Well Regulated Militia, Being Necessary To The Security Of A Free State, The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed." The 2nd Amendment To The Constitution Of The United States

August 20th, 2001, 06:22 AM
Hell yes!! (if you could convince him you found gold in your backyard ;-))
Why does everybody needs a reason ? I just went up there and asked for a liter of nitric acid, and he gave it to me, no big deal !! (too bad it's only 60%, can i distill it to make it stronger ?)
I managed to make a bit of NC with it, but at a low nitration level I think ...

"Mess with me, and you'll end up with a .44 under your chin and your brains on the ceiling"

August 21st, 2001, 01:20 AM
Say it's for extracting gold from computer components, it's a airtight alliby.

With Knowledge we find Truth - With Truth we find Freedom

September 10th, 2001, 08:44 PM
Nitric acid will not dissolve gold by itself. For this purpose it must be mixed with hydrochloric acid and is called aqua regia.

September 19th, 2001, 01:56 AM
10fingers: Gold isnt dissolved by nitric acid at all to clean gold of its impurities, gold is melted and zinc is added to the molten gold and then it is cooled. After it was cooled gold is now fragile, you then take it and grind it up with a mortar and pestal or in a ball mill. When you have a very fine powder you put the powder in a beaker and add nitric acid to it, and slightly heat it. When the reaction stops you filter the gold out and remelt it. The gold now is 98% pure and has a very ugly pale yellow color.

"A Well Regulated Militia, Being Necessary To The Security Of A Free State, The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed." The 2nd Amendment To The Constitution Of The United States