View Full Version : acetic acid and smoke bombs
March 20th, 2002, 09:04 PM
Ok, I looked under the search section for smoke, smoke bombs, and acetic acid, so I am assuming I wont get banned or anything.
Anyway, I need to know where I can buy acetic acid from, other than chem supply houses. I plan on mixing it with ammonia to make smokebombs with.
Also, I plan on trying pine sol mixed with chlorine.
If you help me out, I will take really nice pictures:)
March 20th, 2002, 09:52 PM
try a grocery store. as for glacial acetic acid ( thats 30% or whatever ), i think you're pretty much SOL if you cant buy from a supplier.
man i wish i were a beautiful guy.
March 21st, 2002, 12:29 AM
I don't know about the USA but here in NZ glacial acetic acid is sold in pharmacies (drug stores) at 200ml for $5.00
I thought glacial acetic acid was pure. It's called glacial acetic acid because it frezzes solid at around 19 degrees celsius.
March 21st, 2002, 01:52 AM
Photography supplier carrry GA acid.
Or, if you can get dry ice, you can freeze vinegar till it crystalizes and seperate the concentrated GA from the water.
Also, how the hell do you expect to make smoke bombs with GA?
(This outta be good for a laugh!)
<small>[ March 21, 2002, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: nbk2000 ]</small>
March 21st, 2002, 04:43 AM
I heard once that is possible to make smoke bombs from ammonia and acetic acid, but you need liquid ammonia (-60 degrees C or so), and even if you get pure acetic acid, I doubt that you'll be able to find liquified ammonia...
March 21st, 2002, 08:25 AM
Would'nt regular household ammonia be good enough? I will look around some art stores to see if they have some g.a.
I got the idea off a Macguyver episode;)
March 21st, 2002, 08:41 AM
McGuyver, you say ? Ah ha ha ha ha !!!!!
Then is a total bullshit for sure ! Such ideas from movies (Terminator, McGyver, even The Specialist) are usualy only kewl info. Try to search a much more reliable source of info.
And no, household ammonia won't work, because your reaction is closer to a carbonic ice + steam effect.
March 21st, 2002, 09:04 AM
I knew it had to be something k3wl!
Stupid McGyver shite, and a first post too.
End of lame, end of topic.
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