Suzanne Humphries

Suzanne Humphries is a nephrologist (kidney doctor) who became a vocal proponent of totally legitimate and validated science and remedies that have been field tested to cure .. things. Humphries has been involved with the International Medical Council on Vaccination, a front group for vaccine hysteria, and is a signer of the organization's anti-vax Project Steve petition. She has written several blog posts and done several podcasts and interviews insinuating that kidney failure is caused by vaccines.[1][2] Humphries uses this purely anecdotal, unstudied, "feeling" of vaccines' role in kidney disease to try to justify why her complete lack of training in any relevant field of epidemiology, immunology or vaccines doesn't disqualify her as an "expert" on the topic.

Needles are scary
Pricks against pricks
v - t - e

In 2010 Humphries announced she had embraced homeopathy, having studied it for four years. Her level of homeopathic certification is unclear — she is repeatedly referred to as being "at the end of her studies."[3][4] As part of Humphries' embrace of homeopathy, she swallowed the kool-aid of a very extreme version of vitalism and goes around the Internet claiming that homeopathy works by fixing energy flows in the body.[3]. Humphries claims that homeopathy is a "more advanced system" than evidence-based medicine; she states that "allopathic" medicine tends to exacerbate the forces that drive chronic illness.[3].

She recommends that people limit their medical care only to homeopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths. Despite this, she still appears to be working her day job as a nephrologist at the Northeast Nephrology Clinic in Bangor, Maine.

In 2015 Humphries claimed in a video [5] that "I did not complete my studies and never earned a degree. I am not, and do not wish to be a homeopath". This seems inconsistent with her prior statements [6] and her attendance at the school of Homeopathy in the UK from 2008 until 2011.

A version of her CV from 2011[7] lists qualifications in Homeopathy and Thought field therapy. Later versions of her CV exclude these qualifications.

On NaturalNews she has expressed frustration that her edits to this page keep getting reverted, and "they put back their lies right away" and "at least half the information on there about me is completely falsified."[8]

She has also attempted to combine anti-vax sentiment with poorly-thought-out religious gobbledygook (i.e., lies purportedly based on scripture) in an effort to convince somebody that the Bible and Koran are opposed to vaccination. Pull the other leg, please.[9]

She promotes mystical powers of Vitamin C, calling it "the basis of life,"[10] and asserts it magically "neutralizes any toxins in the blood."[10] Additionally, she woefully misunderstands or willfully misrepresents research to support her ideas. In an article on whooping cough, she states that lethargy in chronically ill people is commonly due to Vitamin C deficiency, citing a paper on the antioxidative properties of Vitamin C in the mitochondria as her only evidence. In the same article, she asserts Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is caused by Vitamin C deficiency, yet her sole evidence is a paper which found carnitine supplementation prevented mitochondrial abnormalities in rats with Vitamin C deficiency.[10]


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