Serdar Argic

Serdar Argic was a spambot created by Turkish graduate student Ahmet Cosar, who flooded Usenet on a regular basis for much of 1993 and 1994 with posts inverting the facts of the 1915 Armenian genocide, accusing the Armenians of massacring over 2 million Turks, Azeris, and other Muslims in the area.

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Cosar was said to have used an Awk script to search the entire Usenet feed available to him for any mention of Turkey or Armenia, then posting a hateful, conspiracy theory-riddled rant with an intro vaguely customized to the subject of the thread. Part of the evidence that he used such a script was the fact that the rant would sometimes be issued in response to posts about turkey sandwiches or Thanksgiving turkeys.

See also

  • List of internet kooks
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