Second Thessalonians

Second Thessalonians is a followup epistle to the church at Thessalonika, where Paul lays out some more eschatology to Christians who were worried they missed the rapture. Paul says the Day of the Lord will not come until there's a general apostasy that overtakes the whole church, followed by the appearance of the antichrist who will bill himself as God and sit in the Temple in Jerusalem.

Light iron-age reading
The Bible
Gabbin' with God
v - t - e

This book, therefore, presents a problem to modern Christians, because there is no more Temple in Jerusalem, and there won't be another Temple unless the Jews can get the Muslims to move their nice Dome of the Rock mosque off the place where the Holy of Holies used to go. That in turn presents a problem to Christians who adhere to the doctrine of immanence, which says that Christ could return at any moment without warning, like a thief in the night. There are Bible Colleges where people spend years of their life figuring this stuff out.

See also

  • RationalWiki:Annotated Bible/2 Thessalonians
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