Nation (magazine)

The Nation is a weekly magazine of opinion and reviews, published continuously since July 6, 1865.[1] It has always been a bastion of liberal and socialist thought.

You gotta spin it to win it
Stop the presses!
We want pictures
of Spider-Man!
  • Journalism
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  • WIGO World
v - t - e
This logo makes a mailbox smile.

The Nation's current editor and publisher is Katrina vanden Heuvel, succeeding the "publisher emeritus" Victor Navasky (whose name alone tells you he's a commie[2]).

The Nation publishes 48 weeks a year, printing letters to the editor (including responses by article writers), editorials, columns by regular commentators, book reviews, and the wonderful Nation puzzle, which was created by cryptographer Frank W. Lewis just after the Second World War.

See also

  • New York Times — the other evil commie paper


  2. Actually, no, he's a Ukrainian Jew. But what were you expecting by judging people by their surnames?
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