Left communism
Left communism is the name given to an oeuvre of Marxism which, while encompassing a variety of different viewpoints, commonly distinguishes itself by rejecting Marxism-Leninism (though not always Lenin himself or his works entirely)[3] as a counter-revolutionary ideology.
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“”Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence. |
—Karl Marx[1] |
“”State ownership of the productive forces is not the solution of the conflict, but concealed within it are the technical conditions that form the elements of that solution. |
—Friedrich Engels[2] |
Generally, the communist left insists that with a careful reading of Marx and Engels, it should be understood that the proletarian revolution must occur all at once across the world or as quickly as possible, and reject the Marxist-Leninist dichotomy of socialism and communism—that is, the premise that the emergence of communist society requires a so-called "socialist" "transitional" stage[4] based in state capitalism to develop post-scarcity before it may abolish the conditions of capitalism (i.e. the law of value, generalized commodity production, wage labor, and private ownership of the means of production). Rather, they are presupposed to be done away with as part of the immediate program of the revolution.
Also known by critics within the Marxist tradition as "impossibilists" or the "ultra-left", Lenin considered the communist left enough of a problem that he wrote a whole book on the subject: "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, which Dutch council communist Herman Gorter responded to in an open letter.[5]
The present left communist outlook about communism in the 20th century is that the most significant attempt at a "real movement" to date ended in the early 1920s, after the German Revolution failed,[6] left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks
Common views among the communist left
- Rejection of the socialist/communist dichotomy and of transitional state capitalist "socialism"
- Views of the so-called Marxist-Leninist "actually existing socialism" (past and present) as state capitalism
- Views of the mainstream left (Trotskyism, Stalinism, Maoism, social democracy, etc) as part of the bourgeois apparatus, or as the "left-wing of capital"
- Rejection of parliamentarism and unions (except for a few Bordigists who feel they can in certain circumstances be used tactically)
- Rejection of national liberation and "anti-imperialism"
- Intransigent internationalism, meaning one does not pick sides on wars between bourgeois states
Dutch and German left-communism
A branch of left communism originating in both nations. The tradition was heavily inspired by Rosa Luxemburg and the Spartacists, and would resume where her organization failed. These organizations grew until political infighting caused the organizations to split and crashed by 1933. The final nail in the coffin of the German branch was the rise of Nazi Germany, which secretly hunted down any opposition to their movement. Any still alive Germans fled to the Netherlands, which were also eventually conquered by Germany. The Dutch-German branch of left communism is now extinct.[citation needed]
The Italian communist left
The most familiar left communist movements is the Italian school, which placed more emphasis on the party, and insisted on centralism. It survived WWII and continued in leftist circles, and also expanded left communism around the world. The school was opposed to both Soviet authoritarianism and American imperialism at the time.
Post-World War II developments
The left communist oeuvre expanded following the end of World War II in such forms as Socialisme ou Barbarie
Left communism and historical revolution
While left communists do not regard communism as something that is established in such a sense that the state of the Soviet Union after 1924 or the foundation of the People's Republic of China may be thought of as successes, many still cite some of the revolutionary activity following World War I to be the most potent examples in action since the Paris Commune of 1871 of what Marx called the "real movement":
- The Russian Revolution, until the suppression of left-wing uprisings and the establishment of a state capitalist system under the New Economic Policy in the early 1920s.
- Rosa Luxemburg never directly called herself a left communist, although she was completely against vanguardism and possibilism. The German revolution she was part of was brought down by right-wing "Freikorps" groups acting at the behest of the Weimar government.
- The Bavarian
File:Wikipedia's W.svg and BremenFile:Wikipedia's W.svg Soviet Republics of 1919 - The Kronstadt rebellion
File:Wikipedia's W.svg , 1921 - The Shanghai Commune
File:Wikipedia's W.svg and Guangzhou UprisingFile:Wikipedia's W.svg in 1927 are considered some of the last examples of real proletarian activity during this period.
Left communists have also been known to defend the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
- The 1968 movements worldwide
File:Wikipedia's W.svg , particularly those in FranceFile:Wikipedia's W.svg - The Movement of 1977
File:Wikipedia's W.svg in Italy
Although left coms dismiss the idea of revolution being motivated or led by specific ideologies or tendencies, the above are most commonly linked with explicitly ultra-left schools of thought, although analyses and inspiration being drawn by other events are widespread.
Examples of left communist parties
- International Communist Party
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - International Communist Current
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Internationalist Communist Tendency
File:Wikipedia's W.svg - Socialist Party of Great Britain
- World Socialist Party of the United States
- Karl Marx, The German Ideology, Part I: Feuerbach. Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlook.
- Friedrich Engels, Anti-Dühring: Part III: Socialism.
- ICC International Review, Lenin's State and Revolution: Striking Validation of Marxism
- Andrew Kliman, The Incoherence of “Transitional Society” as a Marxian Concept.
- Herman Gorter, Open Letter to Comrade Lenin.
- Early after the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, Lenin himself even opined about Germany having key importance in a world revolution:
“”But history has taught you a lesson. It is a lesson, because it is the absolute truth that without a German revolution we are doomed—perhaps not in Petrograd, not in Moscow, but in Vladivostok, in more remote places to which perhaps we shall have to retreat, and the distance to which is perhaps greater than the distance from Petrograd to Moscow. At all events, under all conceivable circumstances, if the German revolution does not come, we are doomed.
—V.I. Lenin, Extraordinary Seventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.), Political Report Of The Central Committee, 7 March 1918. - Mouvement Communiste, Hungary 1956: “the proletariat storming heaven”