Jonathan Otto
Jonathan C W Otto is a propagandist film-maker for the likes of Dr Joseph Mercola[1], Ty Bollinger[2], Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr Veronique Desaulniers[3], Chris "beat cancer" Wark[4], David "Avocado" Wolfe[5], Dr Tony "Hope4Cancer" Jimenez[6], Mike "health ranger" Adams[7], Daniel "Doc" Nuzum.[8][9], and Dr John Gray.[10]
By his own admission, Mr Otto makes "emotional" films[11][12], rather than rational ones, to sell products and services.
So if a project has Jonathan Otto's name on it, odds are it's selling something which cannot be sold on evidence of efficacy, such as quackery or pyramid-schemes, and is making an emotional appeal instead.
If you cannot provide evidence that your product or service works, Jonno will make a film to help you shift it, even if it's a load of bull.[13]
External links
- Jonathan C W Otto's website ...
- Jonathan C W Otto's Facebook pages ... & [14]
- In Jonathan's 2016 ebook "Emotional Story Selling" he claims his advertising campaigns have resulted in sales totaling over 100 million dollars.
- Jonathan Otto was director-of-photography on Ty Bollinger's epics "The Truth About Cancer" & "The Truth About Vaccines".
- Jonno stars in his own "Bible Health" series.
- Jonno owns URLs which involve miracles & The Bible, e.g. &
- Jonno's series on autoimmune disease, (as that often spontaneously-remits it provides plentiful supply of "miraculous" recoveries).
- Jonno was in business with Vick Strizheus:[15] that's "Vick" Vitaly Strizheus who was found guilty of grand-theft in 2007.[16]
- Jonno says Christy Whitman was a client of his, she owns "Quantum Success Coaching Academy", & similar life-coach programs.
- Jonno's emotional video about Mark Hoverson. The BBB describe Mark's "Internet Lifestyle Network LLC" as a pyramid company.[17]
- Jonno claims he increased the sales of "Neuracel" ten-fold: that's a dietary supplement alleged to treat neuropathy.[18][19]
- Jonathan Otto appeared in, & helped produce, the "The Sacred Plant" series: a cannabis woo-fest.
- Video of Jonathan Otto, back in 2012, talking about theIlluminati.
- In this 2018 video Jonno attempts to describe Darwinism, but uses an example of Lamarckism, (strawman or ignorance ?).
- Jonno's latest God-bothering associate is a "hands-on" sort of guy.
- "Humanitarian" Jonathan has a $100K GofundMe purportedly to help starving people in Africa, the named beneficiary is his wife.
- Dr Mercola's "Diet Against Disease" series was shot by Jonno.
- Ty Bollinger gets emotional.
- "Dr V" gets emotional.
- Chris Wark gets religious.
- Dave goes all anti-evolution.
- Dr Tony Jimenez gets religious.
- Mike Adams is a Giants fan.
- "Doc Nuzum" bigging-up Jonathan Otto.
- "Doc Nuzum" indicted for practicing medicine without a license in 2005.
- Jonathan Otto interviews John Gray PhD.
- Jonno says "Emotional Storyselling is the art of converting sales through captivating an audience using the power of story and emotional resonance through the medium of film".
- Jonathan gets emotional.
- Jonno advertising bull****.
- If you want to enter Jonno's "Inner Circle" (oo-er) it's only $39.95 per month.
- archive copy of "" from 2013.
- YouTube video of Vick in court in 2007.
- Better Business Bureau review of Mark Hoverson's company.
- Amazon customer reviews of Neuracel.
- Complaints to Better Business Bureau about Neuracel.
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