High IQ society
A high IQ society is an organization that aims to limit its membership to people who are within a certain high percentile of IQ test results. Insecure people who perform well on standardized tests join them in order to bolster their sense of really being intelligent.

Tell me about your mother Psychology |
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For our next session... |
Popping into your mind |
v - t - e |
“”People who boast about their IQ are losers. |
—Stephen Hawking[1] |
The oldest, largest, and best-known such society is Mensa International,[2] which was founded by a couple of strangers on a train in 1946, who decided it would be more productive than killing each others' wives.[citation NOT needed] Other early societies are Intertel (founded by Ralph Haines in 1966), the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (founded by Dr. Christopher Harding in 1974), and the embarrassingly named Prometheus Society and the Mega Society (founded by Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin in 1982). Getting into MENSA isn't an especially notable achievement. A lot of Playboy Bunnies, pro wrestlers, porn stars, white nationalists, and Jimmy Savile have made the cut.
The purpose of such societies
Before the Internet, meeting reasonably bright people could actually be quite a lot of work, so such societies were socially useful.
Currently, the primary purposes of these societies is ensure that their members are not smart enough to realize that paying money for membership isn't that good a deal (the guest member fee for Mensa is £61, and just to take the test is £24[3]). Mensa founder Lancelot Lionel Ware quit the group in the 1950s, and expressed his disappointment that so many Mensa meetings consist of puzzle solving, saying "It's a form of mental masturbation. Nothing comes of it."[4]
Entry requirements
High IQ societies typically accept a variety of standardized multiple guess tests. IQ is believed to follow a normal distribution. The average IQ score is set at 100, and recognized IQ tests can have different standard deviations. The more recognized tests will typically have a standard deviation (σ) of 15, 16 or 24 points. IQ estimation is prone to measurement error. Following best practice, at least two differently designed standardized tests (one of which should be supervised) should be administered. However, many high IQ societies including Mensa will accept admission via "prior evidence", which means that the applicant can submit proof of having achieved the required percentile for the society in question via the submission of a result from a list of acceptable tests (which may include academic as well as traditional IQ tests)[5]. For instance, it would be possible for someone to submit an SAT, GRE, GMAT and LSAT [6] score from over 20 years ago for admission to Mensa as long as the score was in the 98th percentile, even though that same person might fail a proctor-administered test if he or she were to attempt it at the time of application to the society.
Despite some conceptual inconsistencies in respect of admission to high IQ societies, online IQ tests are rarely accepted due to their questionable validity and comparability to established standardized IQ tests. In essence, most online IQ tests over-inflate IQ scores, which leads more online IQ test takers to believe they are geniuses, only to suffer disappointment the moment that they try to seek external validation of their online results by taking a proctor-administered, standardized IQ test. However, technological advances have made some IQ tests much more effective in recent years and the high number of test observations that can be generated online has helped online test developers to more accurately norm tests as to make the resulting IQ scores comparable to what the test taker might be capable of achieving on standardized IQ tests. IQ-Brain.com [7] and testKidsIQ.com [8], for instance, have multiple IQ tests which the authors argue provide comparable results to proctor-administered test. IQ-Brain.com's tests have achieved recognition with some high IQ societies such as TenIQ.
Issues with entry requirements
The ceiling of most standardized (validated and normed) intelligence tests is around the 99.9th percentile (3.09σ, IQ~=149). This means that establishing IQ levels above 140 is extremely difficult, and likely to involve statistical distortion and measurement error.
As a case study, consider that some clubs require an IQ level above the 99.99997th percentile. This is essentially impossible to measure since there are insufficient normative cases upon which to base a statistically-justified correlation.[9] Assuming a United States of America population of 300 million, normal expectation for the number of persons with IQ over 175 (5σ above average) is about 90 individuals. How smart do you have to be to work out that such very high IQ societies are ridiculous?
Given that high IQ societies tend to be incestuous, members will typically have sat tests multiple times, and will thus sport inflated scores — one meta-analysis reports that a person who scores in the 50th percentile on their first test will be to the 80th by their third.[10] It seems unlikely that merely sitting IQ tests magically makes you smarter, but if you are patient enough you can keep taking the entrance tests until you make the grade. Congratulations, you have now achieved a one in a million score on an obscure, unresearched IQ test! Unfortunately, this will be a costly process — test administrations can cost up to $60 — so you might want to consider printing and laminating a card that proclaims you a genius as a cost-effective alternative.
Other problems arise as high-range online IQ test testers ask for the testees' previous IQ scores before they grade. The use of the norming process via equipercentile ranking is usually pretext for the tester to confer IQ scores consistent with, or even lower than, the scores professionally administered. The tester places a lot of merit on the candidate's previous performances from reputable tests. Tester may thus deliver false IQ score reports -- in order to juxtapose himself alongside the professionals as if conferring a similar score in effect will bolster test's precision hence reliability-- thus further hampering the legitimacy of his test's purpose of measuring IQ. Due to the ailing reputation of these high-range online IQ tests from insufficient norming sample, the reasonable interpretation is that such scheme is not an uncommon practice among testers.
Membership Declaration-Induced Temporary Psychosis (MDITP)
Informing a non-member of a high IQ society that you are yourself a member of one — especially of Mensa, which people have heard of — will, in roughly 90% of the population, induce a state of temporary insanity. The patient will instantly begin spouting derogatory claims about membership of such societies, usually along the lines of being pretentious or boring,[11] or how emotional intelligence is far more important than IQ, and then proclaim that they themselves took an IQ test (the origin of which is never specified[12]) and they achieved an extremely high score (usually over 150), followed by an excuse as to why they will never take the test and become a member (often based around the dislike of a celebrity member[13][14]). This psychotic state of mind quickly subsides, and can be calmed with the suggestion of a trip to the local pub.
Too many societies
The entrance criteria for IQ societies vary considerably. Some consider the nature of the tests they accept, i.e., whether the tests are primarily numerical, spatial, verbal, etc., and whether they are proctored or not. They all place great importance on how high one must score in order to acquire membership.[15][16]
One indication of the proliferation of high IQ societies is that there's even a society network of them (a sort of meta-high IQ society) called the World Intelligence Network which encompasses 48 high IQ societies as of 2015.[17]
Some notable societies, including Mensa, will accept the results of standardized tests taken elsewhere — except possibly online ones, which typically seem to give everyone 130–140 because they're usually pitched to the wrong age group and are non-standardized.[18][19]
The following list is sorted by percentile cutoff point for admission, and assumes the "general intelligence factor," g, is normally distributed with μ = 100 and σ =15/16.
Top 10%
Top 5%
- 95th percentile; 1/20; IQ 124.67 σ=15 / 126.32 σ=16
Top 3%
Top 2%
- 98th percentile; 1/50; IQ 130.81 σ=15 / 132.86 σ=16; +2σ
- AtheistIQ[28] — AtheistIQ was originally founded by Robert Dawson, although he appears to have retired from the affairs of the club in favour of serial high IQ society founder Martin Lithner. The club website lists 44 members,[29] though it has not been updated since 2010.
- Encefálica Society[30] — Smart Spanish people who are too stupid to realize that autoplaying sound on your homepage is not a sign of brilliance.
- Greatest Minds[31] — Autoplaying music is lame. Has about 20 members. Features image of Albert Einstein, smartest human ever, as we all know.
- High Potentials Society[32] — Founded in 2002 by Max Tiefenbacher, the HPS now boasts an impressive 420 members from 35 different countries. Some of these members might be slightly imaginary (eg., "Darb" from the USA). The HPS charges no price for entry and publishes a free magazine (InsideOut) for members, quite unusual among high IQ societies. For those who are interested, the society's homepage hosts some reasonably constructed IQ tests.[33] However, these should only be used to observe what entrance tests to high IQ societies typically look like, rather than properly normed IQ tests, which they almost definitely are not.
- Ingenium High IQ Society[34] — Their site, at least, appears to be properly spelled and competently designed. They even have at least 50 or so members. They also let less intelligent people "observe" them: "If your IQ is close to the 98th percentile you can become a subscriber to the society." How nice. Also, they have a really nicely crafted favicon.
- IQual Society[35] — The IQual society was created by merging two other high IQ societies: the Tenths society and the Bright Minds society. The catchphrase of the society is "Join us to the evolution." Be warned, anyone predisposed to seizures should avoid the IQual homepage.
- IQuestion Society[36] — Created to allow Mensa members join the World Intelligence Network.
- Mensa International[37] — By far the best known of all the high IQ societies. The Rolex watch of the High IQ World.
- Mysterium Society[38] — "Mysterium, not for the common genius." An awe-inspiring song autoplays on the society's homepage as soon as it is loaded, presumably composed by the society's founder Greg A. Grove, Professor of Music. In an interview transcribed on the site Professor Groves remarks — in a moment of lucidity — that measuring IQ scores above 140 is likely "somewhat meaningless" and any score above 120 will involve "statistical distortion."[39] One is led to wonder why he would then found a society that requires an IQ score of 130 for entry. The society's mantra "Mysterium is beyond outer space, inner space, and cyberspace." This ensures it is hard to determine whether this society is gently poking fun at itself, or an outright caricature.
Top 1%
- 99th percentile; 1/100; IQ 135 σ=15 / 137 σ=16
- Chorium[40] — a site that promotes "intellectual engagement among musicians." Their website is relatively sane, but does include the obligatory email links to the "administrator." Membership requires proof, in many allowed ways, of an IQ of roughly 140, as well as a music test.
- Elateneo/s Society[41] — A society founded by a fourteen-year-old (Andrés Gómez Emilsson) in 2005. Its stated goal is to "create a community where similar beings can communicate without restrictions." An ambitious goal, especially considering its website is hosted on a free web server.
- Intertel[42] — Established in 1966 and claiming over 1200 members in thirty countries, although members are mainly located in the US with only one of the society's eight regions devoted to international members. The society publishes a journal called Integra and regions also tend to publish their own newsletters. One of the few societies that is obviously a serious endeavour, although reading some of the poetry, uninformed speculation on intelligence and general bilge on their website may call their entrance standards into question.
- The Mind Society[43] — A reclusive society whose catchphrase is "Kindness meets mindedness." Not much else is known about the society except that they fiercely maintain their independence from other high IQ societies.
- Top One Percent Society (TOPS)[44] — Another society founded by Ronald Hoefflin, in 1989. TOPS started as a printed journal called In-Genius but metamorphised into a society with a journal now called Termite. TOPS has a strong online presence, for the average high IQ society, with both a LinkedIn and Facebook page. Unlike most high IQ societies, TOPS doesn't require any sort of payment.
- Ergo Society — A society dedicated to solving problems through creative applications of logic.
- UNIQ Society[45]
Top 0.5%
- 99.5th percentile; 1/200; IQ 139 σ=15 / 141 σ=16
- Colloquy[46] — Founded by Julia Cachia with the intention of being a high IQ society exclusively based on the Internet. The original website (http://colloquysociety.org/) contains a mountain of interviews and essays, although the external links don't always work, suggesting that the site is not well-maintained. A meta-narrative that underpins much of the writings on the site is the requirement for civil discourse. Living the high IQ life is often dangerous; clearly the site's founders were mistreated by the barbarians in other societies. Colloquy migrated to the groups.io platform in May 2019.
- Poetic Genius Society[47] — Another artistically orientated high IQ society founded by Dr. Greg Groves. The journal of the Poetic Genius Society is named "Apotheosis". Membership eligibility is based on scoring at the 99.5th percentile level on any of several IQ or standardized tests, as well as one's publication of poetry. The seemingly stringent former requirement is offset by the somewhat lax definition of "published", which could even include "high school poetry magazines".[48]
Top 0.37%
- 99.63rd percentile; 1/270; IQ 140 σ=15 / 143 σ=16
- HispanIQ International Society[49]
- Infinity International Society (IIS)[50] — Quotes from Einstein, trippy introduction page, creepy autoplaying music and the word infinity in the society's name; the IIS has all the trappings of self-aggrandising IQ societies. The IIS was founded in 2007, and has grown to include several hundred members. The society doesn't publish any journal, instead preferring to share a private forum with ePiq (another high IQ society) for members to share their insights.
Top 0.33%
- 99.666th percentile; 1/333; IQ 140 σ=15 / 143 σ=16
- Xeptiona[51] — An unknown society. Their webpage only consists of a braggish description and a contact field. Its design is good compared to the average society. Oh, and the page is hosted by Weebly...
Top 0.3%
- 99.7th percentile; 3/1,000; IQ 141 σ=15 / 144 σ=16
- Cerebrals Society[52] — Another high IQ society striving to use their obvious greatness to help humanity. In an act of staggering compassion the society allows idiots, who can only score better than 99% of the population, to join their society as lowly subscribers. At one point they even allowed active forum members to become associates but evidently no one jumped at the opportunity to eat their intellectual scraps, so they canned the position. The society is pretty much dead, with only occasional forums posts. The admissions inbox has been full for years and the administrator doesn't reply to PMs. The public message board doesn't seem to have anyone looking after it now and is full of spam.
Top 0.2%
- 99.8th percentile; 1/500; IQ 143 σ=15 / 146 σ=16
- ePiq Society[53] — The first test of admission into the ePiq society is to pronounce the founder's name — Chris Chsioufis. "The webpage design is well actualised. The colour selections seem to emphasize the nature of this society. Which is sophisticated, cultivated and there prevails a learned atmosphere."[54] — a devoted ePiq society fan. The society seems to act as a subsidiary arm of the Infinity International Society, with slightly higher entry standards.
- exactiq High IQ Society[55] — Founded in 2008 the exactiq society has recently acknowledged that the society is more interested in completing and designing spatial puzzles than serious conversations or measuring intelligence. Though this society used to require a 99.8th percentile score on a test their entrance standards are now more esoteric; the society states that if you are happy with your score on a test you can send it in and they will decide whether you pass muster.
- Neurocubo[56]
Top 0.13%
- 99.87th percentile; 13/10,000; IQ 145 σ=15 / 148 σ=16; +3σ
- Artistic Minds Society (Artifex Mens Congregatio)[57] — Another high IQ society that relies heavily on judicious use of the Latin language to demonstrate their intellectual superiority. The society has a forum and message board for members to communicate; however, recently the activity on both has been minimal and their main website has disappeared, indicating that the society may no longer be active.
- CIVIQ Society[58] — The CIVIQ society was founded in 2001 to help the intellectually gifted overcome the handicaps associated with their affliction. Apart from this noble — if slightly misguided — mission CIVIQ is another standard member society of the World Intelligence Network.
- Torr [59] - Torr is a modern micro social network intended to stimulate original ideas, awaken and develop talent throughout the world, provide fellowship, and ensure a better appreciation of the arts and sciences.
- UberIQ [60] - An online forum for supposedly exceptionally intelligent individuals. New users must submit test results and $20 to join.
Top 0.1%
- 99.9th percentile; 1/1,000; IQ 146 σ=15 / 149 σ=16
- Glia Society[61] — Did you know Einstein had more glial cells than the average person? If so you might be a potential member of the Glia society, because only geniuses know that Einstein was the smartest person to ever exist. There is so much cringeworthy content on the website that narrowing down the juiciest nuggets is hard. The name of their journal, which guarantees "absolute freedom of speech" (let's hope pædophiles don't find out) sounds like a member with a severe speech impediment thought it up while ordering a "thcoth on the rockth". They have an animated presentation on the founding of the club, with original music composed by founder Paul Cooijmans, should one wish to research the society's philosophy. Ominously — perhaps presciently — part of the website is appropriately titled "mind games" — like so many societies of this kind it is hard for us to distinguish between self-caricature and earnestness.
- International High IQ Society Milenija[62] — Their webpage is a work of art, a poignant look back at the worst of GeoCities webpages from the 90s. This society is part of a small group of societies founded by Mislav Predavec, including GenerIQ and Tetra. They all accept a similar array of tests as proof of entry; these tests are fine illustrations of the common pitfalls which beset high IQ society tests. For example the norm groups of most proclaim that simply by getting a raw score of 1 you have an IQ above 120.
- International Society for Philosophical Enquiry[63]
- IQuadrivium Society[64] — If there is one thing that every high IQ society member knows, it's that Einstein was and will be the smartest human being that ever existed. Obviously the IQuadrivium society is no different, with a picture of Albert on the mainpage as well as an obligatory list of Einstein quotes, many of which are misattributed. The society claims that if it were around 50 years ago then Einstein would probably have joined the society; an undisputable fact. Their website keeps a list of the top 20 active contributors — as of 2011-12-3, 2 people are on the list, with a grand total of 1 'recent activity item' each; a sign of a bustling, robust society.
- LOGIQ Society[65] — Another member of the World Intelligence Network, LOGIQ was founded in 2010 by poet, inventor, author and all-round polymath Martin Lithner. According to Lithner, “ridicule is the tribute paid to genius by the mediocrities”. Does this mean that Scientologists and World of Warcraft addicts are geniuses? Is his society primarily composed of furries and blondes? Unfortunately the society’s (relatively active) forum doesn’t allow guest access so our questions remain unanswered.
- One-in-a-Thousand Society[66] — Another High IQ society founded by the prolific Ronald Hoeflin which seems to operate through Yahoo groups. On 04-11-2012 the society's homepage had 55886 hits, but appears to have been largely abandoned as evidenced by the broken links and poorly set up site structure.
- Triple Nine Society[67] — The Triple Nine Society seems like a serious endeavour to create a high IQ society with a constitution and a journal named "Vidya". The society is kind enough to post the political views of the membership;[68] they believe that gun control restrictions should be eased, the government should apologise to Microsoft for anti-trust lawsuits, affirmative action should be illegal, there should be no restrictions on human cloning but some restrictions on genetic engineering of animals (presumably to avoid bio-engineered manticore/griffin armies), the death penalty should be used more and most support the use of war when "US Vital Interests Are Threatened". Obviously the membership primarily comes from the US, the smartest country on the planet.
Top 0.07%
- 99.93th percentile; 7/10,000; IQ 148 σ=15 / 151 σ=16
- ISI-Society[69] — Remarkably the obligatory quote on the front page of the ISI-society homepage is not from Einstein. The name of the society (ISI-S) references Isis, an ancient Egyptian goddess. The society hosts a journal named Chiaroscuro, for which they have online access up until the start of 2008. Chiaroscuro is primarily filled with the poetry, imagery, art and other creative works of the membership. For several years the society has been a member of ubiquitous World Intelligence Network.
Top 0.06%
- 99.94th percentile; 3/5,000; IQ 149 σ=15 / 152 σ=16
- Epida[70] — Another member of the World Intelligence Network, Epida gets its name from converting the number of standard deviations away from the mean you need to score on an IQ test to join the society. This totally doesn't feel contrived at all. If you score lower than the necessary joining figure you can enlist as a 'prospective member', implying that they allow you to retake tests until you get the score you need to join the society. This is a strange, if not admirable, position for a high IQ society.
Top 0.02%
- 99.98th percentle; 1/5000; IQ 153 σ=15 / 157 σ=16
- sPIqr[71] — Established by the autodidact writer, economist and amateur mathematician Marco Ripà with the aim of helping gifted children inside the school. At the moment, it is the most exclusive high IQ society located in Italy.
Top 0.009%
- 99.991st percentile; 9/100,000; IQ 156 σ=15 / 160 σ=16
- Coeus[72]
- Hall Of The Ancients[73] — Founded by a psychic and advocates pseudo-eugenics as well as authoritarianism, oh boy. Apparently all decisions for the common man should be made by the smartest .001% of the population. If Mensa is the Rolex of high IQ clubs then this one is the totally legitimate "Rollex" that you bought from the flea market.
- Vertex[74]
Top 0.003%
- 99.997th percentile; 3/100,000; IQ 160 σ=15 / 164 σ=16; +4σ
- Epimetheus Society [75]
- ERGO Society[76] — The people who devote days of their life to finishing complex puzzles are the real heroes. Ergo was set up to reward these self-sacrificing doyens of high IQ societies with free access to more complex puzzles for them to solve, ostensibly to assist with norming. Don't think too hard about that concept or it starts to resemble unpaid work.
- Homo Universalis Society[77]
- Prometheus Society [78] — Established in 1982 by the ubiquitous Ronald K. Hoeflin. Strangely enough the society no longer accepts either the Mega or the Titan test (created by Hoeflin) as proof of IQ for membership applications. Turns out allowing an untimed, unsupervised test of intelligence isn’t very ‘smart’.
- Tetra Society[79]
- HELLIQ society[80]
Top 0.001%
Top 0.0001%
- 99.9999th percentile; 1/1,000,000; IQ 172 σ=15 / 176 σ=16
- GenerIQ Society[84]
- Incognia[85]
- Mega Society[86] — Their website sends conflicting messages of "I don't realize that most people have broadband connections and it is now okay to use advanced HTML" and "We store everything in PDF so I hope your internet connection chokes!". They are one of the only high IQ societies pretentious enough to have a constitution.[87] In spite of these shortcomings, they are one of the more well-recognized high IQ organizations.
- Omega Society[88]
- Pi Society[89] — That with a name like "Pi Society" they are not a math club is a crime against all math nerds everywhere. We condemn them for their crappy website. However, we commend them for recognizing that not all smart people speak English and providing select pages in another language.[90]
Top 0.00003%

- 99.99997th percentile; 3/10,000,000; IQ 175 σ=15 / 180 σ=16; +5σ
- OLYMPIQ Society[91] — Consisted of 13 people in 2010,[92] but showing stellar growth by welcoming its 33rd member by 2015.[93] (Seriously people, when your organization has, in five years, only managed to grow from a baker's dozen to almost three dozen and your official website's "social impact" consists of a smattering of Facebook and Google+ likes and a few Twitter followers, it doesn't matter that you've changed it from saying "powered by WordPress" to "powered by the World Intelligence Network" at the bottom, it's time to suck it up and join MENSA or any of the other well-recognized high IQ societies.) Its founder, Dr. Evangelos G. Katsioulis, MD, MSc, PhD, is the only confirmed member of the Pars Society listed below.[94]
- Pars Society[95] — Exists only as a clearly abandoned website.[96] Which is a pity, because they have lots of things going for them: their main page has an awesome picture on it (a chair surrounded by—get this—more chairs), their logo looks like the deformed cousin of the National Geographic logo, and they enjoy capitalizing random words.[97] The Pars Society claims to represent people from over 17 countries, yet suspiciously fails to provide a membership list.[98] And again, the website is in English only, even though the webmaster is clearly not a native speaker—maybe he assumes English is the language of Smart People?
- Society Extreme Intelligence [sic][99] — Claims to be founded by "COSMiQ contactee" Brennan Marti(a)n on February 7th 2010. The website is curiously blog-like in appearance and the text formatting is reminiscent of Time Cube.
Top 0.000000001%
- 99.999999999th percentile; 1/1,000,000,000; IQ 190 σ=15 / 196 σ=16; +6σ
- Giga Society[100] — Complete with a website straight out of 1990s-era GeoCities, the Giga Society claims to represent people who would outdo 99.999999999% of the whole population in an IQ test. There are some caveats as to why this wouldn't represent only 7 people, such as fluctuation and people constantly leaving and joining as time passes, but generally the membership isn't likely to break into double figures very often. As the audience is global and the website is entirely in English—a language only about one billion people speak—one assumes about 6/7 of their potential audience will miss the point entirely (unless we make the assumption that anyone with that high an IQ will be fluent in several—if not all—languages, particularly one as widely used as English). The site is probably a parody, since it claims to have "t-mail" from future members sent back in time to the present, which, at the very least, is a hilarious read. They also tactfully acknowledge on their main page that while "[you] can not join by simply listing your real-life achievements, diplomas and the like, ...you are of course of greater value to society because of those than you would be because of a high test score."
Top 0.000000000001%
- 99.999999999999th percentile; 1/1,000,000,000,000; IQ 205 σ=15 / 212 σ=16; +7σ
- Tera Society[101] — Tera Society caters for the highest genetic potential IQ from all the Homo sapiens sapiens who have ever been conceived. (The wanky trinomial name should give you an idea of the sort of people who are behind this endeavor.) The logic of this society runs something like this. For every live birth, there are 7 to 9 conceptions. It has been estimated that a total of 80–120 billion people have been born. Ergo, there has been the genetic potential for approximately one trillion H.s.s. As IQ tests measure a certain phenotype of an individual, statistically it is expected that one person has been conceived with an IQ this high, although not necessarily born. If the Tera Society runs over the next 500,000 years of H.s.s. history it is expected to cater to up to nine members. The Tera Society is seen as the upper limit of IQ societies, and is contrasted with the pico society that is looking at the left side of the bell curve for IQ for one in a trillion conceptions. These people will, interestingly, have mildly negative IQs.
- Emma S. and Morgan J. are the only two people currently in the Tera Society. (Initials provided to protect privacy).
External links
- Deborah Solomon (December 12, 2004) "The Science of Second-Guessing"
- The Quest for Genius at CNN, 2008-11-29
- Mensa.org.uk - IQ Tests
- Lancelot Ware
- http://www.us.mensa.org/join/testscores/qualifyingscores/
- www.iq-brain.com
- www.testkidsiq.com
- IQ measurement at the 99.99997th percentile
- http://research3.bus.wisc.edu/file.php/151/hausknecht_trevor_jap.pdf
- http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk%3ACrundy&diff=588458&oldid=587515
- http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk%3ACrundy&diff=588466&oldid=588458
- http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk%3ACrundy&diff=588695&oldid=588693
- http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:Crundy&diff=prev&oldid=588690
- Entrance Criteria for High IQ Societies
- IQ comparison chart
- World Intelligence Network list of member societies. Retrieved 07-16-2015
- Brainy-child.com — Reliability of IQ Scores over Time, by By Inderbir Kaur Sandhu
- A Guide to Psychology and Practice
- High IQ Forum. Retrieved 2015-12-12.
- Orison-B High IQ Society. Retrieved 2012-12-12.
- AtlantIQ Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- International High IQ Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- omIQami society. Retrieved 2010-5-13.
- Alta Capacidad Hispana. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Deepbrain Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- AtheistIQ. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- http://www.freewebs.com/atheistiq/apps/members/membersList?q=&view=grid&sort=PERMISSIONS&offset=2
- Encefálica Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Greatest Minds
- High Potentials Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- http://www.highpotentialssociety.org/Society/Qualification/Tests_Overview/HPS_Tests/hps_tests.html
- Ingenium High IQ Society
- IQual Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- IQuestion Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Mensa International
- Mysterium Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- http://www.mysteriumsociety.org/ggroveinterview.html
- Chorium
- Elateneo/s Society.
- Intertel. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- The Mind Society Retrieved 2010-5-01.
- Top One Percent Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- UNIQ Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- . Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- . Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Poetic Genius: Qualify?
- HispanIQ International Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Infinity International Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Xeptiona. Retrieved 2017-12-04.
- Cerebrals Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- ePiq Society. Retrieved 2011-9-17.
- http://www.cerebrals.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1953
- exactiq High IQ Society. Retrieved 2011-9-27.
- Neurocubo. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Artistic Minds Society Artistic Minds Society. Retrieved 2011-10-7.
- CIVIQ Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- Torr. Retrieved 2019-11-19.
- UberIQ. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
- . Retrieved 2011-10-25.
- International High IQ Society Milenija. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- International Society for Philosophical Enquiry. Retrieved 2011-8-3.
- IQuadrivium Society. Retrieved 2011-12-3.
- LOGIQ Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- One-in-a-Thousand Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Triple Nine Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- http://www.triplenine.org/poll/index.html
- ISI-Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Epida. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- sPIqr. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Coeus. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Hall Of The Ancients. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Vertex. Retrieved 2010-5-06.
- Epimetheus Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- ERGO Society. Retrieved 2010-5-08.
- Homo Universalis Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Prometheus Society. Retrieved 2011-08-03.
- Tetra Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- . Retrieved 2011-10-4
- Eximia High IQ Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- The Ultranet. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- "http://highlygeniusworld-com.webnode.vn" . Retrieved 2016-8-12.
- GenerIQ Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Incognia. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Mega Society
- Constitution of the Mega Society. Accessed 05-17-2010. If you think that's silly, you should learn what it was like before they had a constitution—they put a bunch of really smart people in the same room, and no one had any idea what to do.
- Omega Society. Retrieved 2010-4-15.
- Pi Society
- "M. Classification", for example. Whatever the hell "M. Classification" is.
- OLYMPIQ Society
- Olympians. Retrieved 05-17-2010
- Olympians. Retrieved 07-16-2015
- Dr Evangelos G. Katsioulis, MD, MSc, PhD. Retrieved 05-17-2010.
- Pars Society
- It has only three pages—the foyer, the "about us" page, and a page with a list on it.
- "... High Intelligence Society..." Also, "The word "Pars" is the name of The Anatolian Leopard panthera pardus tulliana, which is known for its Power and Rarity. Pars symbolises BrainPower[sic] and Rarity of our Members." From their description page. Retrieved 05-17-2010.
- Our theory? One guy with a lot of passports. Or maybe 8 people with dual citizenship.
- Society Extreme Intelligence (archive.org - site defunct ca.2012)
- Giga Society
- Tera Society