The Federation of Damanhur is an Italian religious organisation founded in 1975. According to an impeccable source their own website, they have been recognised by the United Nations as "a model for a sustainable future".[1] They keep to themselves most of the time, dedicating their lives to "ritual tradition, social realization, experimentation and dynamics, and individual inner refinement", according to another impeccable source Wikipedia.[2] Damanhurians also dedicate themselves to other matters, which have attracted various levels of attention: cultish behaviour;[3] the building of "the eighth wonder of the world" (just a temple apparently decorated by Jeff Koons[4]);[5] and naked time travel involving German pop singers.[6] The Federation now has about a thousand members in its 500-hectare[7] property.
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v - t - e |
- Damanhur homepage
- Life at Damanhur
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- https://www.google.com/search?q=damanhur+wonder+world&rlz=1C1CHMD_enAU565AU565&source=lnms&tbm=isch
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