
The Counterjihad movement is a de-centralized far-right network between Western activists against Islam.

Inventing "The Other"
Fear And Loathing
v - t - e

The movement got a boost in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The movement came to prominence as one of its followers, Anders Behring Breivik, carried out a terrorist attack in 2011 and published a manifesto titled 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence, in which he argues that Europe is at war with muslims.

Prominent counter-jihad writers include Anders Behring BreivikFjordman, Bat Ye'or, Daniel Pipes, Pamela Geller, Jared Israel, Ned May and Hans Rustad, and important publications include Atlas Shrugs, Gates of Vienna, 1389, The Brussels Journal, and One of the most central beliefs of the counter-jihad movement is the "Eurabia" conspiracy theory.

See also

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