(formerly is a website that ostensibly promotes a form of Traditionalist Catholicism. The main goal of the site is to wipe out heterodoxy and to solidify the power of their version of orthodox Roman Catholic faith.

You gotta spin it to win it
Stop the presses!
We want pictures
of Spider-Man!
  • Journalism
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Extra! Extra!
  • WIGO World
v - t - e

The Archdiocese of Detroit has denied since 2008 that any Real Catholic TV entity has ecclesiastical consent required under Canon 216 to use the word "Catholic" in any endeavors[1] (Code of Canon Law 216). Probably this is one of the reasons why the site changed its name in 2012.

Obscure driving force

The site is the brainchild of "Emmy-Award winning journalist"[2] Michael VorbisFile:Wikipedia's W.svg Voris S.T.B.[3] (RCTV main spokesperson and co-owner with Marc Brammer) who has claimed he was incensed by what he considered the lies told about Catholicism in the book and movie, The Da Vinci Code.[4]

However, it appears that Voris is more puppet than entrepreneur, and Opus Dei member Marc Brammer is the money and driving force. Together, Voris and Brammer created a web of for-profit and non-profit entities under which RCTV operates.[5] Shea's Patheos blog Catholic and Enjoying It! exposed Brammer as also being the money behind E. Michael Jones' Culture Wars magazine as well. Religion, Politics and Culture carried this interview with Brammer presenting his version of ties to Voris.


The website also has its own YouTube channel. Considering the amount of effort put into the production of their videos, the site seems to be legitimate, and not a satire or a parody. (Their YouTube videos -- 274 of them as of 16 August 2010 -- usually fit within the ten minute time limit. However, the videos on their website run well over an hour.) An episode of "The Vortex," in which Voris advocates the overthrow of democracy and the institution of Catholic Dictatorship (not by the Pope, but by some unnamed "benevolent Catholic Monarch") was removed from RCTV's Youtube channel. You can view it here (Catholic Government) and find these ideas more subtly suggested by Brammer near the end of the above-referenced interview with Brammer at "Religion, Politics and the Culture."

The CIA, sorry, we mean, the FBI

One of their programs is the Faith Based Investigation (FBI, formerly the CIA - the Catholic Investigative Agency), which is "devoted to in-depth examination of scandals, betrayals and evil in the Church." Are they referring to...

No! Instead, the FBI's purpose is to "bring to light the dark deeds of evil Catholics-in-name-only, who are hijacking the Church for their own ends, not the ends of Christ!"

Trump administration ties

In 2020, the head of the Federal Elections Commission appeared on Church Militant and attacked Catholic bishops for not endorsing Republican candidates, while also describing the 2020 election as “a spiritual war” and saying the U. S. Constitution presupposes Christianity. [6]

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  • Official website -- ID and password required to access content. (But not to shop, donate or read their forums.)
  • However, thanks to the Googles, we were able to access this page that links to their long-form CIA videos. Or, if you want to go directly to these videos:
  • YouTube channel -- Some of their more interesting videos include:
    • "Catholic Government" -- Because the problem with democracy is that everyone gets a vote. We need a Catholic monarch to act a benevolent dictator. Ironically, when this video received too much scrutiny from both "non-virtuous" Catholics and non-Catholics, Voris caved in to the heathens and heretics -- i.e., he removed it. (Fortunately, somebody had the foresight to copy it and repost it here.) Voris decided to expound upon his opinions with the following:
    • "Some Clarity", a combination non-apology mea culpa and "explanation" that democracies always become evil when heathens and heretics are allowed to sway government policies. He also provides examples of virtuous[8] Catholic monarchs who he says were wonderful benevolent dictators rulers.
    • "Freedom of Speech" -- Which is bad because it can lead to heresy. (And this guy calls himself a journalist!)
    • "Hate is Good!" -- Hate is a family value! Without hatred of heresy, there could be no faith. Surely, you remember what Paul wrote in I Corinthians 13:2: "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not hate, I am nothing."


  1. Where, when, why or for what he won an Emmy is not so easy to find.
  2. Smug Toupee-Wearing Bonehead. Oh, sorry. Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus, or Bachelor of Sacred Theology. (Why not journalism?)
  3. "Emmy Award-Winning Broadcaster Leads Catholic Media Company", media advisory from Catholic PRWire website, posted 31 March 2008, accessed 16 August 2010.
  4. What is Real Catholic TV?
  6. I.e., the decline of the human race due in part to the effects of overpopulation.
  7. According to him.
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