Amitakh Stanford

Amitakh Stanford (formerly Amitakh Chiappalone) is a gibbering Australian lunatic channelling the truth about everything. She is very like David Icke with a smaller fan base.

The woo is out there
Aliens did it...
... and ran away
v - t - e
I am an extraterrestrial being – code name – Amitakh. I came to the Earth as a “walk-in”. One of my main responsibilities has been to keep close tabs on an evil alien being – code name – Ikluk.
—a revelation of alien conflict that is actually a rant about her ex-husband.[1]


The bio in her 1989 book New Information On The Centres of Consciousness lists her as holder of B.A., B. Ed., Grad. Dip. Sp. Ed., M. Litt., Grad. Dip. (Psych.), and Doctor of Metaphysical Science. She claims to have been a clinical hypnotherapist and a pastoral councillor before taking up metaphysics full-time.

She was married from at least the late 1980s until around 2000 to Joseph Chiappalone, a "gnostic and seer" who was at least as batshit crazy as her.[2] He published their works through his vanity press, Annwn Publications. After she left him she married Steffen Stanford, a frequent contributor to Xee-A-Twelve. Though she claims Joseph stalked her and tried to poison her dog,[1] Amitakh and Steffen actually live on the property next door to Joseph, who claims to be a great fan of both of them. Far North Queensland's a special place.


Her most noteworthy website is Xee-A-Twelve, formerly a magazine called Xee-A. The important information therein, in a series of articles by herself and other researchers, covers the divine secrets of everything on Earth and everything in the Universe. And how aliens tried to steal her dog.[3]

For many reasons, it became obvious to me that the craft had come to abduct Tronto, our Rottweiler. In full battle mode, I stood by Tronto's gate and surrounded him with a protective light, and mentally warned the occupants of the craft that they could not have him or any of our pets. I also telepathically called for assistance from our side, and expected a response from a rescue craft. At this point, the lights from the invading craft suddenly went out — the menacing craft was gone.

Reptilian theory expanded

The Vulturites were helpless as the Reptilian-assisted Australian team slammed in goal after goal after goal within the final six minutes and soared to a stunning, come-from-behind victory.

Amitakh extends the primitive Ickean understanding of Reptilian theory with important details on their competitors, the Vulturites (found as yet in no other conspiracy theorist's works). The Reptilians and Vulturites battle for Earth, even using soccer as a proxy battle.[4] It is not clear which is the bad guys and which is the worse guys.


As the putrid realm crumbles, its impure and filthy mathematics will be swept into a proper receptacle along with it.

Geometry is evil and the work of Darkness. Every geometric figure is an illusion created by Darkness to force us to worship him. All geometric figures contain the keys to solving the mysteries of life, which is why Darkness made them so confusing.

Some argue that the Sun is spherical, but it, like all stars, is actually a cube. (Earth is an icosahedron.) It only appears spherical because it spins so fast.[6]

Matter is another geometric illusion. All particles in the universe have smaller particles within them that are capable of thinking. Spinning triangles and cubes shield the thinking particle from harm or danger. Every particle in the universe is terrified of its death and begs for immortality.

Oh, and forget complex numbers negative numbers are evil.[5]

Flying Buffaloes 7

Her new website, Flying Buffaloes 7, continues her revelations concerning the aliens, interspersed with current and past politics.

The truth revealed about the truth revealed

If Amitakh and Dr. Chippalone have their way you will all be destroyed, along with the Earth and the Physical universe as a whole! We have a theme going here, yes?

Fortunately, you will be pleased to know that has "grave doubts" about her reliability[8] and have ascertained that she is in fact an Illuminati psy-op![7]


Subsequent book-length works have been website PDFs.

gollark: Or just my speaker.
gollark: Sonic weaponry, though... hmm...
gollark: That's actually my death noise.
gollark: Better drop this OP diamond sword + laser!
gollark: Simplify just uses one address and has an onscreen menu to pick what you buy.


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