Thanks to this amazing community I’ve acquired both great tools and guides to finally get my hands on fixing my AirPort Time Capsule that needed a fan replacement and I postponed it for years after just looking at those tiny connectors 😧

Yesterday I fixed another one not even looking at the guides - a pure joy 🤩

I always loved music and that’s why I started to play guitar when I was 8. Gosh, I even modded my Fender Telecaster the way I like and I’ve never found a similar guitar yet. And I have a few more modding ideas I’m about to accomplish in the nearest future.

But anyway, my love for music started long before guitars - when I was 5 my dad sent me a tape deck from the US to Europe - something I could only dream about. It was a Sony - nice, matte black machine with two cassette bays. I could barely read English - nothing even to talk about understanding voltages and so on. So my mom took the chance to figure which plug adapter should we use for this tape deck. And of course she chose the one without voltage conversion and we have immediately burned the transformer. The deck could only be used on batteries up until my dad returned, disassembled it, made a hole in its chassis and made it possible to be used with a 9V power adapter in addition to batteries. I’m still amazed by this decision - even now I would probably try to find a replacement transformer, but he found another way around that made the deck bring all of us joy for decades to come 🙌🏻