I am a Computer Science major at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, with the intent to concentrate in Artificial Intelligence and minor in Data Science.
Why Computer Science?
The reason I decided to pursue Computer Science as a career is due to the fact that I have always been interested in Science, but wanted to be able to be creative without the restrictions that are often enforced by many other branches of science. Computer programming enables me to create and constantly improve in a tangible way, without having to start all over if something breaks, a harsh reality of other types of engineering, as mistakes are not as easily mended in the physical world vs on the computer. As such, I have been able to create and challenge myself to face and solve real-world problems with virtual solutions, slowly but surely helping me to shape where I want to take my career after college.
In general, I want to pursue a career in software engineering. Regardless of its specification, I want to continue to be able to build and code systems that are actually put into use and have genuine meaning and benefit to those who need them. From there, I hope to concentrate on AI, as its possibilities in helping people and solving problems that we face without current solutions are practically endless. This serves as a goal and a challenge, as it forces me to learn advanced mathematics, a field that I often dislike and avoid, but will serve to help make me a well-rounded engineer in the field.
- Powerlifting
- Hiking
- Programming
- Podcasts
- Reading
Programming languages: (Proficient) Java, C++; (Familiar) Javascript, Python, R, C
Programming knowledge: Data structures, Object-Oriented Design, Project Analysis and Resolution, Unit Testing, Property-based Testing, JUnit 5, Data Analysis, and Statistics
C, One of the languages I am currently learning