About Me
Hello there! My name is Weston Wood, and I am a Computer Science Undergraduate student at California State University - Los Angeles (CalState-LA). I plan to use my Computer Science degree to land a Back-end Software Developer job after college.
All my life, I have been into technology, from when I played games on my original XBOX to trying to learn how to mod Minecraft to now just working on my own projects to improve my skill set.
- Programming Languages: JavaScript, Java, C++
- Apps/Frameworks: React, HTML, CSS, Firebase
- Compatibility with Microsoft Office and Google Suites
I am currently a Web Officer for the Association for Computing Machinery at CalState-LA. So far, I have assisted in the creation of our club registration page, helped board other members to the web committee, and created my own static personal website to show off my skills.
I joined as a member back in February 2023 and enrolled in a semester-long workshop on building your own portfolio website. I won the "Master Coder" award for the best-looking website. Then in May I applied and was accepted as a web committee leader and finally was promoted in July to Web Officer to help with projects and managing members.
Interests and Hobbies
When I am not playing video games or doing homework, I like to improve my skillset by working on my own projects. For example, I am currently working on another website to replace my own. This website will be dynamic and have backend and cloud capabilities. I also hang out and do club work, which includes projects and checking up on committee members. Finally, I like to read and consume facts through YouTube videos, Reddit, and sometimes books.