My name is Brittney, I am a senior at California State University Bakersfield. I am majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Management and a minor in Digital Media. My aspirations include getting experience in the entertainment industry by working for a large corporation as a manager before possibly creating or being a part of a small business myself. My skills, talents, and hobbies include a majority of creative arts like photography, videography, painting, writing, playing instruments, and singing.

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I have been recognized for my photography and painting abilities but have yet found a way to work them into my career. Because I am constantly creating, I have had many experiences having to fix items and devices effectively. I self maintain and make minor repairs on all my photography and videography equipment. I won an award from my local art museum with the "Best of Show" award for my photography. My journey is a testament to the power of lifelong learning, and I am excited to share my experiences and insights with you. My pass times are all creative and new ways to express myself in various forms. I am constantly looking for interesting and innovative forms of expression which makes me the perfect user of this experimental platform. I am excited to be exploring the world of curiosity and enthusiasm as I embark on this iFixit journey.

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