Hello, my name is Anastasia Hopkins. I am a sophomore at The University of New Orleans, and I am majoring in Electrical Engineering. I chose this major because one day, after gaining enough experience, I would love to teach it to inspire engineers and make a lot of money.

Block Image

The image towards the left is one of many projects I worked on at NOTEP Trade School, although it is not finished in that picture. It was one of the many things I was proud of at the time.

As of right now, I do not own any pets, but I love to read all different genres of books, as long as they are not murder mysteries. If I had to pick my favorite genre currently, it would be comedy. It is always good to get lost in a book; one of my favorite quotes would be "That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet."

I have some skills in repairing things, but I have never sat down to write a repair guide for someone else to follow along with. I am excited to start learning how to write repair guides and help contribute to lessening the electronic waste that is going on in the world.


  • Osha 10 Certified
  • NCCER Electrical 1
  • NCCER Electrical 2


  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Video Games