I am a college student at the University of Massachusetts Darthmouth studying Mechanical Engineering. Since mid 2021, I got real into collecting and using tools like Leathermans and Benchmades. I started this niche hobby out of boredom at first when many PC games started to get stale for me. During this time I had no issues with any of my purchases until the omega spring in my Benchmade Bugout 535 broke. At first I was quite disapointed since I spend $180 on this thinking it would last me a lifetime without any problems, but I quickly went online to find repair guides. Within 5 minutes I found the spare parts, tools I would need, multiple video guides on how to do the repair, and how to make the knife even better. A few days later I got all the parts and repared the knife with some upgrades to make it smoother to open. I could have at any point sent it back to the manufacter for only $10, but it would have been a 2 to 3 week turnaround. Going through with this was more expensive, but I see it as an investment. After all, I will never have to buy the tools to repair my knife again and in the end I have a better product.

As you can see, I really like these tools and I have continued to buy them dispite these issue as they can be fixed. But sometimes the manufacturers make weird choices that have require the tool to be modefied or parts replaced by the end user. Sometimes for my multitools, the toolset in them are redundant, so they need to be switched out. Like the Leatherman Charge+'s large flat head, it is often switched out with an AWL/reamer since there is already another flathead in it. Other times the structural integrity is questionable, like the base model Benchmade Bugout. The flexing handles can be fixed by swapping out the plastic Grivory scales with something like G10, aluminum, titanium, and so much more.

Dispite all the flaws I still like buying these tools and modifying them, it makes them feel more personal. With the 1st party support on warrenty, wide range of 3rd party options on buying custom or modified parts, and the hundreds if not thousands of forums & videos online, I can make these last more than a lifetime.