• Introduction


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  • Hello everyone! My name is Christian A. Roman Cataquet. I am a second-year bachelor at Universidad de Puerto Rico resinto Universitario de Mayagüez.
  • Education
  • I graduated high school in Juan Suarez Pelegrina vocacional, where I took accounting and other related classes. Now I’m in my second year in the Universidad de Puerto Rico resinto Universitario de Mayagüez in electrical engineering bachelor.
  • Skills
  • I have experience 3D modeling and 3D printing. I am good at improvising and finding remedies for problems in the moment. I know how to modify and fix electronical devises.


* Repair experience

  • My family is full of professionals who fix a variety of thing for a living. I have learned a lot from them, and I have learned on my own how to fix electronics. My proudest fix is the time I fixed my play station 4, it refused to turn on, so I search all over the internet possible problems and managed to find and fix the problem on my own.


* Hobbies

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I am a 3D printer hobbyist. I make my own 3D models and modify others 3D models. I am relatively new to this hobby, but I have passed a lot of time on it. I also like to keep carnivorous plants and other unusual plants.