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My name is Jonathan Mason and I am currently a Junior attending the University of Memphis.


At the University of Memphis, I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I am a member of the University’s Honors Program. I


I have always wanted to be an engineer and I enjoy designing things. I want to pursue a Master’s in Aeronautical Engineering. I volunteered to clean up my local military base in High School and have always tried to volunteer for my hometown whenever I get extra free time.

Repair Experience

I have a lot of experience with taking apart electronics. My most recent repair was of one of my mechanical keyboards. I was desoldering switches to replace with different switches when I accidentally burnt out one of the contact pads. I had to jump to another trace on the motherboard in order for the entire key row to function properly. I am very familiar with the right to repair movement and fully support it and everything it does.


I am very good at problem-solving and always try to figure out how things work. I am technologically proficient in graphic design programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. I also am very good at soldering, which should help me when repairing electrical devices.


  • C.C.H. Presidential Scholarship (2019 - Present)
  • University of Memphis Dean’s List (2020)
  • Herf Engineering Scholarship (2019-2021)


  • Honors Society (2020)
  • e-Sports Club (2019)


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I enjoy spending my free time improving my graphic design skills since it’s something that I would like to do on the side when I graduate. I also spent about 8 years playing Soccer and I was an extremely talented Goalie. I enjoy working on mechanical keyboards and even made my own mechanical keyboard with custom order parts.