Fight for Repair because that does mean Green Planet not just to say I work in Ecological areas like many people around the World when many politicians do not do anything about. In past time all technical products was created to be special for repair not just to fabric like on those times where a lot of tradition manufactures become just down concurrent with non professional manufactures and just for win money and lost today their reputations because of non fighting's against Garbage on the Planet just gab themselves "we do for Planet" but none of the manufactures today do that and just make more and more and more Garbage because of idiotic concurrence between them and the new non feeling anything about moral degradation of the "new companies" who make other traditional companies to make themselves ashamed because do not keep up for Garbage on Planet like "them" the "new generation" of just Garbage with their "perfect new technology".

One day I ask those new manufactures, from where they have knowledge about technologies and they do not respond because they stole after all from each to another's what real people create in the past like real Pioneers of Science and because they do not exist then, come those people to say: "we are a new generation" and to make money it's that just important not Garbage on the Planet and we will move in the future with more Garbage even on the Space because we have a lot of money for pay taxes and we are not punish for make more Garbage anywhere.

That's how governs from all countries of all World become, to make more Garbage on World.