School: UMass Dartmouth

Major: I chose to pursue a double major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. I have a great familiarity with computers and technology and I want to learn how to advance them into the oncoming future.

Aspirations: I am not sure exactly what kind of job that I would like and what I would like to research/create but I could see myself working on new technology that is used in space exploration like NASA.

Skills: I am very familiar with computer aided design and Microsoft Tools, I like to think of myself as a problem solver and a critical thinker.

Projects/Accomplishments: I have used my Autodesk Inventor User License to create a recreation of the physics gun from Garry’s Mod and learn about rendering as well as raytracing environments and setting scenes for digital photos using the object I create in CAD.

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Repair Experience: I have repaired several minor things in my time, most involving issues revolving around my computer or car. I would like to learn more about fixing things involving computer software to help further my understanding on the systems that I use.

Accolades: I am currently on the Chancellors List as October 2020. I also graduated highschool with Highest Honors as well as being in honors society.

Groups/Memberships: I am currently in the Honors College at UMass Dartmouth

Hobbies: I like to do things on my computer, whether it be videogames or watching videos or programming. In the summer I like to go on bike rides and fish.

How does this project relate to you?: I plan to use the skills I gain from this project to help create future repairs and create a process in which I can reuse when approaching a repair project.