Hi, welcome to my profile. My is Sabih Akram.


I am currently studying at York University and majoring in Information Technology. I chose this major because I love coding and I also love programming so it’s basically perfect for me. I am in my second year at university and it has been a hell of a ride especially with COVID-19.


I am currently working towards becoming a software engineer and pursuing my dream to one day have my own company that is as big as Apple, Samsung, Tesla, Microsoft, etc.


Currently, I have made a few discord bots as I use discord a lot. One of the bots I have made is a giveaway bot which basically hosts a giveaway and the user of the bot can add requirements to the giveaway. For example, the user can set the requirements for the giveaway that the entrant needs at least 100 messages in the discord server. If anyone tries to enter the giveaway that does not have at least 100 messages will be denied the entry to the giveaway. If they do have 100 messages it will allow them to enter the giveaway.