My name's Simone, I'm from Italy, PC building/modding enthusiast, proud retro gamer and collector, GNU/Linux user since...well it was before GNOME 3 DE came around and when tinkering with the OS splash screens was still a thing! XD

I started my journey on iFixit translating repair guides into Italian - in fact I enjoy learning and communicating in different languages, then ventured in answering questions on the forum the best that I could with the limited expertise that I had: my tech-related knowledge is mostly self-taught (friends, magazines, internet) and gained after a good amount of trial and error. Only attended a bunch of programming courses before graduating (in a totally different subject, humanistic studies).

I believe it's great to learn how things work and how to fix them when they stop working, or how to update/repurpose them when they become outdated or unusable; in an era when sharing our knowledge couldn't get any easier, we should all have the right to have access to the information needed when deciding to engage in a DIY repair (and iFixit deserves praise for its remarkable commitment to achieving that); then it goes without saying, we should also give something back by helping others out as much as we can; in the end, I hope my modest contribution to this community that is teaching me so much will prove valuable to as many as possible and help me reach that goal.