I am a student in TCOM 205. I think this class will be interesting and useful. This is my 2nd year in EWU, which means that I am a sophomore. Hopefully in 2 years and 1 quarter I will graduate. My idea for majoring in Technical Communication was to work in an international corporation that includes international contracts. I would really like to travel since it doesn't happen to me all the time. I am a very successful student and by the age of 14 I had graduate from Penn Foster High School. All of these years I have been reaching to my goal and I found the lead which is here, EWU.

Starting when I am a student in the Columbia Virtual Academy I had made researches about Technical Communication, and I would admit that this major is exactly what I was looking for. My older sister led my interest into Design and I am minoring in VCD, Visual Communication Designer. I have took some design classes at EWU and am currently taking Digital Video. My starting student life is not so big, like others, but I try to do small things that all together will look as if big. After finishing EWU, I wish to become an advocate.