I am using "ifixit" because I'm trying to save some $. My wife and I simply LOVE apple products. We use iPods, iPhones and recently iWatches. My 32mm gen 1, iWatch was replaced just before the "AppleCare Warranty" ran out. My wife rarely used her 42mm gen 1, iWatch, and it lasted longer than her Apple Warranty lasted. Until the watch face fell out! After pricing what out of pocket repairs cost....I bought her a new gen 2....

Actually I am thrifty minded enough to NOT throwing away a 4 to 500 dollar watch...So off to YouTube I go.....

My local Battery store charged over $50.00 just to replace a battery in my gen 1-iPod. So I am left with the only reasonable solution....DO IT YOURSELF.....I watched some YouTube videos....Made some "home made" plastic tools....And pulled the touch sesitive gasket outta the watch....

I wished I had found "ifixit" before beginning the iWatch surgery. My confidence is high. And will follow-up in ifixit, when the repairs are completed. My personal motto is....Tools are money....With the right tools, and a good manual, the money stays in my wallet instead of a $100.00 an hour mechanic's wallet. (Or technicians )....