Hydro plant with 2 nozzles, (a.k.a. "Schnödels" in German) generating 200w continuously with 17' head and about 1gal/sec volume. It has a brass turgo wheel, which looks like the fan in a jet engine. The generator itself is a permanent magnet setup, which are glued under the spinning hub, the pick up coils are embedded in the epoxy below. By raising and lowering the hub, I can optimize the resistance of the magnetic fields versus the available power from the water pressure...if that makes any sense to you. The fogged up box contains a heat coil, to which power gets diverted when the battery reaches overfull conditions, as determined by voltage regulator. The other image is my catchment, with a high tech refrigerator grill as an intake filter. Solar panels generate my power in the summer, and a little yamaha 3Kw genny is there as backup...hardly ever runs.

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Here is my shop for cedar kayak and furniture building, with attached greenhouse and solar panels in front.

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Since Mayer asked to see my solar set up, here are my panels:

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They are attached so I can tilt them as the sun moves across the sky:

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The battery bank and the Outback inverter and charge controller:

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